
美 [rɪˈlaɪ]
  • v.依靠;信任
  • 网络依赖于;信赖

第三人称单数:relies 现在分词:relying 过去式:relied

mainly rely,solely rely



托福考试历年词汇真题|新托福考试词汇真题 ... ... 假定,假设 suggested 依靠 relied 订阅,赞成 agreed with ...


依赖 - English translation - ... 依赖于 to rely 依赖于 relied 依赖的 beholden ...


... wetting n. 湿,变湿 relied v. 依赖, 依靠, 信赖, 信任, 依赖于 regimented n. 团, 大群v.把...编组, 把...编成团, 管辖 ...


... wetting n. 湿,变湿 relied v. 依赖, 依靠, 信赖, 信任, 依赖于 regimented n. 团, 大群v.把...编组, 把...编成团, 管辖 ...

Others questioned how much the survey could be relied uponto gauge the strength of the holiday shopping season kick-off. 其他人质疑,对于判断假日购物季开始的形势,此项调查究竟有几分可信度。
He talked fondly of his wife, relied on her advice and held her hand in public. 他会充满爱意地谈论他的妻子,信赖她的建议并牵手出现在公共场合。
While these reports are helpful, I don't feel they are nearly thorough enough to be solely relied upon to make a decision to close or not. 虽然这些报告是非常有用,我感觉他们并不全面到足以单靠这个报告而做出交易决定。
While never allowing herself to be seen to be needing help, she did take advice, and relied quite heavily on trusted experts. 她不愿让人们察觉到她需要别人的帮助,但实际上采纳了别人的建议,依赖她信任的专家的意见。
North Korea has for years relied on its nuclear build-up to squeeze aid from its neighbors and the United States. 北韩多年来靠本国的核武库向邻国及美国榨取援助。
Aldrin relied on a felt-tip marker, since the non-conductive tip would close the contact without shorting it out, or causing a spark. 奥尔德林当时使用的是毡制粗头笔,它的尖头是不导电的,接触开关不会造成短路或引发火花。
Beliveau largely relied on the "kindness of strangers" as he made his way through unfamiliar territories. 在穿越这些陌生的土地中,贝力弗很大程度上都是依靠“陌生人的善心”。
The bottom line of all these reports was that supplements of vitamin E could not be relied upon to protect against heart disease and stroke. 所有这些报告的主要指出的是:防止心脏病和中风不能依靠服用维生素E增补剂。
SECT is a kind of evaluation and a means of measurement as well, relied on its validity, reliability and differentiate. “学评教”是一种评价,也是一种测量。其质量取决于本身的效度、信度和区分度。
If your blog is a part of a crowd that fulfills similar needs, your blog may not be relied upon as much as you think. 如果你的博客太过普通,那么它可能不会像你想得那么可信赖。
instead, it had merely relied on its status as a responsible environmentalist organization. 相比之下,原告只是依靠了自身的作为环境保护组织负责机构的地位。
How much can markets be relied upon to stabilise themselves and how much help do they need from governments and regulators? 对于市场能够自己稳定下来,我们能抱多大指望?它们需要政府和监管机构提供多大帮助?
The result was a marketing effort that largely relied on an enthusiastic customer base to share their love of the company and its products. 结果是营销努力很大程度依赖于热心的顾客,以分享他们对公司及其产品的热爱为基础。
understand that this declaration and representation will be relied upon by the Company and the Sole Global Coordinator in deciding . 明白贵公司及独家全球协调人将依赖本声明及陈述,以决定是否就是项申请分配任何香港发售股份;
It is for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Company and may not be used or relied upon by any other party. 本准则仅仅是为了公司的利益,不应被其他各方利用或依赖。
Just then dubious, my mobile phone ringing, it is a call from the smoke, I relied on, so close that even a cell phone. Savings do not know. 正说着不三不四的话,我的手机响了,是烟尘打来的,我靠,这么近还打手机,一点也不知道节约。
Until a year ago, Wes, 15, was a lean, fast sprinter who could always be relied on to win the race for his track team. 直到一年前,15岁的韦斯(Wes)还是个精干的快跑选手,也是田径队一直仰仗的赛跑胜利者。
But if there is only one nearby mine that can be relied upon as a supplier, the electricity generator tends to own it. 但如果附近只有一家煤矿可以依赖为供应商的话,电厂趋向于来收购这家煤矿。
Up to now, I've always relied on my good memory, but now that I'm working and studying, I find I've got too much to keep in my head. 过去,我一直依赖于自己良好的记忆力来处理日常事务,然而,由于是在职学习,我发现要记的东西实在太多,以至于脑子都不够用了。
In its Ford days JLR relied on Ford Credit to finance operations and sales, and did not need direct relationships with banks. Now it does. 被福特收购后,JLR的运营及销售都依赖于福特信贷,不需要与银行有直接联系,但现在需要了。
he relied on advisers , most of whom he had not appointed and whose way of thinking was not really congenial to him. 他依靠顾问,而他的大多数顾问并没有得到他的任命,他们的思想方法也并不是确实和他气味相投的。
And yet, the United States has opened its doors to only a fraction of the people it relied on in Iraq. 然而,美国只为他们在伊拉克依赖过的一小部分人敞开大门。
But that does not address the point that the new cells have relied on the output of genes from the old one to get going in the first place. 但这没有解决问题:一开始,新细胞还是需要老细胞基因的产物来帮助自己运行。
The problem is not relied on the application of new number but that he has no right to use it. 问题不在申请新的号码,而是他根本就没有使用权限。
Two months later, James released the single Ventolin, a harsh, appropriately wheezing ode to the asthma drug on which he relied. 两个月后James放出了单曲Ventolin,一首献给自己哮喘病依赖的药物的刺耳的赞美诗。
So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at least one instance relied on cheap materials. 因此,这艘名字寓意着豪华的轮船至少在一个方面用了廉价材料。
In the United States, we have always relied upon entrepreneurs to be a primary engine of our economic growth. 在美国,我们一贯依靠企业家为我国经济增长提供主要动力。
Even as a child you were the one who could be relied on to take care of yourself and do what you believe is right. 甚至还在孩提时代,你就能自理,做自己认为是对的事。
At the end of his life, tired but still game, he relied on shots of adrenaline to carry him through a full night of partying. 在他人生的最后时间,Macdonald虽然已是力不从心,但是戏谑的心仍在。他通过注射肾上腺素来支撑自己彻夜狂欢。
Second, it may be impossible to obtain such consent, particularly if funding relied heavily on the ECB, at least in the short run. 第二,至少在短期内,达成这种共识是办不到的,尤其是在严重依赖欧洲央行提供资金的情况下。