美 [reɪndʒ]英 [reɪndʒ]
  • n.区间;射程;靶场;一系列
  • v.徘徊;变动;包括(从…到…)之间的各类事物
  • 网络范围;值域;全距

第三人称单数:ranges 现在分词:ranging 过去式:ranged

wide range,full range,long range,broad range,large range
provide range,offer range,cover range,extend range,increase range


n. v.


1.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)一系列a variety of things of a particular type


2.[c][ususing](变动或浮动的)范围,界限,区间the limits between which sth varies

产品of products

3.[c]类;种a set of products of a particular type


4.[c][u]视觉(或听觉)范围the distance over which sth can be seen or heard

5.[c][u]射程;射击距离the distance over which a gun or other weapon can hit things

山of mountains

7.[c]山脉a line or group of mountains or hills

射击for shooting

8.[c]靶场;射击场;炸弹试验场an area of land where people can practise shooting or where bombs, etc. can be tested


in/within range (of sth)

在可及的范围内;在视觉(或听觉)范围内near enough to be reached, seen or heard

out of range (of sth)

超出…的范围;在视觉(或听觉)范围之外too far away to be reached, seen or heard


AE中英文对照 ... ┗Enable Per-character 3D→ 激化逐字3D化 ┗Range范围 ┗Full → 最佳 ...


《侠盗飞车:罪恶都市》武器属性修改_游迅网 ... B:Fire type 射击类型 C:Range 射程 D:Firing Rate 每秒打出多少子弹 ...


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... 定义域 definitional domain 值域 range 导数\\微分 differential coefficient ...


全距(range)是一组数据中的最大值(maximum) 与该组数据中最小值(minimum)之差,又称极差。用 R表示。


常用统计分析方法——SPSS应用 - MBA智库文档 ... Maximum 最大值 99 Range 极差 53 Interquartile Range 四分位间距 12.50 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... radix n 根本,根源 range n 山脉;范围 arrangement n 排列,布置 ...


量字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 量杯〖 measuringglass;graduatedglasscylinder〗 量程range〗 量尺寸〖 takesb.'smeasureme…


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... obvious a. 明显的,显而易见的 range vi. (在一定范围内)变动 cricket n. 板球 ...

