
美 [læp]英 [læp]
  • n.搭接;膝;怀;膝头
  • v.搭接;研磨;舔;重叠
  • 网络一圈;亮氨酸氨基肽酶(leucineaminopeptidase);大腿

过去分词:lapped 现在分词:lapping 第三人称单数:laps



n. v.

1.[ususing](坐着时的)大腿部the top part of your legs that forms a flat surface when you are sitting down

2.(跑道等的)一圈one journey from the beginning to the end of a track used for running, etc.

3.(行程或工作等中的)一段,环节a section of a journey, or of a piece of work, etc.


drop/dump sth in sbs lap

把(某事)推给他人负责to make sth the responsibility of another person

sth drops/falls into sbs lap

(美事、好运等)被某人轻松得到somebody has the opportunity to do sth pleasant without having made any effort

in the lap of the gods

由神掌管;结果难以预料;非人力所能左右if the result of sth isin the lap of the gods , you do not know what will happen because it depends on luck or things you cannot control

in the lap of luxury

生活优裕;养尊处优in easy, comfortable conditions, and enjoying the advantages of being rich


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... lantern n. 灯笼;提灯 lap n. (人坐时)膝部;(跑道的)一圈 large laser a. n. 大的;巨大的 激光 ...


亮氨酸氨基肽酶LAP)elisa试剂盒说明书猪皮质醇(Cortisol)elisa试剂盒说明书猪前列腺素E2(PGE2)elisa试剂盒说明书 …


九年级英语单词表 ... full 吃饱的;过饱的 lap 大腿 elbow 肘部 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... unfold vt 打开;显露;阐明 lap n (坐时的)大腿前部;膝盖 damp adj 潮湿的 ...


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • care for • 照顾;关心;喜欢 • lap • n. (人坐时)膝部;(跑道的 • hang out 挂出;闲 …


汽车词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 镀锌板 galvanized plate 搭接 lap 亮丽的外表 smart apperance ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... unfold vt 打开;显露;阐明 lap n (坐时的)大腿前部;膝盖 damp adj 潮湿的 ...

