
美 [jʌŋ]英 [jʌŋ]
  • adj.幼小的;未成熟的;年轻的;岁数不大的
  • n.(统称)年轻人;幼崽;幼兽;幼鸟
  • 网络最年轻的;老幺;排行在最后的

比较级:younger 最高级:youngest

young woman,young girl,young lady,young couple,young boy


1.幼小的;未成熟的having lived or existed for only a short time; not fully developed

2.年轻的;岁数不大的;相对年轻的not yet old; not as old as others

3.由年轻人(或儿童)构成的;青少年的;平均年龄小的consisting of young people or young children; with a low average age

4.年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的suitable or appropriate for young people

5.~ man/lady/woman(对年轻人表示生气或恼怒)used to show that you are angry or annoyed with a particular young person

6.(用于姓名之前或之后,以区别于年长的亲戚)used before or after a person's name to distinguish them from an older relative


be getting younger

(表示做某事的人好像越来越年轻)used to say that people seem to be doing sth at a younger age than they used to, or that they seem younger because you are now older

not be getting any younger

老了;岁月不饶人used when you are commenting that time is passing and that you are growing older

young at heart

人老心不老thinking and behaving like a young person even when you are old


辅音字母组合的读音规则_followme_新浪博客 ... longer( 较长的) youngest( 最年轻的) photo( 照片) ...


MAX最强--昌珉_lost洛洛_新浪博客 ... Wrath( 愤怒) Youngest老幺) Zero( 零) ...


老_百度百科 ... 历时长久〖 long-standing〗 排行在最后的youngest〗 老年;晚年〖 oldage〗 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... bub n. <美口>小弟弟, 小家伙 youngest n. 最小的儿子 compliments n. 称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺 ...


镇海新闻网——世界杯专题——世界杯回顾 ... Willimowski: 维利莫维斯基 Youngest最年轻者 Zaire: 扎伊尔 ...


《开心学英语》六年级上册重点单词、词组和句子... ... oldest 年纪最大的 4. youngest 年纪最小的 5. fastest 最快的 6. ...

