
美 [iː]英 [iː]
  • na.同“Ecstasy”;英文字母表第五字母;【乐】E调;E字形
  • 网络电子;东;差




1.英语字母表的第 5 个字母the fifth letter in the English alphabet

3.(学业成绩)第五等,劣the fifth highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is very bad


电子E—)和空穴(H+),将吸收的光能转化成化学能,即具有光催化作用。当光催化触媒材料(GC-100)与空气中的水 …

罗经读数 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 东北偏东 ENE E 东南偏东 ESE ...

...具有的能量(E L )恰好等于分子振动 能级的能量(△E v )时,则分子将 吸收红外辐射而跃迁至激发态,导致 振幅增大。


e. g. I would do anything for her, and I would trade her for you in a heartbeat. 我可以为她做任何事。但我可以立刻用她来交换你。
A week later, the New York Times announced that Robert E. Peary had been the first man to reach the North Pole. 一个星期后,纽约时报宣布罗伯特皮尔里是第一个到达北极的人。
Prolonged local application of a corticosteroid cream, e. g. clobetasol, is usually warranted. 长期局部应用的糖皮质激素霜,如丙酸氯倍他索,通常是必要的。
e. On account of the discontimuance of business at the company, I left the office. 因为公司的效益不景气,所以,我辞职了。
In contrast, it is easier to see a glass held in air because some light is reflected from it i. E. A change in direction of light. 在空气中容易见到酒杯是因为部分光被它反射而方向变化较大。
He said he found the same result with people being asked to name one of four people sending them an e-mail before it had landed. 他指出,在收到来自位亲朋的电子邮件之前猜发件人的实验中,研究者获得了与上述电话试验相同的结果。
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was thought to be responsible for acute hepatitis that did not become chronic. 过去认为戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染可以导致急性肝炎,但是并不会变为慢性。
E is for her eyes, shining with the light of love. E代表她闪着慈爱目光的一双眼睛。
e. g. He knew that only years of battling had taught her to insist even so little on her rights. 他知道只有长年饱经风霜,她才学会了稍稍争一下自己的权利。
Yet when my son's doctor told me he thought it would be fine, that he could E-mail his assessments, I tore myself away. 然而儿子的医生也告诉我那样做会好一些,他可以用电子邮件向我传递治疗报告,我只好忍痛离开了。
The egg class is one nutrition very rich food, including protein which and massive micro e elements rich easy to absorb. 蛋类是一种营养十分丰富的食品,含丰富的容易吸收的蛋白质及大量的微峨元素。
H e has a strong sense of responsibility , and that's why he is chosen to take control of this project. 他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。
It has been widely applied to the studies referred to life science, e. g. gene engineering, heredity engineering and cell engineering, etc. 它已广泛应用于基因工程、遗传工程、细胞工程等生命科学的各个研究领域。
e. g. Measures must be taken to have the overheated economy cooled down. Otherwise, it would be out of control. 如果再不采取果断措施给过热的经济降温,经济局面会失控。
Not long after returning, she was promoted to partner in E&Y's fraud investigation and dispute services department in London. 回国后不久,她被升为安永伦敦欺诈调查与纠纷咨询部合伙人。
e. g: The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're up to. 孩子们这么安静,我想知道他们又在打什么鬼主意呢。
But this time, the E. P. A. stepped in and in 2007 told him that he was out of compliance with the Clean Water Act. 但是这一次,环保局介入了,并在2007年告知他违反了清洁水法案。
None of them have been able to rejuvenate Yahoo's dying business model or clean up the mess with Chinese e-commerce powerhouse Alibaba. 没有一个人能重振雅虎奄奄一息的商业模式或收拾与中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴之间的烂摊子。
This reflects the period of its entry into English, i. e. the nineteen-fifties, but the word is by no means a newcomer in its native land. 这反映了它进入英语的时期系二十世纪五十年代,但它在自己的国土上并非新词。
At the risk of sounding like I'm beating the company drum, too often e-business is viewed in terms of the "e" rather than the "business" . 冒着听起来好象是在鼓吹公司的危险,人们常常把电子商务看成是“电子”而非“商务”。
Through the analysis of sound resources, techniques and concept of creation, this article demonstrates the features of his e-musical works. 本文通过对声音素材、技术手段和创作理念的分析研究,论述了张小夫电子音乐创作的特征。
In the current languages, BPEL seems to be leading the race and thus an ideal candidate for building e-business dialogues. 在当前的语言中,BPEL似乎在领导着潮流,因而是构建电子商务对话的理想候选者。
And with its perfect score in thee-Health category, Denmark proves that it is embracing new technology in its quest to improve its system. 并且在e保健类的良好成绩,证明丹麦将新技术应用于寻求改善其医疗保健系统的方法中。
Like the rest of the U. A. E. , it has also been actively promoted as a tourist destination. 与阿联酋的其他酋长国一样,它也在积极地向一个旅游胜地发展。
She plans to browse job search websites, e-mail friends to see if they know of any prospects and apply for a few positions. 她打算浏览求职网站,给朋友发邮件,看看她们有没有合适的人选,然后申请一些职位。
Loose hair must not tough the shoulders, If so, it must be worn up in an elegant professional style. E. g. : braided, pony-tail, bun. 头发长度不能到肩膀,否则的话一定要优雅专业扎起来。如:辫子、绑成马尾状、盘成发髻。
e. g. She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever worked with. 她是与我合作过的最漂亮的女孩之一。
Friends of Mr. Summers say he has always been meticulous about avoiding conflicts of interest and that he was just as careful at D. E. Shaw. 萨默斯的朋友说,一直以来,他竭力避免利益冲突的出现,在D.E.Shaw公司工作时,萨默斯也同样谨慎。
Unfortunately, drugs are often sold through spam e-mail, and genuine messages you might be expecting can get caught by the system. 不幸的是,人们常常通过垃圾电子邮件来兜售药品,并且系统可能会阻止您希望接收的真实消息。
But, Ge Leit'e has seen through sorceress's thoughts, she said: "Did not know how should do, how has to go in? " 但是,葛蕾特已看穿了巫婆的心思,她说:「不晓得应该怎麽做,要怎麽进去呢?」