
美 [rɪˈbeljəs]英 [rɪ'beljəs]
  • adj.反叛的;叛逆的;桀骜不驯的;叛乱的
  • 网络反抗的;难控制的;造反的

rebellious spirit


1.反叛的;叛逆的;桀骜不驯的unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc.

2.叛乱的;造反的;反对权威的opposed to the government of a country; opposed to those in authority within an organization


英语词汇的奥秘 ... spacious 宽敞的 rebellious 反叛的 curious 好奇的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... rebel 反叛 rebellious 反抗的,难控制的 belligerent 交战的,准备打架的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... rebel 反叛 rebellious 反抗的,难控制的 belligerent 交战的,准备打架的 ...


点滴学英语: ... 139. arrow 箭头 138. rebellious 叛逆的 137. baggy 袋状的,松垮的 ...


英语新闻·词汇天下—20110605_刘仁博士_新浪博客 ... 8. bellicose 好战的 9. rebellious 造反的,反叛的 1. tense 紧张的;时态 ...

The rebellious, the children do not listen to the parents not only useful advice, education, guidance, or even have to do in reverse. 由于逆反,孩子不但不听家长有益的忠告、教育、指点,甚至非要反着做。
Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord . 求你不要记念我幼年的罪愆,和我的过犯。耶和华阿,求你因你的恩惠,按你的慈爱记念我。
I, in turn, grew up as a very mischievous and rebellious child which could have been a case of instant karma. 我,作为他们反叛的报应,如果能有个将我的成长过程一格格拍下的照相机,你将发现我是个非常顽皮和叛逆的孩子。
He'll be a teenager before you know it! Teenagers are often rebellious! When do you think it is a good age to have a child? 不知不觉他就长成十几岁的少年了。十多岁的孩子很叛逆的。你认为什么年龄生小孩比较好?
This particular young man refused to make such a declaration and was consequently dismissed from the training for being "rebellious. " 这个特别的年轻人拒绝做这样的宣告,因此就被退训,因为他「背叛」。
In his company, my first business was to go to that part of the coast where my rebellious crew had ordered me to be set on shore. 我要做的第一件事就是让它陪着我到当初反叛我的那些水手逼我上岸的那一带海岸去。
This treatment did not make them tolerant of any rebellious behaviour in others, including civilians. 这样的措施使得他们对待他人(包括平民)的反叛行为从来都不会心慈手软。
Yet the striking feature of the latest protest movement is that this time the rebellious forces are on the side of conservatism. 但是最近一次抗议运动的显著特征是把焦点集中到了保守派身上。
Do not falter my fellow Americans. Do not put up with the rebellious nature of our subordinate countries. 别在支支吾吾了,我的美国同胞们,不要再忍受一个棋子国家的造反了。
The bodys breach of and transcendence over the conventions of the theatrical genre is energized by the rebellious nature of Bashu culture. 而身体对“程式”的超越精神则来源于巴蜀文化的反叛性格。
It is often thought to be a positive part of their development when young people are rebellious. 一般来讲,青少年的叛逆被认为是一种正面的成长。
Back then, a rebellious Ms. Li was at loggerheads with the state sports bureaucracy, which took up to 65% of her winnings. 桀骜不驯的李娜当时与国家体育总局闹不和,她打比赛获得的奖金65%要上交给后者。
I was angry and rebellious, with little regard for anything my parents had to say, particularly if it had to do with me. 我很生气,叛逆,与任何东西我的父母说的话很少考虑,尤其是当它与我。
On account of your rebellious manner to me I was tempted to go further than I should have done. 当时因为你对我那样桀骜,我做得可就有些出格了。
"When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order" (Proverbs 28: 2). 「邦国因有罪过,君王就多更换;因有聪明知识的人,国必长存」(箴言28章2节)。
Lailai has recently been rebellious as if he has reached to the first rebellious period, now matter what parents say, he never obeys. 莱莱最近很叛逆,不知道是不是到了他的第一叛逆期,大人说什么,他要么听而不闻,要么就和你对着干。
Gradually a rebellious feeling had replaced the extreme prostration of the beginning, and Bertha raged at the injustice of her lot. 渐渐地,一种反抗的心理取代了起初的极度沮丧,伯莎为自己命运的不公而念念不平。
Due to the points mentioned above, Prof. Hu's opinion seems to be overcompensating, and also seems to have a rebellious tone. 基于上述判断,胡教授的观点似乎真的矫枉过正了,也似乎有离经叛道的意思。
He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations- let not the rebellious rise up against him. 他用权能治理万民,直到永远。他的眼睛鉴察列邦。
If your babe is the baby of his brood, 28 "he's likely to be creative and a little rebellious. " 如果你的“宝贝”同样也是他们家最小的宝贝那么28“他通常富有创造力,并且有些叛逆。”
But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you. 人子啊,要听我对你所说的话,不要悖逆像那悖逆之家,你要开口吃我所赐给你的。
The election of 1912 seems to have demonstrated that the American people were in an overwhelming progressive, if not rebellious, mood. 1912年的选举似乎证明:当时美国人民即使不是怀有造反的,也怀有一种其势不可抵挡的要求进步的情绪。
He resurfaced in the regime's hands in Damascus, where he made a televised retraction of his previous rebellious statements. 后来他又在大马士革现身,在电视上宣布收回自己先前的反叛言论。
For a start, doodling isn't really a rebellious act at all, at least not any more. 首先,涂鸦其实根本不是一种反叛行为,至少现在不再是。
The rebellious youth did not live up to Sagaro's strict disciplines and washed out of Senate Guard training. 这个叛逆的年轻人没有遵从萨戈罗的高标准严要求,反而在议会卫队的训练中被淘汰了。
She was rebellious and not always very popular with the staff at her school, but well liked by her peers. 她的反抗性很强,学校的教职员工都对他感到头痛,但她的同学们很喜欢她。
If you have been rebellious against the LORD while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die! 我今日还活着与你们同在,你们尚且悖逆耶和华,何况我死后呢?
When a reckless bank robber and his rebellious teenage hostage hole up for the night in a bad motel, anything can happen. 一个没经验的银行抢匪和一个被掳做人质的叛逆少女在一个破旧汽车旅馆内过夜,任何事情都能发生。
Maybe we thought our rebellious streak made us look dashing and "with it. " Maybe we thought we were totally in control. 我们或许以为我们的反叛性情可令我们看来醒目和「入流」,我们或许认为自己能控制一切;
His failed assessment is said to be partly deliberate, due to his rebellious nature and dislike of public schools. 据说,他没有通过测试是有意的,因为他的逆反本性和对公立学校的讨厌。