
美 [ˈrekən]英 ['rekən]
  • v.计算;评定;断定;把…看做
  • 网络认为;估计;计算的

第三人称单数:reckons 现在分词:reckoning 过去式:reckoned

reckon cost



考研词汇_百度文库 ... referee 当裁判 裁判 调停 reckoned 认为 Under way 进行 ...


2011???考研词汇夏徛荣词汇?1800?4 ... reckless 不顾虑的;鲁莽的 reckoned 计算;估计 recollection 回忆 ...


2011???考研词汇夏徛荣词汇?1800?4 ... reckless 不顾虑的;鲁莽的 reckoned 计算;估计 recollection 回忆 ...


英语学习笔记 2007_0517~0518 -... ... lip discs 嘴唇圆润 reckoned 计算的 saint 圣... ...

I reckoned till morning, that, as a lion, so will he break all my bones: from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me. 我使自己安静直到天亮。他像狮子折断我一切的骨头,从早到晚,他要使我完结。
All this has turned Google into a force to be reckoned with. 这一切,都让谷歌变成了一支不容小觑的力量。
Around the time of the attacks, Rumsfeld reckoned that 17 layers of officialdom lay between him and a line officer. 9-11事件发生时,拉姆斯菲尔德发现在他和一线指挥官之间的官僚层级居然有17级之多。
It appeared as if he owned the bottom one only, and I reckoned this to be quite comical, although I dared not to chuckle in their presence. 我觉得这真是太滑稽了,但又不敢在他们面前笑。
By late November the company reckoned it had lowered its annualised interest costs by nearly $1 billion. 到今年11月底福特预计此举将为公司节约了将近10亿美元的利息开支。
I waited till I reckoned he had got a good start; then I out with my saw, and went to work on that log again. 我安心等着,等到他早已动身了,便取出了我那把锯子,又对那个原木干开了。
America and Britain are reckoned to have among the greatest inequality, among rich countries, as measured by the Gini coefficient. 按基尼系数计算,美英两国都位于富裕国家里收入差距最大的几个国家之列。
When an infantry patrol sets up in the town square, its potential energy remains as a force to be reckoned with. 当一支步兵巡逻队出现在城镇的广场上时,其所具有的势能则将一直保持为一支需要认真对待的力量。
Digital publishing as a force to be reckoned began to take shape with the Commander of the potential of traditional publishing. 数字出版作为一支不可忽视的力量开始形成与传统出版的争锋之势。
With Tiberius Caesar, Sejanus had ascended to that height, as they two were termed, and reckoned, as a pair of friends. 在泰比瑞亚斯一方面西亚努斯升到很高的位置,竟至他们二人被称并被认为一双朋友。
Some of these franchise groups are very small. AQAP is reckoned by Yemeni officials to be able to field about 400 men. 这些特权组织有的特别小,也门官方估计阿拉伯半岛基地组织只能容纳400人。
While they became known as a force to be reckoned with, the starfighter unit was ravaged by the initial invasion forces of the Yuuzhan Vong. 当这支星际战斗机部队变成一股不可小视的力量时,遇战疯人最初的入侵部队重创了他们。
However, together we are a force to be reckoned with, and yet our only weapon is that of Love and Light. 但是,我们在一起便是一个不可忽视的力量,并且我们仅有的武器就是【爱与光】。
But as a teenager she began to focus more on tennis, and was soon a force to be reckoned with. 但在十几岁的时候,她开始将更多的精力放在网球上,并且很快成为了一股不可忽视的新力量。
The judges decided it had been committed three months earlier than previously reckoned and was thus covered by a statute of limitations. 这些法官判决该行为的发生时间较原先估计提早了三个月,因此适用于法定有效时限的法令。
The biggest problem facing Chile as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at the end of the earth. 此话告诉我们,智利在旅游业开发方面遇到的最大障碍是它位于地球末端。由
Through a series of small acquisitions since that year, the company has steadily become a force to be reckoned with. 2003年以来,通过一系列小规模收购,该集团逐步成为一支不可忽视的力量。
At least 1, 400 Syrians are reckoned to have died so far; some say several hundred members of the security forces have also been killed. 迄今为止,至少有1.400名叙利亚民众丧生,几百名安全部队人员死亡。
But Danglars had not reckoned upon the formalities of the police and the idleness of the posting-master. 但腾格拉尔可没有计算到警察局的手续会如此麻烦,驿站站长又是如此的懒惰。
But Sultan is reckoned to be just a year younger than the king, and his health is poor. 但苏丹估计只比国王小一岁,且他的健康状况也不好。
By the age of 600, Jabba was the Hutt to be reckoned with, carving out a sizable criminal empire in the Outer Rim Territories. 600岁时,贾巴已成为声名显赫的赫特人,在外环星域开拓了一个庞大的犯罪帝国。
This shows both that the regulations are a real force to be reckoned with, and that progress through international consensus is feasible. 这表明条约是一股可依赖的真正力量,通过达成国际共识取得进展切实可行。
Some of his oldest detractors reckoned he might astonish everyone by switching from populist hawk to pragmatic dove. 他的一些资历最老的批评者认为,他从平民主义的鹰派转变成实用主义的鸽派,着实让每个人大吃一惊。
He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day. 他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后一班缆车。
But it has had the opposite effect: since then, at least 16 of Mexico's 31 states are reckoned to have passed anti-abortion laws. 现在看来,结果却并不糟,因为从那一年开始,31个州里至少有16个州开始考虑通过反堕胎法了。
By contrast, a console game is reckoned to have done well if it sells a couple of million copies. 相比之下,如果一个主机游戏的销量达到几百万份就已经算是卖得很好了。
And accordingly, existing different ionic radius value can be discriminated and a few reference value of ionic radius reckoned. 并据此能鉴别存在差异的离子半径值,与推算出一些新的离子半径参考值。
The inflation figure the Argentines reported for January was one-third lower than independent analysts reckoned it should be. 阿根廷一月份报告的通货膨胀数据比独立统计员正常计算得到的结果低三分之一。
As printed electronics emerges as a force to be reckoned with, its future will be dependent on high-performance semiconductor inks. 由于可印刷电子开始成为不可忽视的力量,其未来将依赖于高性能的半导体墨。
In those days, the newspaper reckoned, the Clintons saw each other on an average of 14 days out of every month. 据该报估计,那段时间,克林顿夫妇平均每月只有14天能见面。