
美 [rɪˈses]英 [rɪˈses]
  • v.休会;暂停;宣布暂停;把…放进壁龛(或壁橱)
  • n.休会期;休庭;壁龛;课间休息
  • 网络凹槽;凹座;凹进处

复数:recesses 现在分词:recessing 过去式:recessed

congressional recess


n. v.

2.[c]休庭a short break in a trial in court

4.[c]壁龛;壁橱;凹室a part of a wall that is set further back than the rest of the wall, forming a space

5.[c][usupl]隐蔽处;幽深处the part of a place that is furthest from the light and hard to see or get to


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... successive 连续的 recess 休息;隐居 recession 撤退;交还 ...


【转贴】PB学习笔记 很不错~_越狱吧_百度贴吧 ... your honor: 在法庭里对法官的尊称。 recess休庭 incline 倾向于 ...


赵丽——GRE词汇课 - 豆丁网 ... re- 回 recess 凹槽 alcove 佛刊, 神刊 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... rapporteur 报告起草人 recess 休会 referendum 全民公决 ...


机械工程英语专业词汇 - 豆丁网 ... ( 纸张的计数单位) ream 263 、 凹座 recess 264 、 凹模 hollowing block 265 、 ...


土建专业英语 - 学贵有恒的日志 - 网易博客 ... 凹进 recess 凹进处 recess 凹面 concave ...


江苏译林牛津初中8A英语单词表 有中文_百度知道 ... movie n. <美>电影 recess n. <美>课间休息 soccer n. <美>足球 ...


石材加工工艺英文_百度知道 ... 孔洞( hole) 凹陷( recess) 两核( concretion) ...

The fifteen minutes seemed an hour, but they came to an end at last, and the word 'Recess! ' had never seemed so welcome to her before. 度‘分’如年,可也终有结束的一刻;那声“下课”,从来没像今天一样受人欢迎。
I have not allowed myself, sir, to look beyond the Union, to see what might lie hidden in the dark recess behind. 先生,我还没允许我自己朝联邦以外去看,看看在后面的黑暗深处可能隐藏着什么。
The president has said he wants Congress to finish the work on the legislation before it's its traditional long summer recess in August. 奥巴马总统表示,他希望国会能在8月传统漫长的夏季休会前完成医改的立法。
The principal's response was to introduce an extra gym class every week and give the children more freedom during recess. 校长的回应就是每周多安排一节体育课,并且让孩子在休息时有更多的自由。
If the boys do not finish their homework, they must do so the next day during recess. 孩子们没有完成作业的话,在第二天课间休息的时候他们就必须接着做。
Madge took Levitt's advice, retreating as fast as she could, and dragging Jeanie along with her into a sort of recess. 玛吉听从莱维特的劝告,尽快地拉着珍妮走进一个跟耳房差不多的地方。
Each of the segments has a recess making up a magnetic reluctance portion and an opposite pair of ends making up salient-pole portions. 该对末端在旋转轴的圆周方向上彼此相对,并且在该对末端之间设置有该凹口,从而各自地构成一对凸极部;
The full Senate will take up the matter after this week's Thanksgiving recess, with the leadership keen to pass it before Christmas. 参议院全体在本周感恩节假期后将开始从事这件事,领导层非常想在圣诞节之前通过这项法案。
In particular embodiments, the integrated subassembly is inserted into a recess in a housing of a shaving razor. 某几型产品中,整体的刀片组插入(剃须刀)外罩的凹穴。
In recording a purchase, the plate was laid into a recess in the imprinter, with a paper "charge slip" positioned on top of it. 处理购买交易时,在这种薄片上附一张纸质签购单,然后放进特定印刷器的卡槽里。
The president has said he wants Congress to finish work on the legislation before its traditional long summer recess in August. 奥巴马总统表示,他希望国会在8月开始的传统夏季长假开始之前能够完成立法工作。
When he awoke it was as if they were on recess from fighting, none of them wanted that ever again. 当他醒来的时候,他们好象已经休战了,谁也不想再吵吵闹闹了。
Congress returns from recess on Tuesday, and bipartisan groups in the House and Senate have been trying to hash out compromise deals. 美国国会周二结束了休会期,参众两院的两党小组正在努力展开认真的讨论,以求达成妥协性协议。
I noticed that at recess, she was the girl who picked the other girls to be on her team. 我注意到,课间休息的时候,她是那个有权决定谁该和她同队的人。
To see a boy go into a grocery store at noon recess was a hairbreadth short of a miracle to me. 看到男生在午休时去杂货店…对我来说简直是个奇迹。
The routine of following lesson after lesson can be very tiring. Recess time always seems so far away. 课间休息时间似乎总是那么遥远。
In a telephone interview from Jerusalem, WFP Spokesman, Robin Lodge, tells VOA, the so-called humanitarian recess is only a first step. 世界粮食计划署发言人罗宾·洛奇在耶路撒冷接受美国之音电话采访时说,所谓的人道主义休战只是第一步。
With Congress coming out of recess, House Agriculture subcommittees will begin plunging into the next round of farm bill markups this week. 随着国会休会期的结束,众议院农业小组委员会本周将对农业法案进行下一轮审定。
'Every scientist dreams in a recess of his mind that he one day will get a call like that, ' Dr. Lefkowitz said. 莱夫科维茨博士说,每位科学家在心灵深处都梦想著有一天能接到这样的电话。
And one of the single best opportunities to do just that happens to be where we would least expect it: on the playground during recess. 并且一个最好的改变机会恰恰发生在我们根本没有想到的地方:课间休息的操场上。
A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he is open to debating the bill after Congress returns from its recess next week. 参议院多数党领袖雷德(HarryReid)的发言人表示,下周国会休会期结束后,雷德不排除就议案展开辩论。
Mr Obama's goal of getting this done by the summer recess seems to be receding fast. 奥巴马要在夏季休会期间完成的目标看起来要延期。
A likely solution to this problem , where specimen vibration is present, is to recess the probe into a hard - rubber sheath . 当试样发生振动时,合适的解决方法是把探头放进一个硬橡皮护套里。
Mrs Linton sat in a loose, white dress, with a light shawl over her shoulders, in the recess of the open window, as usual. 林惇夫人穿着一件宽大的白衣服,和往常一样,坐在一个敞开着窗子的凹处,肩上披着一条薄薄的肩巾。
In a chat with students during recess, I said to them: "Sometimes the sales people feel really bad, sometimes too painful. " 在一次课间与学员的聊天中,我对他们说:“销售工作有时候真的是让人心情很坏,有的时候也让人痛苦。”
Yet China- watches say the rest of Congress is unlikely to support confrontation in the short term, at least before the summer recess . 但中国观察人士表示,其他国会议员近期内不太可能支持与中国对峙——至少是在夏季休会前。
During a given session, Congress may recess several times, for periods ranging from a few days to several weeks. 在一个会期内,国会可能会休会数次,时间从几天到几个星期不等。
Gradually, Francisco began hanging out with other kids at recess and participating in class. 渐渐的弗朗西斯科开始去上课并且在放假时跟其他孩子一起出去玩。
a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the the altar. 尤其是在教堂的东部的半球形的或拱状的凹室;通常包括祭坛。
The utility model relates to a screw head structure, which comprises a screw head, a flute, an inserting recess and a flange. 一种螺丝头构件,包含螺丝头、凹槽、嵌槽及凸缘。