
美 [rɪŋ]英 [rɪŋ]
  • n.戒指;指环;环状物;圈形的东西
  • v.包围;环绕;给…戴上金属环(以便将来辨认);绕…画圆
  • 网络响;铃声;铃响

过去式:rang rung 过去式:rang 第三人称单数:rings 现在分词:ringing 过去分词:rung

give ring,ring bell,phone ring,wear ring,ring number
gold ring,metal ring
back ring


n. v.


1.[c]戒指;指环a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger, consisting of a round band of gold, silver, etc., sometimes decorated with precious stones


2.[c]环状物;圈形的东西an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle

3.[c]圆形标记;圆形a round mark or shape

表演;比赛for performance/competition

4.[c]圆形表演场(或竞技场)a confined area in which animals or people perform or compete, with seats around the outside for the audience

烹饪for cooking

5.[c]炉口;灶盘a small flat place on a cooker/stove that is heated by gas or electricity and is used for cooking on

人群group of people

6.[c](尤指秘密的或非法的)团伙,帮派,集团a group of people who are working together, especially in secret or illegally


run rings around/round sb

做事远比某人好;遥遥领先to be much better at doing sth than sb else


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... notebook n. 笔记本 ring n. 环;戒指 call v. 打电话 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... notebook n. 笔记本 ring n. ;戒指 call v. 打电话 ...

Lucky Tropical ... - Solid Red( 红) - Ring( ) Discus( 七彩) ...

英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 115. report 报告;报道 117. ring (钟/铃等);给…打电话 118. run 跑;奔跑 ...


宝物 - 英雄无敌3 - 英雄世界 ... 礼仪之戒( Diplomat`s Ring) 指环Ring) 大使勋带( Ambassador`s Sash) ...


环状(ring)拓朴中,将所有的装置以一条干线电缆连接形成环形的回 路。所有的网路节点以点对点(peer to peer)方式连接在 …


AudioTrack分析 - wan.keye的日志 - 网易博客 ... l STREAM_ALARM: 警告声 l STREAM_RING铃声 l STREAM_SYSTEM…


跪求1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 邻里;街坊 neighbourhood 铃响;打电话 ring 铃子 bell ...

