
美 [hedʒ]英 [hedʒ]
  • n.树篱;防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段
  • v.避免正面回答;不直接许诺;拐弯抹角;在(田地等周围)植树篱
  • adj.树篱的;名声不好的;低劣的
  • 网络对冲;套期保值;篱笆

复数:hedges 现在分词:hedging 过去式:hedged

hedge risk


n. v.

1.树篱a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually along the edge of a field, garden/yard or road

2.~ against sth防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段a way of protecting yourself against the loss of sth, especially money


对冲基金   ★对冲(Hedge)有两个方面的含义:套利(Arbitrage),意味着从价格联系的差异中获得无风险利润,在完全有效率的市场…


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... 佣金(经济人) commission brokers 套期保值 hedge 有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance the…


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... field n. 田地 hedge n. 树篱 go off (灯)熄灭,停(电) ...


Alchemy Classic V1.52全部配方_百度文库 ... Fruittrees 果树= Hedge 篱笆=3 xShrub 灌木 ...


避险Hedge):一种防卫性的投资策略,通常包括买卖选择权(options),以减低风险并抵销可能的损失。 高息债券(High-yi…


英语单词立体记忆 ... → fence 栅栏,围墙;防护;击剑 → hedge 篱笆,障碍物 → hence 因此,所以 ...


(H-L)英语四级词汇表下载 ... heavy a. 重的;大的;充满的 hedge n. 篱笆,树篱;障碍物 heel n. 脚后跟,踵,后跟 ...


物业常用英语(2)_中华会计网校 ... disposition 处置 hedge 保值措施 income tax shelter 收入税的庇护 ...

