
美 [rɪˈlif]英 [rɪˈliːf]
  • n.浮雕;解脱;轻松;消除
  • 网络救济;减轻;解除


great relief,temporary relief,instant relief,welcome relief,comic relief
provide relief,bring relief,give relief,seek relief,send relief



焦虑╱痛苦的消除removal of anxiety/pain

1.[u][sing](不快过后的)宽慰,轻松;解脱the feeling of happiness that you have when sth unpleasant stops or does not happen

2.[u]~ (from/of sth)(焦虑、痛苦等的)减轻,消除,缓和the act of removing or reducing pain, anxiety, etc.


3.[u](给灾区或交战地区人民提供的)救济,救援物品food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help people in places where there has been a war or natural disaster

变化sth different

5.[u](暂时替代单调乏味事物的)调剂,轻松场面something that is interesting or enjoyable that replaces sth boring, difficult or unpleasant for a short period of time


6.[cspv]替班者;接替人;换班者a person or group of people that replaces another when they have finished working for the day or when they are sick

艺术in art

8.[u][c]浮雕;浮雕法;浮雕作品a way of decorating wood, stone, etc. by cutting designs into the surface of it so that some parts stick out more than others; a design that is made in this way

使醒目making sth noticeable

9.[u](光和色彩等产生的)醒目效果;醒目;光彩夺目the effect of colours, light, etc. that makes an object more noticeable than others around it

10.[u]突出的品质;令人注目的特征the quality of a particular situation, problem, etc. that makes it more noticeable than before


? 实施救济Relief)贯穿新政全过程 实施救济( 救济 ) 三个方面( ): 三个方面(3R): ? ? ? ? (1)救济(Relief): …


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... irrelevant a 不相干的,不切题的 relief n 减轻,轻松 liberty n 自由 ...


首页_易水奇石 ... 群雕 Sculptures 浮雕 Relief 栏板 Column board ...


以Y结尾的英文单词_百度知道 ... scarf 围巾,头巾 relief 减轻,解除 wolf: 狼 ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... grief 悲伤 relief 缓解,减轻 adjust 调整 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... reliable a. 可靠的 466. relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻 467. reputation n. 名气,声誉 468. ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... relic 遗迹 relief 解脱 relieve 解除 ...


photoshop 常用 英语单词_百度知道 ... range 范围,领域 relief 救济,援救 render 渲染,粉刷,上色 ...

Pictures are chiseled into the surface of a stone to make it look like a combination of painting and relief. 图片被凿入石头的表面做它看起来象绘画和安心的组合。
Now he ran eagerly forward, pushing his way through the foliage. He gave a gasp of relief. She was there, lying on the pine needles. 他急不可待地跑上前,推开树叶,看到她在那里,躺在松叶上,心里松了一口气。
Buyers had been expecting relief from the constant round of higher prices, which have been such a common trend this year. 买家一直期待能从这轮暂时的高价中得到缓解,但显然高价是今年的普通趋势。
Relief workers in alliance with local charities are trying to help the victims. 救济人员与当地的慈善组织联合帮助灾民。
Davies said he has requested additional funding from the U. S. Agency for International Development for relief efforts in the region. 戴维斯说,他向美国国际开发署要求提供更多的资金,以便用于该地区的救援工作。
To the relief of that anonymous guarantor, "Late Picasso" was one of the week's success stories. 让该匿名保证人感到宽慰的是,“毕加索晚期作品”是本周拍卖会上最受欢迎的藏品之一。
The proclamation was greeted with elation and relief, even if it was premature by at least two days. 豪言一出,人人欢欣鼓舞、如释重负,连这句话至少说早两天都无暇顾及了。
but she did not hide the relief she felt at leaving her overcrowded camp for a day of friends and fun. 但当她可以离开拥挤的难民营,和朋友一起享受欢乐的一天时,她毫不掩饰自己的轻松愉悦。
2005 was a year of many crises and emergencies, starting with the relief and reconstruction efforts following the Asian Tsunami. 2005年是一个危机频现,紧急情况不断的年头,始于亚洲海啸后作出的救援和重建努力。
But six weeks into her treatment with Prozac, she began to feel relief of a kind she had not known for years. 但是在她接受百优解治疗六周后,她开始感到许多年来没有感到的轻松。
For Chinese diplomats preparing for the Group of 20 summit, the trade numbers might come as something of a relief. 对于正在筹备20国集团(G20)峰会的中国外交官来说,这些贸易数字或许让他们松了口气。
Tears well up in Satoko's eyes. For her and her father, it is an emotional relief, they believe their ancestors will now rest in peace. 末岗惠里的眼中泛起泪光。对于她和父亲而言,这是一种情感的解脱。他们相信,故去的亲人将因此永得安息。
This is something of relief even to be undone by a man of honour, rather than by a scoundrel. 那也可以聊以慰情,因为被一个君子毁了,总比被一个光棍毁了好些。
I finally reached Andrea on her cell phone a few minutes before nine, and it was a great relief to hear her voice. 我总算在差几分钟到九点的时候打通了安德里亚的手机,听到她的声音我真是松了一口气。
Fake acupuncture appears to work just as well for pain relief as the real thing, according to a new study of patients with knee arthritis. 一项针对膝关节炎患者的研究表明,假针灸和真针灸一样能够缓解疼痛。
Providing them with easy to understand information about projects and relief and compensation entitlements. 向他们提供有关方案、救济以及救济金的简单易懂的数据和信息
The next day, after I see him off at the bus stop, I walk around with a Ready brek glow and an overwhelming feeling of relief. 第二天,在公共汽车站与他告别之后,我兴高采烈和充满放松感地四处走。
Over the next three years, numerous studies and therapeutic trials failed to elicit the cause of her dysosmia or to provide relief. 在未来三年内,有无数的研究和治疗试验失败的原因,征求她的嗅觉障碍或提供救济。
My initial reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry. 听到这则消息,我起初的反应是放松,不过当我再去想它时,我开始感到气愤了。
After the typical "another day's work's gone" - ish greedy thought, I felt a bit of relief. 除了“又损失一个工作日”的资本家思维定式外,还有一点松一口气的窃喜。
Yet Thursday's figures aren't just a relief for the company and its shareholders. 然而,周四的数据不只是让公司及股东松了一口气。
It was such a relief to hear Glen had been found safe and well. 听到格伦平安无事,真是令人十分宽慰。
Jenson, eighth place last weekend but it must have felt like a bit of a relief? 简森,上周拿到的第八名是不是让你感觉稍微好些了?
At the end of each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle. 每穿过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
Supachai said the U. S. financial rescue package will provide only temporary relief, not a solution to the crisis. 素帕猜说,美国拯救金融市场的计划将只能起到临时缓解的作用,而不是解决危机的办法。
Mr Ban said the UN was ready to provide further support for the relief effort. 潘基文说联合国愿意为救灾提供进一步的帮助。
It's probably with a sense of relief that she discovers that I'm "only" a journalist investigating Foursquare. 在发现我“只是”个调查Foursquare的记者后,她似乎有种如释重负的感觉。
And is anyone really, really watching to make sure that this relief-well business is going as it should be, that no corners are being cut? 然而,是否有人真真正正在监督,确保这个减压井是按要求建造,完全不会偷工减料?
It will be a relief not to have another man in a suit or, this being the EU, a troika of men in suits. 她让我们松了一口气,因为我们不用看到又一名身着西装的男士(或者欧盟的典型阵容:三名身着西装的男性官员)。
There were just so many of them right now; would we meet him in a few hours at a relief camp in the town? 只是现在人太多了;我们愿意几小时后到镇上的救济营中和他见面吗?