lack of use

lack of uselack of use

lack of use

Lack of use, or misuse, may cause this artifact to choose to no longer travel with you. 如果少用或者滥用,都会导致史前古器物选择不再跟随您好。
His powers, from lack of use, dwindle to mediocrity, to inferiority, until finally he becomes a mere part of the machine he tends. 他的能力因不用而退化为平庸、卑劣,终将沦为他所操作机器的一个零件。
That conclusion is 'consistent with the lack of use we've seen in the discount window, ' the Fed's program for lending directly to banks. 由此得出的结论正好与我们对贴现窗的使用不足相一致。贴现窗是美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)直接向银行发放贷款的机制。
The rod had never gotten wet, much less caught a fish, and the line was shiny from lack of use. 钓杆从未沾过水,更不用说钓鱼了,钓线因未经使用而熠熠生辉。
Lack of use. Your body is designed to move and lack of movement is a significant factor in muscle decline. 缺乏锻炼我们的身体是需要运动的,而缺乏运动是导致肌肉变少的一个重要原因。
In the time it takes for broken bones to heal, nearby muscles often atrophy from lack of use. 在骨折痊愈的过程中,断骨附近的肌肉往往因为缺乏锻炼而萎缩。
Due to the lack of use, English is not at all popular in China. 由于英文在中国很少被使用,所以并不怎么流行。
The fourth part is the administrative guidance of the rule of law in our practice and the lack of use. 第四部分是行政指导在我国法治实践中的运用及缺失。