
美 [ˈlæpˌtɑp]英 [ˈlæpˌtɒp]
  • n.笔记本电脑
  • adj.膝上型的
  • 网络便携式电脑;手提电脑;膝上型电脑






TOEIC词汇汇总 ... Internet 国际互联网 12. laptop 笔记本电脑 13. multimedia 多媒体 14. ...


体育词汇(1) - zrtyc - zrtyc - 和讯博客 ... 计算机;电脑 computer 便携式电脑 laptop 掌中[微型]计算机 palmtop ...


关於手提电脑Laptop)方面,则因为携带方便,也愈来愈受 欢迎不过手提电脑的价格较桌上型电脑(Desktop)为昂贵, 且 …


如果您有膝上型电脑 (laptop) 的话,别忘了去看看 位於日本的 Tatsumi Hosokawa's Mobile Computing page。SMP (平行多处 …


4. 笔记型电脑(laptop)比照相机(camera)更贵。 5. 我们的考试(our test)比你们的考试更难。

I don't think we need to stop to use laptop, but it is better for you to leave ot from your leg. 我不认为我们应该立刻停止使用笔记本电脑,但是我觉得如果你正在使用的话,最好不要把笔记。
Q: My wife and I each use a different Windows laptop, so we end up having documents scattered between them. 问:我和太太都有一部安装了Windows操作系统的笔记本电脑,所以我们的文档在两部电脑中都有。
He said the man took his laptop and left the security area before it could be put through the security device a second time. 他说当时工作人员还没来得及对那部手提电脑进行第二次检查,那名男子已经将其提走并离开了安检区域。
First as a PC (personal computer) and then as a laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s. 到了二十世纪七十年代的时候,我已经开始被运用于办公场所甚至家里,从开始的个人台式计算机到后来的笔记本。
Your laptop will not be very useful since there is no broad band access and you won't be able to steal vegetable on Kaixin. 你的手提电脑也没有任何用途了,因为那里没有宽带接入,你也不能从开心网上偷菜了。
The data from all (h)ad converters is all transmitted using a USB tool connection to a laptop which records data directly to its hard drive. 所有来自模仿数字转换器的数据都通过衔接在笔记本电脑上的USB工具来转换,电脑则直接将数据记载到硬盘驱动器。
The man was an engineer at a high-tech company with a salary good enough to afford him a motorbike and a laptop computer. 男人曾是一家高科技公司的工程师,他的薪水足够负担他的摩托车和便携式电脑。
recently , one of my colleagues was standing at the front of a meeting room , projecting some data from his laptop onto the screen. 最近,我的一位同事站在会议室前方,将他笔记型计算机内的一些资料投射到大屏幕上。
The idea was that it would be not only a laptop, but that it could transform and be into an electronic book. 我们的想法是,这个机器并不仅仅是台笔记本电脑,而是可以变化一下,变成一部电子书。
After two hours, he moved to his laptop, on which he watched a TV program and checked his Facebook page during commercials. 两个小时后,他转移到他的笔记本上,开始看电视剧,在插播广告时,浏览一下他的Facebook页面。
I cannot talk with you on the phone due to my health situation, as I am using my Laptop Computer to communicate with you. 由于我偶的健康状况,我不能跟你通电话,我只能用我的笔记本电脑和你交流。
If you do work with a keyboard and a mouse, the items you need to work on are on your laptop, not in the office. 如果你可以通过键盘和鼠标工作,不需要去办公室,你通过手提电脑就可以完成要处理的事务。
The iPad is a curiously seductive device for something that is, on the face of it, a touchscreen laptop with the keyboard removed. 从外观上看,iPad不过是一台不带键盘的触摸屏笔记本电脑,它能够如此吸引眼球让人诧异。
They're not going to be near another laptop, so you have to nail these on to a tree, and sort of, get it. 他们不会总是在另外一个笔记本旁边,所以你必须把设备钉在树上,然后,某种程度上来说,建立这个网络。
Soon you'll be able to hold in the palm of your hand computing power equivalent to that of a desktop or laptop. 不久,您就能在手掌中拥有相当于台式机或便携机的计算能力。
Being a man of action, he brought up the laptop and logged on to the NHS Swine Flu symptom-checker. 丈夫是一个雷厉风行的人,他立刻打开笔记本电脑,登陆到国家卫生事业局猪流感症状查询中心。
The laptop owner saw all this happening before his eyes and tweeted the details to his followers. 笔记本失主看到了眼前发生的一切并且在微博上给他的粉丝们发布了一切的细节。
Passengers gets their ipod or laptop out as if everyone is dealing with emergent business matters at the terminal halls of the airport. 在机场候机厅里,乘客们拿出他们的iPad或是手提电脑好像每个人都有紧急的商务需要处理。
If someone were to break into my house now and seize my company laptop I would be amazed if they were to find anything terribly interesting. 如果现在有窃贼闯入我家,偷走我的公司电脑,要是他们能从中找到很有价值的东西,我会非常吃惊。
It is often desirable to be able to use a GPG key on more than one computer, for instance at home and at work, or on a desktop and a laptop. 很多人都希望能在多台电脑上使用同一个GPG密钥而不论这些机器是台式机还是笔记本,也不管它们位于家中还是办公室。
"We have to make sure that any kind of emissions don't get out. That could be from your laptop, your radio, your telephone, " he explains. “我们要确保任何种类的电波都不外泄,这些电波可能来自你的笔记本,无线电或者是电话”他解释说。
So if you ask me whether or not, if I had it to do again, I would leave the phone and laptop at home, I would probably say "never again. " 所以,假如你现在问我,如果能够重新来过,我还会把电话和笔记本电脑留在家里吗?
The laptop computer Luo Guangli carried out of the Apple flagship store in Beijing was no different from models sold in the United States. 罗广立(音)刚从北京苹果旗舰店买来的这台笔记本电脑,与美国柜台上摆放的产品并无不同。
So, if you're a light-duty user, you might be able to adopt one of the new Airs as your main laptop. 因此,如果你不需要在电脑上做很多工作,大可在这两款Air电脑中选择一款作为首选的便携电脑。
You'll be able to see more detail and get better perspective when you're gazing at a 50 " LCD instead of the little 13" laptop screen. 当你从50寸的LCD屏幕而不是小小的13寸笔记本屏幕获取信息的时候,更多细节就会展现在眼前。
The laptop I crave I actually had in my hands, but only for a week or two as a trial. It's Sony's amazing 1. 5-pound Vaio X. 我渴望我的笔记本电脑,其实在我手中了,但只有一个星期或两个审判。
But, all in all, this is a beautiful, capable laptop, as long you can live with its high price and mediocre battery life. 但是,总而言之,这是一款漂亮、好用的笔记本电脑,只要你能付得起高价,而且不在乎它在待机方面的平庸表现。
With a virtual desktop, users no longer have to carry a fully loaded laptop device to be mobile. 通过使用虚拟桌面,用户就不再需要带着沉重的笔记本计算机到处跑了。
I chose to use it only in the hotel, at the beginning or end of the day, just as I normally would with a laptop. 我选择在饭店的时候才用iPad,也就是早上和晚上,跟我通常使用笔记本计算机的习惯差不多。
For her dedication during the building phase, they used some of the money to buy her a new laptop. 为了奖励她在游戏开发期间的全力支持,尼古拉斯为老婆买了一台新笔记本电脑。