My mother studies her hands, clasped together in her lap. "It must have been so hard on her. Going to our funerals. " 我母亲端详着她的手,她的手在她的膝上紧握在一起。“这对她肯定很残酷。去参加我们的葬礼。”
Sitting with a computer on the lap will raise the temperature of men's scrotums, which could affect sperm quality, Reuters reports. 据路透社报道,把手提电脑放到膝上使用会导致男性阴囊温度升高,影响精子质量。
Standing just under five feet tall, Joey was everyone's friend. His race was the long one-quarter-mile run, the full lap around the track. Joey的身高五尺差一点点,他是所有人的朋友。他的比赛项目是十分之一英里赛跑,即赛道的一圈。
The children hid on the floor, amid their puffy winter jackets. One girl cried, and Mrs. Wexler held her in her lap. 孩子们躲在地板上,埋在他们蓬松的冬衣之下。一个女孩哭起来,韦克斯勒把她揽到腿上。
If you sat on her lap at night, the statue would come to life and crush you to death in her dark embrace. 如果您坐她的膝部在晚上,雕象将来到生活并且击碎您对在她黑暗的容忍的死亡。
One thing I am happy with is how much I am learning every time I ride the bike and what is needed in qualifying to get a good lap. 有一件事我很高兴的是多少,我的学习,每次我骑自行车,并需要什么资格要想跑得好。
They both passed me into the first corner on the last lap. I could have blocked more, but you know how it is. 他们在最后一圈超过了我进入第一个角弯。我可以有更多阻拦了,但您怎么知道它是最后一圈。
She sits him down on her lap and she looks at it, but she is feeling that impatience. 她让他坐在她的膝盖上而且看著他,但是她正感受到那个没耐心。
"Here, " I handed him the remote and then sat down on the couch, bowl of popcorn balanced on my lap as the film started playing. “这里,”我递给他,然后在远程坐在沙发上,我的膝盖上的平衡一碗爆米花电影开始播放。
We see that it was so green and as long as you put rubber on the track, lap times improve a lot and the balance improves a lot as well. 我们看到这条赛道太新而只要你在赛道上弄上些橡皮那么圈速就会提升很多而且车的平衡也会提高。
Then the team told me on the radio that da Matta was a lap ahead, so of course I moved over, but the next lap I got a drive-through penalty. 之后车队利用无线电通知我达马塔领先我一圈,所以我当然让开了,但下一圈我就领到了通过维修区的惩罚。
She had a fourth turtle in her lap that she was carefully scrubbing with a spongy brush. 在她的膝盖上还有另外一只小乌龟,她正在用一个软刷子刷洗小乌龟。
So stop trying to pick up the sea cucumber with your chopsticks, it will probably end up in your lap anyway. 因此,别用你的筷子夹海参了,因为它到头来很可能就只被堆在你的大腿上。
Colton is usually on Burgan's lap or at least nearby when he is on the iPad, so she does not put any limits on his time using the tablet. 考顿通常坐在伯格的膝上或在她附近玩iPad,所以她并不限制考顿使用平板电脑的时间。
Living without feedback, even in the lap of luxury, would be for all but a few recluses barely living at all. 生活无回馈,即使是在单圈的奢侈品,将是除少数隐士生活几乎在所有。
If your desk isn't wide or deep enough, try setting the keyboard on your lap with a small cushion under the front edge. 如果你的书桌不够长也不够宽,那么试着把键盘放在你的腿上,在前缘下面放一个小垫子。
From the beginning it was about the war. She sat down again, her hands right in her lap. 一开始就是关于战争的,她又坐下来,她的手就放在膝盖上。
the linen lap robe carefully about her to keep off the dust. 他扶她上车,并细心地给她盖上亚麻布的围毯以阻挡尘土。
At the end, I sat on a bench where I started. Jack sat down next to me, As he completed his lAst lap and wAs slowly unwinding. 散完步后,我坐到起步处的一张长椅上。这时杰克在我身边坐下来,他已跑完了最后一圈,正在慢慢地放松。
But the scarab beetle saw through this trick. He made, a pellet of dung, took flight, and when he got above the lap of Zeus he let it fall. 屎壳郎识破了这一诡计,就滚了一个粪蛋,飞到宙斯那儿,把它丢进他的怀里。
When the puppy is tired from a good romp, sit down with him on your lap and began to pull out the long wispy hairs on his head. 当小狗,是从累了良好巅峰,坐下来跟他对你的圈,并开始拔出长头发要比对他的头部。
He knew that was the lap where he had to produce and he's just driving exceptionally well at the moment. 他知道这是他在那里圈生产和他只是驾驶出色此刻。
I'll never forget one lady, who looked to be in her seventies, sitting stoically in her lawn chair with her shotgun across her lap. 我永远不会忘记一位女士,看上去有70多岁,表情坦然地坐在她家的草坪座椅上,在坐着的大腿上横放着一枝猎枪。
But I think it's also related to the lap time. I didn't do a great lap and I had to try again, to be safe inside the top ten. 但那是我认为这也关系到圈速,我没有做到完美的一圈而我需要再尝试一次,能安全的进入前十。
So Raven cleared the sand out of the woman's eyes, sat her back in the cave and gave her the tide line to hold across her lap. 所以渡鸦清除了老妇人眼睛里的沙子,在洞穴里坐在她背后把潮汐线给了她让她拿着线横过膝盖。
Johnny lay for a long time awake with his head in his mother's lap, looking up at the stars. 他把头枕靠在母亲腿上,仰望星空,一直没有睡着。
She adds coins to the box in his lap, then goes into a taverna and brings out a slice of pizza. 她把硬币放进他大腿上的盒子里,然后走进酒馆,出来时拿着一块比萨饼。
The Portuguese driver gave it a good bash and had to pit at the end of the lap for a new nose before continuing. 葡萄牙车手得到了一次猛击,必须在那一圈之后为了一个新的鼻翼进站,才能继续比赛。
He went over to her and snuggled his head in her lap . 他走到她前面,把头埋进她的裙兜。
Billy was in the tiny square living room, a book in his hands. He set the book in his lap and wheeled himself forward when he saw me. 比利在一个很小的方形起居室里,手里拿着书。看到我后,他把书放在腿上,并转动轮椅移向我。