
美 [rɪˈvɜrs]英 [rɪˈvɜː(r)s]
  • n.反面;背面;倒退;相反的情况(或事物)
  • v.颠倒;倒车;撤销;彻底转变
  • adj.相反的;反面的;反向的;背面的
  • 网络反转;翻转;逆转

第三人称单数:reverses 现在分词:reversing 过去式:reversed

reverse direction,reverse effect,reverse procedure
reverse process,reverse trend,reverse decision,reverse policy,reverse car


转化为对立面change to opposite

1.[t]~ sth颠倒;彻底转变;使完全相反to change sth completely so that it is the opposite of what it was before

2.[t]~ sth撤销,废除(决定、法律等)to change a previous decision, law, etc. to the opposite one

3.[t]~ sth使反转;使次序颠倒to turn sth the opposite way around or change the order of sth around

交换exchange two things

4.[t]~ sth交换(位置或功能)to exchange the positions or functions of two things


5.[t]~ yourself (on sth)承认错误;放弃(立场)to admit you were wrong or to stop having a particular position in an argument


6.[i][t](使)倒退行驶;倒车when a vehicle or its driverreverses or the driverreverses a vehicle, the vehicle goes backwards

打电话telephone call

7.[t]~ (the) charges打对方付费的电话to make a telephone call that will be paid for by the person you are calling, not by you


Greensock平台 - Arthur的日志 - 网易博客 ... myTween.resume 恢复 myTween.reverse 反转 开始 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... perversity n 性情乖张的 reverse v 颠倒,逆转a.相反的 irreversible a 不能改变的 ...


舞蹈术语的英语词汇_百度知道 ... downstage 下舞台 reverse 反向 stage right 右舞台 ...


UNIT 10. Why People Work_旺旺英语教学网 ... workshop 车间,工场 reverse 相反,背面 retirement 退休 ...


英语单词词根词缀总结 - 梁秋的日志 - 网易博客 ... divert 转向/ reverse 翻转 visible 可见的 / ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... procedure 程序;手续 17. reverse 相反的;颠倒的 18. turn down 关小(声) 八、电脑 ...


UNIT 10. Why People Work_旺旺英语教学网 ... workshop 车间,工场 reverse 相反,背面 retirement 退休 ...


扬子江-GRE填空词汇分类汇总_百度文库 ... divergence 分歧 reverse 逆转,反转 random 随机的,任意的 ...

