
美 [ˈlɪtər]英 [ˈlɪtə(r)]
  • v.乱扔;使乱七八糟;使凌乱;使遍布(一般指不好的东西)
  • n.废弃物;乱七八糟的东西;乱放的杂物;便溺垫物
  • 网络垃圾;乱丢杂物;担架

复数:litters 现在分词:littering 过去式:littered



n. v.

1.[u](在公共场所乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物,杂物small pieces of rubbish/garbage such as paper, cans and bottles, that people have left lying in a public place

2.[sing]~ of sth乱七八糟的东西;乱放的杂物a number of things that are lying in an untidy way

3.[u](供宠物,尤指猫,在室内便溺的)猫砂,便溺垫物a dry substance that is put in a shallow open box for pets, especially cats, to use as a toilet when they are indoors

4.[c](动物一胎所生的)一窝幼崽a number of baby animals that one mother gives birth to at the same time


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... find out 找出;查明; litter n. 垃圾;杂乱 cover n. 盖子;封面; ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... literary a. 文学的 litter v. 乱丢杂物 lively a. 活泼的; 充满生气的 ...


担字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 担搁〖 delay〗 担架〖 stretcher;litter〗 担惊〖 anxious〗 ...


上海四年级英语牛津版4上单词背诵版_百度文库 ... lesson 功课,课程;教训 litter 废物 live 居住;活 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... find out 找出;查明; litter n. 垃圾;杂乱 cover n. 盖子;封面; ...


英语中考必会1600词 - 豆丁网 ... little 少许的;少量的 litter 垃圾;乱扔 live 居住 ...


300个音标练习单词 - 豆丁网 ... lipstick 口红 144. litter 废弃物 145. local 当地的 146. ...

We carried the litter in a wide semicircle around the spot where I had come close to the dropoff. 我们抬着担架,围着我刚才差一点掉下去的地方绕了大大的半个圆圈。
The litter was as slow as it was comfortable, however, and the dwarf soon found himself itching with impatience. 轿子还是慢慢行进保证着乘坐者的舒适,但是侏儒很快就发现自己被不耐烦弄的浑身痒痒。
heR room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in. 她的房间十分杂乱,她不好意思请我进去。
They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。
publish the address of litterers and legally allow the public to litter the litterer's home for a week. 公布违法者住址,允许民众在一周之内在他家门前丢垃圾。
Maintain cleanliness and proper function of the refrigerator. Clean it once a week. Do not litter. 雪柜要保持清洁和良好运作,每星期要清洗雪柜一次。
I went to work the next day and, as usual, stood on the garbage bin, ready to dispose of the litter. Suddenly my feet slipped and I fell! 第二天早上我去上班,如同往常一样我站在垃圾桶上处理垃圾,可是我却一脚踩滑了!
She sweeps a litter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write. 她把一堆乱纸推到一旁,从文具匣里抓起一张信纸,决心写下去。
That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its litter mates! 那只小兔宝宝已经爬过笼子,选择了羽毛床,毫无疑问它到同窝伙伴处取暖!
I think that people should care for the environment, do not litter, to see the others to the front to stop littering. 我认为,人们都应该爱护环境,不乱丢垃圾,看到别人乱丢垃圾要上前制止。
At the sound of her mother , the litter girl and ran to her mother. 一听到妈妈的声音,这个小女孩就转身向妈妈亲跑去。
Although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. 尽管她身体尚可,但兽医认为丧子之痛令虎妈妈精神消沉。
The paper-shop window is a litter of odds and bobs; if the light is kept on at nights the children make it a meeting-place. 纸店的橱窗里一片杂乱;如果晚上不关灯,孩子们就把它当作集会的场所。
Also contains a blend of natural ingredients to help reduce litter box odor for a fresher indoor environment for your cat and you. 也包含一种自然成分的混和为你的猫和你为比较新鲜的户内环境帮助减少垃圾盒子气味。
Please don't litter any inorganic garbage pieces, not even a piece of a candy wrapper, and bag them back into a garage bin. 所以,在崂山地区和其它景区中,请别乱扔垃圾,哪怕是一小片糖纸。
They did not know I was to take photos, and I had operated the flashing light, they did scare a litter bit. 他们不知道我要拍照,可是我开了闪光灯,把他们几个吓了一跳,全都瞪着我,他们的样子好傻哦!
If I could introduce a lion cub into a tiger litter I would surely be able to introduce tiger cubs. 如果我能介绍的狮子幼崽变成老虎垃圾我想一定能够引进幼虎。
It's terrible how much litter people leave. 人们留下那么多的垃圾真是太糟糕了。
Survived as a litter bearer in WWII. When he got home, he would always pray for his kid brother. He was a great farmer. 他在第二次世界大战中活过来,他回家后经常为他弟弟祈祷,他是个很好的农夫,但我不是。
It was fatal. The eyes of the two girls met. And immediately Lasaraleen sat up in the litter and burst out at the top of her voice. 这下可糟啦。两个少女的眼光碰到一起,拉斯阿拉莉恩立刻从轿子里坐了起来,拉开嗓门儿大声叫道。
After asking my mom what was wrong with the dryer, I found out that for two days my cat had been using my laundry basket as a litter box. 我问妈妈烘干机是不是出了问题后,发现这两天我的猫一直把我的洗衣框当成它的私人厕所。
Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, 'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted! 我在垃圾堆中发现了一块牌子,上面写着“凡是在树林中乱扔垃圾的人,将被依法处置。”
Melancholy, some have been indifferent between the Wind and the sad, like and litter at the moment my feelings. 惆怅,些许淡然间飘逝而过的哀怨,像及了我此刻凋落的心情。
I've always been careful to throw away my own litter, but it never occurred to me to do anything about random litter lying around. 我一直以来对于扔自己的垃圾都小心翼翼,但是对于扔掉周围的那些垃圾却考虑很少。
Look at the entire litter and see how the kittens react with one another and with you. 看看整窝地小猫并发现它们彼此之间、和你之间是如何交流。
I pleaded my case and offered to clean up the branches and other litter in the museums garden if he'd let me in. 我把情况告诉了他,向他恳求并主动提出如果他让我进去,我愿意帮助他们清理博物馆花园里的树枝和其它垃圾。
Our dog had a litter of four puppies , and you know people say four puppies in a litter is bad luck, so I'm going to get rid of them now. 我们家的狗一窝生了四只小狗,你知道,人们常说一窝生了四只小狗是很倒霉的,我现在就把它们处理掉。
You know when I said I knew litter about love? 你知道我以前说过,关于爱,我懂的很少
When asked where his mother was , the litter boy pointed to the kitchen. 当问他妈妈在哪里时,小男孩把手指向了厨房。
Take those photos out of the drawer, and put them in an album. If you see litter on the sidewalk, pick it up instead of walking over it. 把压在抽屉里的照片取出来,放在相册里,人行道上看到垃圾时,不要走开,请拾起来。