
美 [ˈredʒɪstər]英 [ˈredʒɪstə(r)]
  • v.注册;登记;记录;提出主张
  • n.语域;登记簿;登记表;注册簿
  • 网络寄存器;暂存器;会员注册

复数:registers 现在分词:registering 过去式:registered

register company,register birth
electoral register


v. n.

登记姓名put name on list

1.[t][i]登记;注册to record your/sb's/sth's name on an official list

公开发表意见give opinion publicly

2.[t]~ sth(正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张to make your opinion known officially or publicly

测量仪器on measuring instrument

3.[i](+ noun)显示(读数);记录if a measuring instrumentregisters an amount or sthregisters an amount on a measuring instrument, the instrument shows or records that amount

表达情感show feeling

4.[t][nopass][i]~ (sth)流露出;显得;表达出to show or express a feeling

注意到notice sth

5.[t][nopass][i]~ (sth)注意到;记住;受到注意to notice sth and remember it; to be noticed


6.[t][usupass]~ sth把…挂号邮寄to send sth by mail, paying extra money to protect it against loss or damage


英文地址的翻译 ... sites 网站 register 登记,注册 membership 成员 ...


寄存器Register)是CPU内部的元件,所以在寄存器之间的数据传送非常快。 //-------------------------------------------------------...


字典中 籍 字的解释 ... (8) 籍贯[ native place] (1) 登记[ register] (2) 同本义[ book;register] ...


暂存器(Register):暂时储存资料,如用来储存运算的累积器。其功能与记忆体相似 。


语域(Register)理论在系统功能语言学中是一个重要的概念,(方言VS语域)与方言变异(dialectvariation,表示社会结构的差 …


举字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 成立,站得住脚〖 stand〗 记录;登记〖 register〗 谈论;称引〖 talk〗 ...


灵芝孢子粉|灵芝孢子油|破壁灵芝孢子粉_粤科灵芝 ... 产品购买 Products to buy 会员注册 Register 会员登录 Member Login ...


挂字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 挂果〖 bearfruit〗 挂号register〗 挂号员〖 registrar〗 ...

He had to empty the cash register and even go back into his house to find the rest of the money, but he made it. 他把现金出纳机里的钱全拿光,甚至走回他屋里去找出那不足的钱数,但最后总算凑齐了。
As if, in the whole range of emotions experienced by a young child, pleasure is the main one to register. 就好像在一个孩子的整个情感经历中,快乐总是占据了主导地位。
Which form to take, register or not, in the sale of private house in countryside has no effect on its validity. 农村私有房屋买卖合同采取何种形式、登记与否不影响其法律效力。
Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。
A register in the processor that contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. Also known as a program counter. 包含下一条要执行指令地址的处理器中的寄存器。也叫程序计数器。
The Company Licence grants you the right to register and manage companies and company shares just like the old VIP membership did. 公司执照承认您注册公司、管理公司和公司股份的权宜,类似于以往的VIP会员资格。
It has a star-studded share register and board of directors, and a great appeal for those who like to think you can do well by doing good. SKS的股东名册和董事会明星云集,它对那些相信行善之人诸事皆顺理念的人有着巨大的吸引力。
A few years ago it began to register migrant workers, allowing them, in theory at least, to access healthcare. 几年前,该国开始对移民员工进行登记注册,至少从理论上允许他们取得医疗保障。
The man who worked at the cash register noticed my fascination with it and offered the tape to me for being such a good client. 收银员看到我这么好奇,慷慨地把磁带送给了我,以嘉奖我这名好顾客。
A separate register for manpower handling is to be maintained. Misbehavior in the company premises employees will viewed very seriously. 用于装卸的人员采取分别登记。在厂区内员工违反制度应严惩。
Office. There's a bit of trouble with them, " he said, grasping the door handle . " They won't register me for the exam. “是研究生办公室有些麻烦,”他说着握住了门把手,“还是不给我准考证。”
Finding His Lordship won't be hard, his room number will be in the guest register, if I can get to the front desk to read it. 由于贵族身份发现他不会很困难,他的房间号应该会纪录在来宾登记簿上,如果我能到前台读到的话。
To be fair, the member who has not join the mission has no need to register any more. 公平起见,尚未参加任务的人员不必再报名参加。
The condition register should be saved in its area of the stack before any of these fields are modified, and then restored before returning. 在对任何域进行修改之前,都应该将条件寄存器保存到堆栈的这个区域中,然后在返回之前恢复。
But, the point right now is they [Cambodia] want the land around Phra Viharn to register as a world heritage [under Cambodia]. 现在的问题在于,柬埔寨希望柏威夏寺周围的土地都被列入世界遗产名录。
Excess register declarations are harmless, however, since the word register is ignored for excess or disallowed declarations. 但是,过量的寄存器声明并没有什么害处,这是因为编译器可以忽略过量的或不支持的寄存器变量声明。
You are now ready to set up the federated system so that you can register these remote tables. 现在可以建立联邦系统,以便注册这些远程表。
As you entered through the door, a colour would register on the wall. 当你进门,一种颜色会被登记在墙上。
To apply for supply of information on the Business Register, applicant must be able to pay the document fees payable over the Internet. 至于申请商业登记册内的资料,申请人必须能够透过互联网支付需要缴交的文件费用。
If it did this, then the destination register would have to be twice as large as the source register. 如果的确如此,那么目的寄存器将会有源寄存器的两倍之长。
Now, normal touch sensors that you see, like on a kiosk or interactive whiteboards, can only register one point of contact at a time. 现在注意,一般你们看到的触摸感应器,好比在自动终端机或交互白板上,只能一次注册一个接触点。
now it is possible to register for property online and get a property granted in a private document as long as it is witnessed by a lawyer. 但是现在已经可以在网上为房产作登记,而且只要有一名律师作见证,就可以通过私人文件完成房地产的转让。
and yet most fear - meters , including , crucially , the price banks have to pay for funds ( see chart ) , still register chronic anxiety. 但大多数市场紧张程度指标(包括最为关键的银行的融资成本,见图)仍然显示出不容乐观的长期趋势。
A set of edge-triggered (or equivalent) latches which jointly store the state of a binary value through a clock cycle is termed a register. 用一组沿触发(或等价的)锁存器在一个时钟周期内共同地存储一个以二进制数表示的状态,就称为寄存器。
The confirmation process takes just a few seconds and is as simple as signing a sales receipt at a cash register. 确认过程仅需数秒,有如在商户柜台签署销售单据般简便。
She said she was going to register for next term's classes, so I said I'd go, too. 她说她准备去登记下个学期的课程,我说我也要去。
Register for online banking today and you can check exactly how much money you have, whenever you want. 现在就注册网上银行,无论何时你都可以查询你的余额。
If you try to re-register a source that has already been registered as a valid source for a given log, the system raises a run-time error. 如果尝试再注册一个已注册为某一给定日志的有效源的源,系统会产生运行时错误。
Tuesday was also the last day to register for classes for the semester that began a week earlier. 另外,周二还是学生注册这学期课程的最后一天。这学期的课程已于一周前已经开始。
Katy: I think we need to for the convenience of our customers. It won't be as big a nuisance as you think, with this new cash register. 我认为为了方便顾客,应该这样做。操作新的收银机,没有你想象的那么麻烦。