This is a bit of extra work, but it pays off handsomely because all of the posts will then display in reverse order, as you can see. 这需要做一点额外工作,但是可以获得丰厚的回报,因为如您所见,所有贴子都将以倒序显示。
I also challenge you to turn down the bad boy at the party and reverse the growing trend we see in society. 我也会冒昧的让你不再理会派对上的“坏小子”,转变社会中渐长的趋势。
Mr Diamond's evidence that regulators had been happy with the "tone at the top" of the bank was the reverse of the truth, Mr Bailey said. 贝利表示,戴蒙德曾作证说,监管机构此前对该行“高层的态度”很满意,但事实与此完全相反。
The habit of a realist to find things the reverse of their appearance inclined him to put every statement in a paradox. 一个现实主义者,总能从事物的表征发现其反面。这使得他用语矛盾。
Men are generally supposed to be strong, but most women know that the reverse is often true. 人们通常认为男人坚强,但大多数女人都知道实际的情况往往相反。
To reverse changes that were made by transactions that were uncommitted at the point in time to which a database is being recovered. 撤消在数据库要恢复到的时点之前未提交的事务所做的更改。
It was like the parable of "For Want of a Nail, The Kingdom Was Lost, " but in reverse: By finding the nail, the kingdom was won. 这就好像“少了钉子,丢了王国。”[2]的寓言故事。
United Russia selected its new leader in a bit of reverse order. 统一俄罗斯党选举自己的领导人的过程似乎是顺序颠倒。
Elevate head of bed to high Fowler's position, at least 30 degrees, or place in reverse Trendelenburg if spinal injury present. 抬高床头至高弗氏位(至少30度),如有椎骨损伤,则病人处反向特伦伯氏位。
Does the compliment seem to be the reverse of what you currently believe about yourself? 称赞和你目前对自己的看法相反吗?
The reverse application of this principle has, incidentally, been used for a very long time in electricity consumption meters. 这一原则的反向应用程序,顺便提一句,被用来在用电表很长的时间。
The numerical result shows that the power flow direction is reverse to that of phase velocity. 数值结果显示了在这种波导中能量的流向和相速度具有相反方向。
However, those flows began to reverse in the fourth quarter at a time when the offshore currency market was signalling depreciation. 然而,资金流向在第四季度开始逆转,当时离岸外汇市场正显示人民币贬值的迹象。
is good, the use stratum was more widespread, promotes the drill rod to carry on the reverse to close the putty mouth ahead of time. 特点是钻头密闭性较好,使用地层较为广泛,提升钻杆需先期进行反转合上进泥口。
She did her work with the thoroughness of a mind which reverse details and never quite understands them. 她一门心思地工作,对细枝末节都郑重其事,但并不完全理解。
"Some of the rebalancing we've seen in growth away from investment towards consumption is likely to reverse, " he said. “我们近期看到的由投资转向消费领域的增长趋势,可能会出现一定程度的逆转,”他表示说。
Quite the reverse in fact, compared to those who did report the emergency, they appeared to be in a more heightened state of arousal. 相反地,和那些报告了这则紧急事件的人相比,他们显得觉醒程度更高。
ask: thank for the quick answer. . . it's only just a curiosity to see the code behind this thing. . . So how can i reverse it? 问:谢谢这么快回答,出于好奇,我想看看那些代码,我可以反编译吗?
The rebellious, the children do not listen to the parents not only useful advice, education, guidance, or even have to do in reverse. 由于逆反,孩子不但不听家长有益的忠告、教育、指点,甚至非要反着做。
Inoculate the tobacco leaf with TMV common strain, sampling in a week and withdraw the whole genome TMV-RNA, reverse it to cDNA. 用烟草花叶病毒普通株系接种烟草叶片,一周后采样提取全基因组TMV-RNA,反转录合成第一链cDNA。
Just as a liar is unable to reverse the order of events in a falsehood, he also has trouble adjusting when one component is disproven. 正如撒谎的人没办法倒着讲述一个谎话,当证明不了某句话时,同样地他也没办法调整过来。
In 2011 American bank bosses will start trying to reverse one of the biggest mistakes their firms made over the past two decades. 2011年,美国银行的老板们开始努力改正过去20年来他们的公司所犯的最大的错误。
Roshan has had to stop building in parts of the country where NATO troops are trying to reverse recent Taliban advances. 最近在阿富汗一些地区塔利班有所抬头,北约部队正努力围剿,因此罗山不得不停止建设。
The bubbles method is a recently developed variant of reverse correlation methods that have been used in psychophysics and physiology. 气泡的方法是最近开发的变体扭转相关方法中采用了心理物理学和生理学。
Equality in that country seems to be going into reverse. Reason: rise of an elite group enjoying a way of life denied by the masses. 在那个国家,平等似乎正在走向反面。理由是一个权贵集团的升起。他们享受着拒绝群众享受的生活方式。
It may be a good starting point for a grammar that can be used for things like reverse engineering as some UML modelling tools do. 它可能是某种语法的一个好的起点,这种语法可以用于象某些UML建模工具所做的逆向工程那样的事情。
There were a few tears, but as he explained the deal, the staffers began to realize that in some ways it was a reverse acquisition. 有人开始叹息,但是当他把交易的细节说给大家的时候,员工们开始意识到这实际上是一次反收购。
Oxfam's International Director, Penny Lawrence tells VOA that her organization is trying to reverse the expulsion order. 乐施会国际部主任彭妮.劳伦斯告诉美国之音,乐施会正在努力让政府收回驱逐令。
I always assumed that our working habits would set them a good example, but the reverse seems to have been the case. 我总是以为,我们两口子的工作习惯会给孩子们树立榜样,可结果似乎事与愿违。
My instincts were to release the records and fight the prosecutor, but if the consensus was to do the reverse, I could live with it. 我的直觉是公开相关的档案,但拒绝指派特别检察官。不过,如果大家一致认为是相反的行为,我也可以接受。