real madrid

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real madrid


皇家马德里Real madrid)伯纳乌球场(Santiago Bernabeu)瓦伦西亚(Valencia cf)梅斯塔利亚(Mestalla)拉科鲁尼亚(Deporti…


皇马赢盘聚积在联赛末期和终端阶段,中央有很长一段年光皇马(Real Madrid)便是不赢盘。民众想一下,信命不修心,阴阳恐 …


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目前,东星表业已为西班牙皇家马德里足球俱乐部(Real Madrid)、葡萄牙本菲卡足球俱乐部( Benfica)、拉科鲁尼亚(Deportivo C…


(中央社马德里15日综合外电报导)西班牙皇家马德里足球队Real Madrid)前锋本泽马因为开车超速,被罚款1万8000欧元…


请问西甲皇家马德里(Real Madrid)现在的队员有谁呢?谢谢大家的回答。


皇马英语新闻_百度知道 ... 7、score: 动词,“得分” 1、Real Madrid西班牙皇家马德里队 4、World Player of the Year: 世 …

In New York, I dined with him, we did not gon into detail about the Real Madrid offers, but he told me that he will be loyal to Milan. 在纽约,我和他吃了顿饭,我们没有谈到关于皇马提供的合同的细节。
it must also be pointed out that Real Madrid's first three goals were all the direct result of mistakes by Vallecano. 必须指出的是皇家马德里的前三个进球都是巴列卡诺的失误造成的。
So it's not easy, but I think things are going well now and I can show more of what I can do for Real Madrid. 所以这一切真的很艰难,但我觉得现在一切都走上正轨了,我现在也开始慢慢展示我可以为皇马做的一切。
The Real Madrid midfielder has surprisingly suggested that he would not have left Juventus if it had been up to him. 这位皇家马德里中场球员令人吃惊的说道,如果由他决定,他决不会离开尤文图斯。
Fernando Gago could be on his way to Liverpool in the summer transfer window, after being told he has no future at Real Madrid. 在表露不会再待在皇家马德里之后,在夏季转会窗口开启时,费尔南多·加戈可能奔赴利物浦。
Many thought it was a gamble bringing him in from Real Madrid in January, but Il Fenomeno has proved his critics wrong. 一月份从皇马引进罗纳尔多的时候,很多人认为这是一场赌博。但是“现象”已经证明批评他的人是错的。
Ronaldo went on to talk about Real Madrid's 4-0 win over Espanyol on Sunday, in which he did not score, but set up two goals. 罗纳尔多接着谈到周日4比0战胜西班牙人的比赛。比赛中他没有进球但奉献两次助攻。
Beckham denied that Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon is trying to cut his wages as part of a new contract . 贝克汉姆否认皇马的主席罗曼•科尔德隆试图在新合同中削减他的工资。
In the summer of 2003, Beckham won the Spanish Super Cup, his only title with Real Madrid up to this point. 在2003年夏天,贝克汉姆取得了在皇马的唯一一个冠军——西班牙超级杯,对手是马洛卡。
Real Madrid, Arsenal and Barcelona are all keen too, with Anderlecht realising they won't be able to keep hold of him for too long. 随着安德莱赫特逐渐意识到他们是没有能力挽留他太久的时候,皇家马德里,阿森纳,巴傻也在积极的追逐之中。
For such a young lad to go into a side of Real Madrid's quality and play so well speaks volumes for his talent. 这样的一个年轻人能迅速融入皇家马德里的体系中并表现非凡,真该为他的才华而喝彩。
So then I said I would love to go to Real Madrid if at some point Milan decided to let me go. 然后我就说如果米兰决定让我走我会乐意加入皇家马德里。
He said: "I have been a Real Madrid fan since a kid, but I also like great clubs such as Milan and United. " 他说道:“我从小时候就是皇马的球迷,不过我也喜欢像米兰以及曼联这样的大俱乐部。”
I could liken Real Madrid's situation with England, with that of Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool compared to Chelsea. 我可以把皇马目前的困境和英格兰,曼联,切尔西和阿森纳的遭遇进行对比。
Beckham has always said he would not play for another English club after leaving Manchester United in 2003 to join Real Madrid. 在2003年从曼联转会到皇家马德里之后,贝克汉姆一直表示他不会再为另一家英格兰俱乐部效力。
The Brazilian star came back to haunt his former side just as he had done in a Real Madrid shirt when he scored at Barcelona. 巴西球星回归这一球场攻入了老东家的球门,就如当初身披皇马球衣的他攻入巴塞罗那的球门一样。
Real Madrid are ready to offer Kaka a seven-year contract in a bid to tempt him away from Milan, according to reports in Spain. 按照西班牙媒体的说法,皇马准备向卡卡提供一份七年的合约尝试将他从米兰吸引过去。
On Sunday, we're not facing Real Madrid, but we need to go out with the same level of desire as if we were. 在这个周日,我们不是面对皇马,但是只要我们比赛,我们就需要带着同样的渴望出场。
So I would like to say thank you to all my teammates, the coaching staff and this great Real Madrid family. 我向所有的队友,教练团队以及伟大的皇马家族的成员表示感谢。
But it was not the result of nerves, just the unseasonable heat at Real Madrid's Valdebebas headquarters. 但是那不是焦躁的结果,只是由于来自皇马当局毫无理由的压力。
Real Madrid boss Bernd Schuster declared his admiration for the Belarussian, but the club did not make a formal offer. 皇家马德里主帅舒斯特尔也声称他希望得到这位白俄罗斯人,但俱乐部并没有给出一份正式的合同。
The answer was simple when, midway through last season, a group of reporters asked if he would ever fancy moving to a club like Real Madrid. 答案很简单。上赛季打到一半的时候一群记者问他是否想过转会去皇马之类的球队。
Juventus are ready to offer Real Madrid defender Fabio Cannavaro a player-coaching contract to bring him back to Turin in the summer. 尤文图斯准备好提供给皇家马德里后卫法比奥。卡纳瓦罗一份球员兼教练的合同准备在夏天把他带回都灵。
Oezil can have Real Madrid built around him for the next decade. 未来十年,皇家马德里可以围绕厄齐尔为核心建队。
"It's not a mystery that Real Madrid are interested in signing him (Alonso) but it won't be easy, " he said. “这早已不是秘密了,皇马有兴趣签阿隆索,但这将非常困难,”他说。
I have no interest in leaving Chelsea and I have had no contact with Real Madrid whatsoever. 我并不想离开切尔西,而且我根本没有与皇马联系过。
Former Juventus midfielder Alessio Tacchinardi has blasted Real Madrid boss Fabio Capello. "I left Turin because of him, " he stated. 塔齐纳迪指责卡佩罗是逼他离开尤文的罪魁祸首:“我离开尤文全是拜他所赐。”
Barcelona, Real Madrid, AC Milan - to name just a few - are all better this year. 巴塞罗那,皇马,AC米兰——还一些队伍——今年都变强了。
With the way he responded and the way he was playing at the time for Real Madrid, there was no hesitation in bringing him back. 从他的反映和他为皇马踢球时的表现可以看出,我们不需要有一点犹豫重新将他带回来。
Then Real Madrid will face Barcelona in the semifinals, and the prospects for the team will face the enemy, Jose Mourinho arrogant. 接下来皇马将在半决赛中面对巴萨,对于球队前景以及即将面对的敌人,穆里尼奥霸气十足。