And anyone smart enough to understand IQ tests will tell you they do not give a full measure of any individual's smarts or range of talents. 任何一个能看懂智商测试的人都能分辨出,他们并没有给出任何个人聪明程度的全部指标或能力范围。
The techniques shown in the examples range from beginner to advanced level, so try to understand them thoroughly. 上面的例子中用到的技巧涵盖了从初级到高级的范围,因此请尽量彻底理解这些内容。
Their responsibilities range from the design of unit operations to that of controlling complete production and service systems. 他们的职责从设计操作的单元到控制系统的产量。
it is only a case made based on a statistical tendency for such a size change, observed in a wide range of animals, a "rule. " 这不过是根据各种各样的动物的观察结果所得出的这类体格变化的统计规律“定律”罢了。
A wide range of redistributive policies has helped those at the bottom of the ladder; the Gini coefficient is among the lowest in the world. 大范围的财产重新分配政策帮助了处于社会底部的人群,那些人的基尼系数在世界上几乎是最低的。
the tape seemed a bit heavier with a majority of major indices is sitting right at the bottom of their multi-month trading range. 截至到上周五收盘,大盘看起来有点负担过重,因为大部分主要股指都恰好位于数月来交易区间的底部。
All the indexes for the long term toxicity are in the normal range which had no difference compared with the control group. 长期毒性的各项指标均在正常值范围内与对照组比较无差异;
Only an accurate understanding of the dynamic range of the various sound signals to be able to conduct high-quality recording and playback. 只有准确的了解各种声音信号(节目信号)的动态范围,才能够进行高质量的录音与放音。
The price range values the company at up to 13. 5 times forecast 2009 profit, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士表示,忠旺股票发行价的价格区间至多是2009年预计利润的13.5倍。
The visual system is able to perceive details in an environment with a high dynamic range by means of local adaptation. 在高动态范围环境中,人眼依靠局部适应性也能够观察到细节变化。
We expect currencies to be in a range and that the move over the past few months has shifted the USD to the lower end of our expected range. 我们预计货币将会在一定的范围内浮动,且在过去几个月里,美元已经跌至我们此前预期的底部。
And for your large tests, practice filtering and changing your time range to see if you can remove some of the noise from your results. 对于大型测试,尝试过滤和改变您的时间段来看看您是否能够从结果中去除一些干扰数据。
Why don't my units attack the enemy? I'm sure that the enemy is in shooting range and I see him! 为什么我的部队不攻击敌人?我确信敌人在有效射程范围内而且我也看见了他!
First clerk: Well I had a lady customer come in who wanted to buy a pair of shoes. And you know we've got a really good range. 店员一:有个女顾客走进来,要买一双鞋子。你知道啦,我们货色十分齐全。
The cost of validation depends on the number of controls on the page, and is in the range of a few percent. 方法控制此行为。验证的开销取决于页上的控件数量,并在几个百分点范围内。
"He seems to do better on the range than in the cage. He just seems to be a happier chicken. " “散养比在笼子里让它更舒服。它简直就像一只快乐的鸡。”
It is a setting for a range of behaviours at least as peculiar as anything that an ethnographer might uncover among the clans of Samoa. 这里提供的环境适合的怪异行为至少堪比一位民族志学者在岛国萨摩亚的任何宗派里能揭露的东西。
To sum it up: The Citroen C5 is an elegantly designed mid-range car that impresses with its appearance and thorough workmanship. 总体说来,雪铁龙C5以优雅的外观和精湛的工艺给我留下了很深的印象。
The man had come from the valley, up the hill to the house which overlooked a gully and, beyond it, a whole range of mountains. 那个人从山谷里来,爬上山,来到了俯瞰着溪谷的这所房子,房子的后边是绵延的宽广山脉。
Nice to see at least SOMEBODY has a cogent long range plan for the exploitation of Near Space. 很高兴看到,至少有人有长期的有力计划去探索附近的宇宙空间。
The solid propellant B-611 seems to have been designed for low-cost tactical army use, with a range limited to 250 km. 固体推进剂B-611已经设计用于低-成本战术陆军使用,具有一个限制到250公里的射程。
The results show that adaptive algorithm is always better than the traditional static threshold operations under a wide range of conditions. 结果表明,在广泛的条件下,适应性法总是优于传统的静态阈值操作法。
We also recommend this method because it has advantages like low blank, convenient to carry, easy to operate and large application range. 该方法具有空白低,携带方便、操作简单、适用范围广等优点,也是我们推荐使用的方法。
Namely, it is a construction to mark the range by means of quantitative devices instead of a simple combination of a range and a quantity. “范围量”包括总量和部分量两种,不同的方位词在标量内容和组构方式上各具特色。
He took home a Texas Tech University doctorate in range management and a small Internet software company that he co-founded in Dallas. 他带回来的不仅有得州理工大学牧场管理学博士学位,还有一个小型互联网软件公司枣亚洲信息公司(Asiainfo)。这是他与别人合伙在达拉斯创立的。
For wastewater flows beyond the range of a single Bio-Module system, it is possible to use several units in parallel. 对于超出生物模块系统范围的污水水流,可以使用几组并行设备。
He said topics to be discussed range from piracy and terrorism to counternarcotics cooperation and weapons proliferation. 他说,北约-俄罗斯理事会会议将包括广泛的议题,从海盗和恐怖主义问题到合作打击毒品贩运和武器扩散问题。
"I think there's a whole range of reasons people might be sexually satisfied, " she said. “我认为有一系列可能导致人们‘性福’的原因。”
Each node can automatically route messages from other nodes, greatly increasing the communication range beyond that of any single device. 每个节点都能够自动地路由其他节点中传来的消息,即有效地增强了信号的传输范围。
The company offers tailored high barrier solutions for a wide range of technically demanding food packaging applications. 该公司提供量身订制的要求的食品包装技术广泛应用的高壁垒的解决方案。