
美 [rɪˈper]英 [rɪˈpeə(r)]
  • v.修理;修补;修缮;补救
  • n.修理;修补;修缮
  • 网络修复;修护;维修

复数:repairs 现在分词:repairing 过去式:repaired

repair car,repair defect,repair damage,repair engine,repair roof


v. n.

1.~ sth修理;修补;修缮to restore sth that is broken, damaged or torn to good condition

2.~ sth补救;纠正;弥补to say or do sth in order to improve a bad or unpleasant situation


字典中 修 字的解释 ... (1) 假借为“修”。兴建;兴修[ build] (3) 修理;整修[ repair] (5) 治理[ manage] ...


个人简历英文翻译词汇大全_百度文库 ... renovate 革新;修理 repair 修复,修补 replace 接替,替换 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... give away 赠送;分发 repair 修理;修补 similar 相似的;相仿的 ...


化妆品英文词汇大全 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... Oily( 油性皮肤) Repair修护) Revitalite( 活化) ...


基地人力资源项目词汇-V1 - 疑译解析-翻译论坛 ... 维护 maintenance 维修 repair 维修计划 overhaul plans ...


《电子行业英语词汇大全》 - 豆丁网 ... Reject 拒收 97 Repair 返修 98 Repeatusility 再现性 99 ...


“乳液”用英语怎么说?急用!谢谢_爱问知识人 ... remover( 去除、卸妆) repair修保) revitalite( 活化) ...

Why didn't you just explain to me that you were beyond repair and needed to come here to get a new body? 你为什么不告诉我,你当时是无法修复,需要到这里来获得一个新的躯体?
"The body goes into a repair-and-recover mode when it no longer has the work of storing the food being consumed, " he said. 他说,“一旦人体不需要储存吃进去的食物,它就会进入一种修补与恢复的模式。”
My paint has some scratch, how much does it need to repair it? 我的油漆有点刮蹭,修补需要多少钱?
Direct reprogramming may be used to grow new hearts for transplant from a patient's own skin or to help repair damage after heart attacks. 直接的重组工程可能会用在由病人皮肤细胞自造的心脏移植上,或者帮助修复心脏病发作引起的伤害。
The cost of cleaning up the environmental damage is not limited to trying to repair the actual damage to the environment. 环境污染清理的成本并不仅仅在于恢复实际的环境损害。
Also a good easy to repair, one can also easily Arts, its people, is said: "there can be yes, yes also enough. " 一善易修也,一艺易能也,其于人也,乃曰:“能有是,是亦足矣。”
second, to repair the damage done to the ego by reminding yourself of anything else at all that you are good at. 第二,回想其它任何自己擅长的事,以弥补自尊心所受到的伤害。
You would rather hold on to a dress with a dislocated shoulder than let me repair it in surgery for you right now? 你宁愿拖着脱臼的肩膀去抢礼服也不要我马上给你动手术?
Due to improper use or other man-made houses or neighbors responsible for compensation of losses or to repair. 因使用不当或其他人为原因造成房屋或邻里损失的,乙方负责赔偿或给予修复。
A spokesman James Gillies said that the trials have taken place in the accident, the collision of a section in need of repair. 发言人詹姆斯·吉利斯说,试验中发生了事故,对撞机的一段需要修理。
Corzine now heads MF Global Inc. , a financial services firm, and Obama has begun trying to repair his relations with the business sector. 科赛因现在拥有曼氏全球,一家金融服务公司,奥巴马也已开始试图重建与商界的关系。
One fundamental question is how much of a role does inflammation play in repair to a muscle? 一个最基本的问题是在肌肉的修复过程炎症反应起了多大的作用?
No one to repair it, but the general can not air conditioning, so people do not know which hired the office of a large candy jar the water. 没人来修,但总不能不开空调,于是不知道办公室哪个人找来了一个大糖果罐接水。
"China-India relations are very fragile and very easy to be damaged and very difficult to repair, " he said. “中印关系非常脆弱,非常容易被破坏并且非常难修复”他说。
This method can shorten the time of operation, reduce the risk of operation, and produce a suitable repair result for patients. 该方法能够缩短手术时间,减少手术风险,并能够设计出更符合病人的颅骨修复体。
I've been waiting in all day for your television repair man to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised. 我一整天都在家里等候你们的电视修理员来取电视机,但他失约了。
The warranty covers the cost of labor and parts used to repair any breakdown or malfunction covered by the terms of the original warranty. 延长保养服务的保障范围,为原厂保养所包括的修理损坏或故障之人工及零件费用。
Chilled, Mr. Lin could see that the situation was beyond repair. All he could do was to take a grip on himself and walk out of the bank . 林先生冷了半截身子,瞧情形是万难挽回,只好硬着头皮走出了那家钱庄。
Furniture scratch repair: Make a paste of coffee grounds and a little water and apply to furniture scratches with a Q-tip. 修补家具上的刮痕:用少许水将咖啡渣制成糨糊状,然后快速地粘在家具的刮痕处。
Calculate, 1 tried to hear to machine also have not how much , turn pate to take to return to repair nice. 算了,一个试听机也没多少钱,回头拿回去修修就好。
Thanks, June. But I think I need to be certified as a mechanic before I'm allowed to repair cars for a living. 谢谢,琼。但是我想我需要考核一个机械工的执照,我才可以被允许以修车为业。
The repair of an automatic transmission is complex and tends to be quite expensive. 一个自动变速器的修复非常复杂,往往是太贵了。
It was a bit late to repair the damage, but Harry swore to himself not to meddle in things that weren't his business from now on. 损失已经造成,后悔也来不及了,哈利对自己发誓,从今往后,他再也不去多管闲事了。
Before going to bed repair: coloured wash hair before going to bed to repair dry and damaged hair, do two or three times a week works well. 睡前修护:睡前涂上免洗的护发素能够修护干燥受损的头发,每周做两到三次效果较好。
These items did not complete the needed relationship repair toolkit, but they were good enough to start. 这些状况虽然并不能完全修复关系,但也是个好的开始。
All these errors are relatively easy to repair, when you know they're there. 当您意识到这些错误时,修复它们就相对简单了。
He was very respected by the Chinese military, and I believed he would be able to help repair the relationship. 中国军方非常尊敬他,我相信,他有能力帮助修复两国间的关系。
A guarantee is a written agreement that the company will pay for the repair or servicing of the product for a certain amount of time. 保证书是书面契约,列明在一段时间内,修理或保养产品的费用由公司支付。
The company appears to be on track, albeit in repair mode, and gearing up for a kind of drilling homecoming in the Gulf. 虽然仍处于“修复模式”(repairmode),但该公司似乎正在重回正轨,并正加速重返墨西哥湾地区的石油钻探领域。
Insulated containers in a good sate of repair are suitable for fumigation and do not require to BE covered with gas tight sheets. 状态良好的保温集装箱适合于熏蒸,不需要用气密性帐幕苫盖。