Bear had been the only big firm that refused to help out Long-Term Capital Management, a hedge fund that came close to the brink in 1998. 贝尔是唯一一家拒绝帮助“长期资本管理公司”摆脱困境的大公司,后者曾是在1998年濒于崩溃边缘的对冲基金。
The world of hedge funds might be very close to a big shake-up and, perversely, New York could be one of the winners. 世界对冲基金可能面临一次大规模的重组,然而,事与愿违,纽约可能会是其中的一个优胜者。
A hedge against conflict, in the form of cash, short-term bonds and gold, should be part of any portfolio. 任何一个投资组合,都应该包含一个对冲(以现金、短期债券或者黄金的形式),用以抵御可能的冲突。
Surely property would be a good hedge against such an outcome, as rents would be expected to keep pace with higher prices in the long run? 当然,地产对于该结果是个不错的防范。而这是基于预期租金能够在长期与高价保持同步的基础之上的么?
Paramax also claims that UBS assured it that if it needed a "real" hedge, it would tear up the agreement. Paramax还表示,瑞银向它保证过,如果需要“真正的”对冲,它可以撕毁协议。
Mr. Borden met Mr. Summers to discuss how much money a large institution should allocate to hedge funds. 波登曾就大型机构应该分配给对冲基金多少资金这一问题,与萨默斯一起探讨过。
Japan, in a volatile neighbourhood, is trying to hedge its bets. Yet it is not fully secure in its relationship with either east or west. 日本正在一个局势不稳的环境中给自己的赌注保值,但是现在无论是和西方还是东方的关系都不能保证绝对安全。
Investors consider it a hedge against inflation, an attractive quality amid a swelling budget deficit and increased government spending. 投资人认为黄金可以防止通货膨胀,在预算赤字不断扩大和政府开支增加期间独具吸金特质。
Their retreats have come in a changing landscape for hedge funds, pools of money that were once scarcely regulated at all. 他们的退出对昔日乏于管制的冲基金带来了巨大的改变。
However, the two cities have continued to see their share of hedge fund assets slide. 不过,这两座城市在对冲基金业资产总量中所占的比重持续缩水。
In London many small hedge funds cluster in Mayfair, far west of the City and Canary Wharf where the big banks camp out. 在伦敦很多小的对冲基金在西部偏远的Mayfair聚集,而那些大银行在坐落在CanaryWharf。
Investors who like to hedge their bets, meanwhile, can get a better sense of how much protection they might want. 与此同时,喜欢对冲风险的投资者可以更准确地估算自己所需要的保障。
Several of Morgan Stanley's hedge fund clientele said they were likely to return to the bank once markets stabilises. 摩根士丹利的一些对冲基金客户表示,一旦市场企稳,他们可能再回到该行。
In the long run, hopes for a more volatile yuan should tempt more hedge funds to dive into yuan trades, he said. 他说,长期而言,对人民币波动程度增强的预期应会诱使更多对冲基金进入人民币交易。
Prime brokers are trying to match their product offerings with the needs of hedge funds pursuing more complex trading activities. 大宗经纪商正试图将自己提供的产品与追求更复杂交易活动的对冲基金的需求相匹配。
Rising lease rates prefigured the last big move in gold back in the spring of 2007 just as the two Bear Stearns hedge funds were blowing up. 早在2007年春,不断上升的黄金租赁价格就曾预示过上次金价的飙升。当时正值贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两只对冲基金破产。
One of the reasons why the price did not fluctuate so much is that big corn buyers have learned to avoid loss by hedge trade. 价格波动不那么大的一个原因是,谷物的大买家已学会了进行套期保值交易以避免损失。
He couldn't say precisely how much of the portfolio underlying the deal was designed by Paulson & Co. , the hedge fund betting on a decline. 他无法确切地说出,交易涉及的投资组合有多少是由做空证券的对冲基金鲍尔森公司(Paulson&Co.)设计的。
But if the IEA's goal Thursday was to shake hedge funds and other financial investors out of the market, the move may have come too late. 但如果国际能源署周四行动的目的是想震荡市场以便让对冲基金和其他财务投资者离场,那么此举可能来得太迟。
In spite of a wave of floats and trade sales by hedge funds, only 13 per cent said they expected such a move in the next two years. 尽管对冲基金公司掀起了上市与出售交易的浪潮,但只有13%的对冲基金预计自己在未来两年内会采取这类举措。
Flamand is setting up his own hedge fund and a Goldman Sachs executive in London said last month that the firm supports Flamand's plan. 费拉蒙正在建立自己的对冲基金和高盛在伦敦的执行上月表示,该公司支持弗拉芒,星光大道的计划。
Believe it or not, but Mrs. Clinton always trims the hedge with a pair of garden shears. 信不信由你,克林顿夫人总是亲自手握一把大大的剪刀修理树枝。
Turning off the highroad up a green lane, an hour later, he beheld a youngster prying into a hedge head and arms. 他走下公路,转入一条绿草如茵的小路。一个钟头后,他见到一个孩子,头和手臂都扎进一丛树篱中。
If this were just a case of hedge-fund managers and bankers spending their bonuses, then the bubble argument would have great power. 如果这只是对冲基金经理和银行家们花费他们的奖金的一个实例,那么泡沫论就有了巨大的说服力。
The hedge funds that own half or more of the German group would prefer to see cash returned to shareholders. 拥有德国集团半数以上股份的对冲基金更愿意得到现金回报。
That may be so but the CSRC remains cautious on hedge funds, unsure as to quite how much risk they pose. 情况也许会是这样,但证监会对对冲基金仍持谨慎态度,不确定它们会造成多大的风险。
A few continental supervisors, led by the Germans, believe a set of "voluntary" rules for the hedge funds would be better. 以德国为首的少数欧洲管理人认为一套“自主的”规则对对冲基金来说会是更为有效的。
As they walked along, their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge. They went into the field. 他们的脸沐浴在阳光中,脚则落在了树篱的阴影里。他们走进了麦地。
The high hedge curved into them, running off into the distance beyond the pair of imposing wrought-iron gates barring the men's way. 那高高的树篱弯曲着向一旁闪开,在他们前方的不远处出现了一座壮丽的锻铁大门挡住他们的路。
His subsequent hedge-fund work was one day a week. 他后来在对冲基金工作过,但一个星期只上一天班。