The youngest son was rather disturbed by his inheritance. He sat down to think about what to do next, when suddenly, the cat began to speak! 小儿子对他继承的遗产感到相当懊恼。他坐下来思考下一部该怎麽办,这时突然,那只猫开始说话了!
Really did not know how he is does think, should not be able to bethought an my China the youngest daughter could give him eats! 真的不知道他是怎么想的,该不会是认为我一个中国的小女子会把他给吃了吧!
But you shall not be so; but let the greatest among you become like the youngest, and the one who leads like the one who serves. 但你们不是这样;反倒你们中间为大的,要像年幼的;为首领的,要像服事人的。
The clerk at the hotel office had commented to me at check-in that we were one of the youngest couples she had ever seen there. 旅馆办事处的工作人员在我们登记入住时告诉我,我们是她在那儿工作以来看到的最年轻的住客。
As I examined them, the youngest, one of the Cullens, looked up and met my gaze, this time with evident curiosity in his expression. 当我再次审视他们时,那个最年轻的,其中一个姓卡伦的男孩抬头遇上了我的目光,这次他流露出好奇的神情。
North Korea's reclusive leader Kim Jong-il is thought to be ill and trying to ensure the succession of his youngest son. 人们认为朝鲜隐居的领导人金正日病了,并且正努力确保他小儿子的继承权。
And I'm going to show you what Patients Like Me, the company that myself, my youngest brother, and a good friend from MIT started. 现在我将展示由我和我最小的弟弟,以及一个来自麻省理工的好朋友共同创建的这个公司。
It was only when he had attained a great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. 一直到他老得不行了,他才脱下隐形衣,把衣服留给他的儿子。
She made the sacrifice to stop teaching for a few years to stay home with our two youngest babies, and they are so much better off for it. 她牺牲了几年的教学工作时间,只为在家好好抚养我们两个最小的孩子,他们长得非常好!
James, the youngest, was told to set-up a bank in Paris; Salomon set-up a bank in Vienna; and Carle set-up in Naples. 最年轻的詹姆斯,被要求在巴黎设置一家银行;所罗门在维也纳建立了一间银行;和卡尔在那不勒斯设置。
He said he was one of his firm's youngest brokers. 他说他是公司里最年轻的经济之一。
As the sun began to sit lower in the sky, my youngest brother's wife called everyone in to dinner. 当太阳开始下山的时候,我最小的弟媳妇喊大家吃晚饭了。
She looked up and saw a cougar perched on the fence ready to pounce on the youngest child. Mrs. McAlister ran outside to save her children. 她抬头一看,看到一只美洲狮停在篱笆上准备扑向她最小的小孩,于是阿里斯特太太赶紧跑出去救她小孩。
Lastly, it is possible for the eldest child to develop a domineering personality and for the youngest to be overindulged . 最后,很有可能年长的孩子会发展出凌驾于别人的品格,二年有的会变得很放纵。
Indeed there had been a time when the Don had worried about his youngest son's masculinity. 确实曾有一段时期,堂-科利昂担心他小儿子的男子气。
You say: life is an ideal time for the youngest, even in the long white hair on the temples of the moment. 你说:理想就是人生中最年轻的时刻,即使是在鬓发早白的时刻。
She was born in 1951, into a middle-class family in Santiago, the youngest of two siblings (her elder brother is no longer alive). 1951年,巴切莱特出生于圣地亚哥的一个中产家庭,是两兄妹中的一个(她的哥哥已经去世)。
The youngest boy went to the ditch, where the frog awaited him in a carriage fashioned out of a fig leaf and drawn by four snails. 小王子来到水沟边,青蛙正在一架四只蜗牛拉着的车子上等着他,车子是用无花果的树叶做成的。
I grew up in a large Italian family, and as the youngest of five, I was always part of a team. 我成长于一个意大利大家庭,是五个孩子中最小的那个,从小就是孩子团的一员。
Now he and his two wives are trying to provide for their 10 children, the youngest born a week after the uprising began. 现在他和他的两个妻子在为养活他们的10个孩子而打拼,他们最小的孩子是暴动开始后一个星期降生的。
None of longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest, she who. . . 作为最小的孩子,她从来没想这样热切的盼望着浮出水面,她不得不等待最长的…
After the death of her youngest brother and disappearance of her twin, Jaina was enraged and touched the dark side of the Force. 在最小的弟弟牺牲,双胞胎弟弟失踪后,狂怒的杰娜触及了原力的黑暗面。
A woman who became Britain's youngest mother after a one night stand at the age of 12 says she had no regrets about becoming a teen mum. 英国最年轻妈妈一夜情后,于12岁怀孕产子。如今她仍旧表示身为少女妈妈无怨无悔。
As law-firm layoffs mount, fear of unemployment appears to be speeding up the resurgence of power clothes, even among the youngest recruits. 随着律师事务所的裁员风愈演愈烈,人们对失业的恐惧似乎正在为权力着装风潮的回归推波助澜,就连年轻一代也概莫能外。
Last month, Tom came across my nephew, my eldest sister's youngest daughter on his way back home. 上个月,汤姆在回家的路上碰见了我外甥女,就是我大姐最小的姑娘。
I'm the youngest in my family, and everyone is very funny, and I was always trying to keep up with them. I just loved making people laugh. 我是家中的老幺,每个人都恨有趣,我总是努力赶上他们,我就是喜欢逗人家开心。
I will never forget that scene. Nothing good had happened to her all day but she knew something good had happened to me, her youngest son. 我永远忘不了这一幕,她整天都是为她年幼的儿子操心,也从来没有为她自己着想过。
Indeed there had been a time whey the Don had worried about his youngest son's masculinity. 老头子还真的一度担心他的么儿是否具有男性特征。
I believe he is the youngest son of an earl, but he seems to have come in the world. 我相信他是伯爵的小儿子,不过他看来已经穷困潦倒了。
The youngest among the women workers was as dull and colourless as the middle-aged. 最年轻的女工也同中年妇女一样郁郁寡欢,形容枯槁。