
美 [rɪˈnu]英 [rɪˈnjuː]
  • v.更新;更换;重新开始;中止后继续
  • 网络续借;换新;恢复

第三人称单数:renews 现在分词:renewing 过去式:renewed

renew contract,renew license,renew agreement,renew insurance,renew strength



1.~ sth重新开始;中止后继续to begin sth again after a pause or an interruption

2.~ sth使继续有效;延长…的期限to make sth valid for a further period of time

3.~ sth重申;重复强调to emphasize sth by saying or stating it again

4.~ sth更新;更换to change sth that is old or damaged and replace it with sth new of the same kind


大学英语四级听力技巧 - 豆丁网 ... over due 超期 15. renew 续借 16. fine 罚款 17. ...


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... reckon 计算(成本等) renew 重建,换新 renovate 革新;修理 ...


恢字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 恢奇〖 outstanding〗 恢复〖 resume;renew〗 恢复她在社会中的地位〖 reinstate;restore;regain …


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... reckon 计算(成本等) renew 重建,换新 renovate 革新;修理 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... rag n. 破布, 碎布 renew v. 重新开始 repentance n. 懊悔 ...


UNIT 10. Why People Work_旺旺英语教学网 ... clinic 诊所 renew 使更新 acute 严重的,急性的 ...


听力教程 / 用mp3背四级单词_在线英语听力室 ... render - 使得,致使 renew - 重新开始,继续 repetition - 重复,反复 ...

The president said King Day is an opportunity to renew America's deep desire to be a nation of promise, justice and opportunity for all. 布什总统说,马丁.路德.金纪念日给予美国一个机会来重申美国深远的理念,那就是把美国构建成一个具有前途、正义并且为每个人创造机会的国家。
He said the two sides have yet to resolve some issues, but he said he hopes to renew contact with Iran in a few days. 索拉纳说,双方还有一些问题有待解决,但是他说他希望近日内将与伊朗再次接触。
What was really meant in most places was that we would elect people to govern us and sporadically renew or revoke their contracts. 大多数地方的真正含义是我们要选出人管理我们,偶尔更新或撤销他们的契约。
According to Spanish newspaper AS, they are now ready to renew their attempts in signing one of the world's top players. 按照西班牙报纸《阿斯报》的报道,他们现在准备重新开始尝试签下这个世界上最好的球员之一。
First, we must be good stewards of this economy, and renew the great institutions on which millions of our fellow citizens rely. 首先,我们必须做好我国经济的管理工作,给我国亿万同胞所依赖的伟大制度注入新的活力。
I was about to talk with you about this. I guess you want to renew the insurance. 我正想和您谈这件事呢。我猜您是想续保吧?
If Google had been unable to renew its license, it could have meant the end of the company's operations in China. 如果Google不能重新获得这个许可证,则意味着要结束在华业务的运营。
He says his ears are open, and he is ready to listen. He says he wants the opportunity to renew the public's sense of hope. 他说,他准备洗耳恭听。他希望民众能够有重获希望感的机会。
You could be evicted (say, if the landlord decides not to renew your lease, or to sell the home) and may need to seek another place to live. 你可能会被下逐客令(比如:你的房东决定不再把房子出租给你而决定自己住了,或者卖出这套房子),那么你就得另寻他处了。
He also claimed that there was no need for his country to renew a standby deal with the IMF that expired in May 2008. 他还声称,没必要与IMF组织续签08年5月到期的备用合约。
From this point of view, it is a necessity to renew the requirements of the qualities and duty areas of a university Counselor. 从这种价值取向出发,必须重新认识大学辅导员的工作范畴和素质要求。
All he had was a crumpled paper on which he had jotted some rough verse inspired by a visit to the Israeli police, to renew his travel pass. 他只有一张皱巴巴的纸,上面摘记着一些粗糙的诗句,这是他去以色列警署续签证件时突发的灵感。
They wrote to him in tables of brass, to renew the friendship and alliance which they had made with Judas, and with Jonathan his brethren. 便用铜版给他写信,重新与他缔结友好盟约,就如从前与他弟弟犹大和约纳堂所缔结的盟约一样。
For decades they met once or twice a year, in relative obscurity, to talk over technical issues, exchange gossip and renew old friendships. 几十年来,他们每年聚会一到两次,不怎么高调,谈谈技术问题,交换一下八卦,增进一下友谊。
But those campaigning for sex-workers' rights have objected, fearing that this might give the police a pretext to renew the raids. 但他们不会发起那些为性工作者争取权利的运动,因为担心这可能成为警方重新开始搜捕的藉口。
Allow at least a month to renew a regular SSL certificate and a longer lead time for the new Extended Validation (EV) certificates. 应该至少每个月续约一次常规SSL证书,新的ExtendedValidation(EV)证书的续约周期可以长一些。
Rafa Benitez today warned Everton that Fernando Torres is ready to renew his record of scoring in Merseyside derbies on Sunday. 今天拉法-贝尼特斯警告埃弗顿,豪言托雷斯已经为继续刷新莫西塞德德比的进球记录做好一切的准备。
It seemed to me that this would be the perfect time to renew our vows, so I recruited Karen, my sister-in-law, to help me. 在我看来,这将是完美的时间来延续我们的誓言,所以我招聘克伦人,我和妹妹在法律,以帮助我。
Drop a dryer sheet into the bottom of a gym bag and leave it there until your nose lets you know it's time to renew it. 至于你的包包:把一片干燥片放到它的底部,然后把包放在一旁,直到你的鼻子告诉你你可以接着使用它为止。
The strategy depends on the continual ability of investors to renew their funding or to sell their assets (at a decent price). 这一策略依赖于投资者是否能够持续注入资金,以及能否以(合适的价格)变现其资产。
The supervisor of a garment factory was instructed by his manager to renew contracts with three garment processing contractors. 一名制衣厂管工奉上司之命与三间成衣加工承包商洽谈续约事宜。
This sets it apart from the formidable competition that, in New York, seems to renew itself on an almost monthly basis. 纽约城里那种可怕的竞争,那种几乎每月一次的改头换面,统统都会被抛在脑后。
She said they decided to fly to Madrid on a Morocco-bound flight on Monday after Egypt refused to renew Omar's visa. 她还说,埃及拒绝续签奥马尔的签证后,他们决定星期一绕道摩洛哥飞往马德里。
China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation. 中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。
At the end of the year, you're free to find another place, or renew your lease with the landlord, as long as he still wants you as a tenant. 1年结束后,你可以自由选择其他地方居住,或者只要房东愿意的话,你也可以和他续约。
Angered by the article and its focus on death, the hospital administrators did not renew her contract. 可是医院的管理者对这篇文章和它对死亡的关注非常生气,他们没有再继续和她签约。
Those who were formerly active may be encouraged by the Olympics to renew their participation, he said. 那些以前积极运动的人可能会受奥运会激励使他们重新参与,他说。
Efforts like this could provide one way for Haiti, as it rebuilds, to renew the promise of its revolution. 他们开始为海地复兴之路而努力,当它重建之后,将会实现当年革命时起义者们的誓言。
Unfortunately, Jin Jiang did not renew its license at the Education Bureau in time. The license will be renewed by next Wednesday. 遗憾的是,锦江公司没有及时在教育局对执照进行更新。执照要到下周三才能重新生效。
But in recent weeks, none of the artists have been able to renew leases extending past March. 然而,最近几个星期,这里的艺术家全都没能与业主达成协定,没能将租期延展到三月份之后。