We don't see his face, but we do see his hands. . . and he's wearing a ring, a familiar ring with an eagle on it. 在屏幕上看不到他的脸,只能看到他的手…他手上戴着一个戒指,那个似曾相识的戒指上有一只鹰状的饰物。
When Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, he gave her a dazzling, oval blue 18-carat sapphire and diamond ring. 威廉王子向凯特·米德尔顿求婚时,送给她一枚闪亮的18克拉椭圆蓝宝石戒指。
He might easily have used his Annapolis ring to bribe a guard for a few extra helpings of rice, but that would not do. 他完全可以用他的安纳波利斯戒指贿赂一个守卫,换取少许额外的米饭,但是他没有那么做。
He made an ~ to her on her diamond ring. 他因她用钻戒抵押而贷款给她
Later on, I could only hear music with the headphone. There was no sound when I unplugged. There is still ring tone though. 隔几天,只能插入耳机才能听音乐,外放放不出声音了(但来电铃声是有的)
Drew ended up proposing on a bridge in Central Park, a week after I gave him my great-grandmother's ring. Drew后来是在中央公园的一座桥上向我求婚的,就在我给了他那枚戒指一周以后。
"Harry, guess what? " said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glittered there. “哈利,你猜怎么着?”唐克斯坐在洗衣机上,朝哈利晃动着她的左手:一枚戒指在闪闪发光。
She said, "Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I'll be able to dance even faster. " 她说:“请你把我脖子上的铃铛解下来,如果你能用尽全力来摇响这个铃铛,那么我会跳得更快。”
Whenever I go to visit friends with my husband, he hisses at me in a panic as we ring the doorbell: "What's his wife called? " 每次我和丈夫一起出门看朋友,每当我们按门铃时,他就会紧张起来,小声问我:“他的太太叫什么?”
"Go down and find an old lamp for me, " the man said. And he gave a ring to Aladdin. It could help Aladdin. “下去给我找一盏旧灯。”这个男人说。然后他给了阿拉丁一个戒指,它可以帮助阿拉丁。
He grimaced with his mouth and the hand with the ring was lifted to catch the twitching, trying to hold it. 他的嘴扭曲着露出一副怪相,戴着戒指的手举起来去抓住脸上抽搐的肌肉,想使它停止抽搐。
Wife did not dare let your blood contaminated body for the gold ring you wear, not the liberation of the soul. 让爱人不敢沾染你带血的身躯,为你戴上金色的指环,灵魂得不到解放。
It made his ears ring, a little, when he thought of the story of himself coming to the Waste, and he thought about not answering. 他脑海里浮现出自己和荒野地的故事。这让他的耳边传来一阵轻轻的鸣响。他在考虑,是不是不要回答她?
His hands were shaking with excitement as he widened the ring even more, making it big enough to allow his shoulders to pass through it. 当他把戒指在拓宽,让他大到能允许他的肩膀也能过去的时候,他的双手因为兴奋而颤抖。
Nancy: Well Kate rang me just now to say that George had just taken her to Zemmany's to choose an engagement ring. 南施:凯蒂刚刚打电话给我,说乔治刚才和她去曾曼妮公司挑选订婚戒指。
She breathes faster, nearly gasping. Tears ring her eyes and that scrapes at his heart more than anything else. 她的呼吸变得更加急促,几乎要喘了起来。眼里噙着的泪水刮痛着她的心。
Mucus type: the cells of this type produce a lot of mucus which presses the nucleus into a ring shape. 粘液型:这种类型的细胞产生大量的粘液将细胞核挤压成环状。
"They would have these bells on them, so your hand had to be light enough to lift the wallet and not let the bell ring, " he tells NPR. “这些模特的身上都装有铃铛,所以你拿钱包的动作必须要轻快,不能让铃铛响了。”鲍威尔对NPR讲到。
There has been a heavy injection of public cash, primarily into the renovation of the housing estates that ring the big cities. 政府向这些地方投入很大笔的公用资金,主要用于房产的革新,就像那些大城市一样。
He looked into his hand and saw coins - and a small gold ring with a few diamonds. 他朝自己的手一看,发现有几个铜板——还有一只镶著一些钻石的小黄金戒指。
His account conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me the ring of truth. 他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。
'I got a fake ring for 30 bucks just to shut her up, ' she said. 'It actually worked and it turned into a really great visit! ' 她说:“我花30美元买了个假戒指,这下她没的说了。戒指真管用,这次回家很愉快!”
Charley, good to see you! Say, let's do lunch next week. I have some idea I want you to hear. I'll ring you up to set a date. 查理,见到你很高兴,喂,下星期我们一起吃午饭吧!我有些新想法想讲给你听听,我会给你打电话再约定时间的。
five-star beautiful flowers like a small bell waves roll out of the ring sounds, I seemed to have entered a fairy-tale world. 风一吹,五星花像一个个美丽的小铃铛摇出一阵阵动听的铃声,我仿佛进入了一个童话世界。
The girl on the merry-go-round caught at the brass ring, but she did not get it. 旋转木马上的女孩想去抓铜环,但没有抓着。
When they got to the top, he planned to pull out a ring and ask her to be his bride. 他谋划着他们爬到山顶时,拿出一个戒指,向她求婚。
They then divided the length of the index finger by that of the ring finger - to calculate the child's digit ratio. 然后他们用食指的长度除以无名指的长度,计算出孩子们的手指率。
Taking the door ring in his hand, he gave two gentle knocks, then four more after a pause, and finally three more. 来福儿上前执着门环,轻击两下,停了一停,再击四下,然后又击三下。
Unfortunately, I did not know, also lost in waiting for the emergence of a nice ring. 可惜,我并不知情,还在迷茫中等待有缘人的出现。
There's a bizarre futurist sculpture of him flying through a symbolic ring in front of the so-called Cosmonaut's House. 还有加加林从一个富有象征意义的环中飞过的奇特的未来派雕塑,就坐落在宇航员公寓得前面。