
美 [reɪn]英 [reɪn]
  • n.控制;缰绳;(幼儿佩带以防走失的)保护带;主宰
  • v.控制;箝制;抑制(情欲等);给(马)套上缰绳
  • 网络统治;驾驭;支配

复数:reins 现在分词:reining 过去式:reined



n. v.

1.[c][usupl]缰绳a long narrow leather band that is attached to a metal bar in a horse's mouth(= a bit ) and is held by the rider in order to control the horse

3.[pl]控制;主宰;掌管the state of being in control or the leader of sth


give/allow sb/sth free/full rein|give/allow free/full rein to sth

对…不加约束;放任自由;充分表达(感情)to give sb complete freedom of action; to allow a feeling to be expressed freely


《Friends》词汇表B ... bloomies adj. 多花的, 盛开的, (果实)有粉衣的 rein n. 缰绳, 统治, 支配 perry n. <主英>梨子酒, 梨酒 ...


英语反义词 - 豆丁网 ... refractory 难驾驭的>易感应的 rein 控制>刺激 relevant 有关的>无关的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... bloomies adj. 多花的, 盛开的, (果实)有粉衣的 rein n. 缰绳, 统治, 支配 perry n. <主英>梨子酒, 梨酒 ...


驾的意思,驾怎么读_在线字典 ... 驾艇〖 speedboating〗 驾驭rein〗 驾云〖 flyuptothecloudyregions〗 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... bloomies adj. 多花的, 盛开的, (果实)有粉衣的 rein n. 缰绳, 统治, 支配 perry n. <主英>梨子酒, 梨酒 ...


【考研单词 速记】(私) ... flee v. 逃走;逃避 8179 ▲ rein n. 缰绳,统治,支配 v.驾驭,控制,统治 【用】 draw in ~s 收缰勒马 224…

He orders horse west to rein everything that this etc. person sees for that evening to want absolutely conservative secret. 他吩咐马西勒斯等人对那晚上所看到的一切都要绝对地保守秘密。
Sometimes a few seconds is all it takes to get a better rein on your emotions. 有时,这短短的几秒钟是使你情绪得到较好的约束所需要的。
Had he been schooled in the Jedi ways from infancy, he would have had a tighter rein on his emotions. 如果他从幼年起就开始接受绝地训练,他就能更强地控制自己的感情。
If China is no longer exporting deflation, domestic prices in Europe and the US will have to be kept on a rather tighter rein in future. 如果中国不再出口通缩,欧洲和美国今后将不得不对国内价格进行更为严格的管控。
Though informed that he was rejected by Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy gave free rein to his emotions to continue his love for her. 尽管达西知道伊丽莎白拒绝了他,但他还是放任自己的感情继续爱她。
Those companies do not exist in a vacuum - they do business with other firms who will also be hit if they start to rein in their spending. 这些公司并非存在于真空中--他们与其他同样紧缩开支的公司做生意。
Now, the State Council is trying to rein in an overheating solar sector by ordering plant closures. 现在,国务院正试图通过关闭一些厂家来遏制过热的太阳能产业。
Jefferson kept his seat, reined in his restive steed, and put an equally effective rein upon his own temper. 杰斐逊依然坐在马鞍上,用缰绳控制着烦躁的马,并同样有效地控制了自己的脾气。
On the front terrace of US ambassadors residence in London, Michelle talks with Therese Rein, the wife of the Australian Prime Minister. 美国在伦敦的大使官邸前阳台,米歇尔在和澳大利亚总理的妻子泰蕾兹库哈斯会谈。
A few companies said the projections might be too high because of recent moves to rein in bonuses in response to public scrutiny. 一些公司说,这些预测可能太高了,因为最近各家公司在公众压力下已经采取措施控制员工奖金。
It needs to rein in its defence spending, which is currently equivalent to that of the next 20 countries combined. 美国需要严控国防开支,其相当于它之后的20个国家之和。
Merely swatting him away is no longer an option as the U. S. , South Korea and United Nations demand that China rein in its ally. 随着美国、韩国和联合国要求中国对朝鲜实施更紧密的控制,仅仅把这只蚊子催赶走已经不再是一个可能的选择。
Certainly it does look as if officials are planning to step up their efforts to curb price rises and rein in a runaway property market. 很明显,中国政府正准备全力抑制物价和地产市场。
lead him on the left rein on the track , ask him to stand with a soft pull on the rein and a simultaneous voice aid , for example ' strand. 用左侧缰绳牵它在路线上走,要它停止的时候轻微地拉一下缰,同时给一个声音辅助。
With economic growth also slowing more than expected, officials have moved from trying to rein in prices to encouraging buyers. 随着经济增幅的放缓速度超出了人们预期,政府部门开始从试图控制价格到鼓励买家购房。
The arrests are now moving quickly up the chain of command toward those who have long led the dark cabal on a tight rein. 这些逮捕行动快速的向命令发出端移动,直接瞄向那些长期严格控制黑暗阴谋集团的人。
But some time later it began to rein. The days felt tired so they put out the fire and went into their tene. 但是在晚些时候,天下起了雨,孩子们感到有些疲倦,于是他们熄灭了篝火并钻进了帐篷。
At the moment, brokers are trying to rein back the funding they provide to the smaller and weaker hedge funds. 这时,机构经纪会收回他们提供给较小,较弱的对冲基金的贷款。
"The government came to the conclusion that the only way to rein in criticism was to physically take the critics off the grid, " he said. 他说:“政府得出的结论是,将批评者从身体上与外界隔离,是压制批评的唯一办法。”
In the run-up to Copenhagen, China has pledged to move much further than seemed imaginable even a year ago to rein in its emissions. 在哥本哈根会议召开之前,中国已承诺明显加大减排力度,其力度之大,在一年前简直无法想象。
It was the type of writing which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination. 这就是他喜欢的写作方式,因为可以使他充分发挥想象力。
Gerald did not see his daughter in the shadow of the trees, and he drew rein in the road, patting his horse's neck with approbation. 杰拉尔德并没有看见在树木黑影中的女儿,他在大路上勒住缰绳,赞赏地轻拍着马的颈项。
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 若有人自以为虔诚,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺哄自己的心,这人的虔诚是虚的。
Beijing is trying to tame housing prices , rein in overly aggressive lending and stop banks from shifting loans off their books . 中国政府正努力降低房价,抑制过度贷款,并阻止银行继续私自消除坏账记录。
If the company is unable or unwilling to rein in Creepy, request to be transferred to another department, assuming that's an option. 如果公司不能或不愿约束怪人,要求调换到另外一个部门,如果可能的话。
In a move seen as an attempt to rein in the Mutawa, in February 2009, Saudi's King Abdullah replaced the head of the organisation. 在2009年二月的一次被认为是整顿该机构的行动中,沙特国王阿布杜拉亲自替代出任为其领袖。
Beijing has been trying to rein in the explosive growth of these products. 北京方面近期在努力控制这些产品的爆炸式增长。
When North Korea shelled a South Korean island last month China did at least try to create a framework to rein in its neighbour. 当上个月北朝鲜向一座韩国岛屿发动炮击时,中国至少是在通过努力建立一个框架以约束这个邻国。
This will be the defining moment of the new coalition, as the chancellor sets out his long-term plan to rein in the deficit. 联合政府将迎来关键的时刻,财政部长通过制定长期计划来遏制财政赤字。
When left alone in her room in the evening, she stared out of the window at the starry night sky and gave rein to her imagination. 当夜晚来临,她独自一人留在房中时,她仰望窗外繁星密布的夜空,听任她的思想自由地驰骋。