
美 [ˈref(ə)rəns]英 ['ref(ə)rəns]
  • n.参考;编号;提到;查询
  • v.参考;查阅;给(书等)附参考资料
  • 网络引用;参考文献;参考书

复数:references 现在分词:referencing 过去式:referenced

get reference,make reference,contain reference,provide reference,give reference
positive reference,direct reference,oblique reference,important reference,reference brief


n. v.

提及mentioning sb/sth

1.[c][u]~ (to sb/sth)说到(或写到)的事;提到;谈及;涉及a thing you say or write that mentions sb/sth else; the act of mentioning sb/sth

查询信息looking for information

2.[u]参考;查询;查阅the act of looking at sth for information

征求意见asking for advice

3.[u]~ (to sb/sth)(帮助或意见的)征求,征询the act of asking sb for help or advice


4.[c](为方便查询所用的)标记,标识,编号a number, word or symbol that shows where sth is on a map, or where you can find a piece of information

找工作for new job

5.[c]推荐信;介绍信a letter written by sb who knows you, giving information about your character and abilities, especially to a new employer

6.[c]推荐人;介绍人a person who agrees to write a reference for you, for example when you are applying for a job

书籍in book

7.[c]参考书目a note in a book that tells you where a particular piece of information comes from


in/with reference to

(所述内容)关于used to say what you are talking or writing about


京东商城 - 图书频道首页 ... Nonfiction( 非虚... Reference参考... Romance( 浪漫小... ...


引用类型(reference type):它存放的值是指向数据的引用reference),而不是数据本身class类型,interface类型,delegat…


参考文献Reference)对文章所参考的文献的作者、出处、版本等详细情况的注明。格式与示例:(1)专著格式:主要责任 …


LOM_互动百科 ... 1. 概述 Overview 2. 参考资料 Reference 3. 定义 Definitions ...


图书首页 - 京东商城 ... Nonfiction( 非虚构类) Reference参考书) Romance( 浪漫小说) ...


服装英语_百度百科 ... R.T.W.=ready to wear 成衣 ref.=reference 参考,参照 rej.=reject 拒绝 ...


指称reference)是语 言形式在现实物质世界中所指的事物;它涉及语言形式与非语言的现实世界之间的关系。 意义与指称 …


会计词汇D ... reduction of interest 降低利率 Reference 参考,推荐信,介绍书 reference number 参考数字 ...

In the above example, the injected value for sbean2 would be that of the SCA reference sbean2 and not the EJB reference of the same name. 在上面的示例中,sbean2的注入值将是SCA引用sbean2的注入值,而不是相同名称的EJB引用。
It's a non-trivial error to call it a 'reference case, ' as the IEA has done. 像国际能源署那样把这称为是“参考案例”,这种做法可谓大错特错。
But actually, some scholars have opposing views and believe that it is only statistical data and should only be used for reference. 但事实上也有学者表示不同的看法,认为这只是统计上的数据,仅适合作为参考。
With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend . . . as an ideal candidate. 根据贵方的要求,我毫无保留地向您推荐……作为理想人选。
This book is a scientific reference work and was chosen by a special committee in the United States as the best book authored by one person. 这是一本学术参考书,曾被美国一个特别委员会选为“最佳个人作品”。
Convert a string matching the symbolic name of a class or function into a reference to or invocation of that class or function. 转换为字符串匹配的象征性名称的一类或函数的引用或调用的类或函数。
As a basic theory of regional economic development, it has a lot of rational ingredients to be used for reference. 它作为区域经济发展学说的基本理论,有许多可供借鉴的合理成份;
Cruyff has always been a reference, and Guardiola has transmitted this to us ever since he arrived. 克鲁伊夫一直以来都是用来衡量我们的标尺,瓜迪奥拉从他到来的时候就向我们灌输了这些。
A reference to columns or expressions in the main table(s) is called an outer reference and the subquery is said to be correlated. 对主表中的列或表达式的引用被称作外部引用,并且这种子查询是相关的。
Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo - a place in the sky, not on Earth. 伯利恒也因此被称为室女座——它是在天上,而不是在地上。
The symptom-specific tables and disease-specific algorithms make this reference easy to use in clinical settings. 具体症状的桌子和具体疾病的算法做在临床的设置里的易于使用的这种证明书。
SDDS requires that annual IIP statistics are to be disseminated as from the reference year of 2001, with a time lag of two quarters. 规定二零零一年的按年国际投资头寸统计数据须于统计期后两季内发布。
If I can see the light source, I usually make sure to leave a mark here on a separate layer as a point of reference. 如果我能看到光源,我通常一定要在一个单独图层上留个记号作为层参考点。
If you have been fired, you may be able to ask a colleague for a reference. 如果你是被开除的,可以让你的同事帮你写介绍信。
Finally, Scriptural reference is often given for the source of the genealogical placement. 最后,圣经常常提到给予安置源系谱。
We never promised to complete this project in front of them. This was just a suggestion he proposed to us as a reference. 我们从来没有当面向他们承诺过完成这个项目。这只是他向我们提出的一个参考性的建议而已。
A reference who can only talk about some other aspect of your work is not going to help. 如果你的推荐人只能谈你其他方面的事,那就没有帮助了。
If you are applying for a project posted on the web, put a reference to it in the subject box. The reference number for instance. 如果你是申请一个登在网站上的项目,在主题框里做一标识,此标识记为实例。
A quality plan often makes reference to parts of the quality manual or to procedure documents. 通常,质量计划引用质量手册的部分内容或程序文件。
Unfortunately, this turns out to be a bad idea: It ties the reference to a specific file, on a specific file system, in a specific location. 遗憾的是,事实证明这是一个坏主意:它将引用连接到特定位置中特定文件系统上的特定文件。
In reference to the Id, it is always trying to satisfy every impulse whenever and wherever, it knows no limits. 在参考的ID,它总是试图满足随时随地冲动,它知道没有任何限制。
Also, find out the company's reference policy to see what information will be disclosed to a prospective employer. 此外,阅读一下公司的参考政策条例,了解你的哪些信息将可能披露给未来的雇主。
FIRST ask your teacher or old boss if it is okay for you to use them as a reference. 首先,征询你的老师或前任老板的意见,看看他们是否愿意为你写推荐信。
The last two parts of this paper is the key, discussing the hope for the architect to provide a more detailed and specific reference. 论文的最后两部分是本篇论文论述的重点,希望为建筑师提供更加详细而具体的参考。
In the circles of modern western linguistic philosophy, the question on how the meaning fixes its reference is always controversial. 意义如何确定指称这一问题,一直是现代西方语言哲学界和逻辑界争论不休的话题。
I will also be delighted to be your reference for your speech therapy, to which I had great respect. 我相当推崇你的语疗法,也会很高兴有机会把你推荐给其他孩子的。
'I heard that in the North my nickname is Acorn Head, ' he said, believing it to be a reference to his short hair. 他听说自己在朝鲜的绰号是“橡果头”,他认为这是指他的短发。
He went on to add that this task could involve "administrative means [an apparent reference to price controls] when necessary. " 他接着补充称,这项任务可能涉及“必要的行政手段”,这显然是指价格控制措施。
After a scan lasting a minute, Mr Blankfein said he found the reference on page five, which seemed to surprise Mr Dowd. 扫视了一分钟后,贝兰克梵说他在第五页上找了前述内容,这似乎让多德颇感吃惊。
Mr Gursky's status as the world's most expensive photographer is often justified with reference to painting. 古尔斯基作为世上最昂贵的摄影师的地位也常被他的绘画所证实。