the first day

  • 网络第一天;第一日;第一天上班

the first daythe first day

the first day


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上一篇:第一日(The first day) 下一篇:一个简单的手势(A Simple Gesture)小学作文 | 初中作文 | 高中作文 | 话题作文 | 想象作 …


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Then, the first day that the option records a higher bottom and a higher top, you move the Trend Line up again to the top of that day. 那么,第一天选择点记录更高的底部和更高的顶,你移动趋势线再到那天的顶上面。
On the first day, God created the dog and said: "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. " 第一天,上帝创造了狗,并对它说:“我将给你二十年的生命,在这二十年里,你要坐在房子的门前,向每一个进门或路过的人吠叫”。
She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. 她在第一天就告诉她班上的孩子们她爱每一个人,但是那是一个谎言。
Last night, my son said he planed to finished all his homework on the first day of this holiday. 昨天晚上,儿子说他计划假期的第一天先做完家庭作业。
These involve smaller doses of the vaccine injected at two or eight areas of the body on the first day, followed by later booster shots. 对于这种方法,患者在疗程的第一天接种一整支疫苗,分别在身体的4个部位注射。
The first day they would take a hike, and it was, click, click, click, click. Five minutes later they were back in the boat. 行程第一天他们会走一小段路,喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓,拍个五分钟后就回到船上。
She was the first day, sitting in the front row, to those who pursue the vision of a relentless back of the head. 她每天到得最早,坐在前排,给那些追寻的目光一个无情的后脑勺。
The Panzer IV was the only German tank to fight on the front - line from the first day to the bitter end of the war. 四号坦克是唯一一种自开战当日直至战争结束,一直艰苦战斗在最前线的德国坦克。
It is the first day for her to work. She feels ill at ease. 这是她第一天上班。她感到有些局促不安。
Honey, cross my heart, I've never looked at another woman since the first day I set eyes on you! Believe me, that's the truth! 宝贝儿,我发誓,从我第一天见到你,我就再没有注意过别的女人,相信我,这就真的!
But on the first day of London Fashion Week, it seems to have become something of a trend. 人们已经对模特在T台大秀酥胸习以为常了,但是在伦敦是上周的第一天,这似乎已经成为了一种趋势。
Live each day as if it were the first day of a marriage and the last day of a vacation. 我们应当把生活的每一天都当成是新婚的第一天和假期的最后一天。
It was the first day in school. I was hurriedly entering the school gate when I bumped into you as you stepped out of a luxurious Volvo. 那是在学校第一天,我匆匆的跑进学校的大门正撞上从辆豪华沃尔沃里走出来的你。
Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation. 快乐地度过每一天,如同度过你蜜月的第一天,和假日的最后一天。
The company later said it had sold over 300, 000 on the first day, around the middle of the range of analysts' expectations. 公司之后称首日即卖出30万台,达到了分析人员的中等预期。
On the first day of December four people died violently, and on the third the wind began to break. 十二月的第一天,四个人死于非命。到第三天大风才渐弱。
One day he got into an argument with a lion. The next day was the first day of September. Why? 一天他和一个狮子发生了争吵,第二天是九月的第一天,为什么?
"It is a new season, a new experience and feels like the first day of school, " said the tactician ahead of today's trip to Cagliari. “这是一个新的赛季,一个新的经历,感觉就像新生上学的第一天,”这位战术大师在与卡利亚里的比赛之前说到。
It was the first day of school. When l asked a classmate about her, he told me to forget it. She has a boyfriend, he said. 那是开学的第一天,当我向同班同学问起她时,我同学让我忘了她,因为她已经有男朋友了。
I'll never forget the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. 我永远不会忘记六年级的第一天,你拿着一本薄薄的书并且开始向全班阅读故事。
On the first day there, one particular girl caught my attention as she looked out through the bars of a window and I took this picture. 在那的第一天,一个特别的女孩引起了我的注意,当她从酒吧的窗户望出去时我拍下了这张照片。
Storage should be in production before the first day at work ready to be a library of parts. 仓库应在生产的前一天下班前备好要出库的部品。
That I can't go on any longer without you. I made up my mindthat you were the only woman for me. . . the first day I saw youat Twelve Oaks. 我没有你就活不下去了。在十二橡园第一次见到你的时候……我就知道我要的就是你。
She did. I saw it with my own eyes. The first day back they ran two days worth of cubicles without a hiccup. 她做到了。我亲眼所见。现在一天跑满,产量能抵以前两天。
From the first day, your new employer should make it clear that you have a network of support ready to help you and answer any questions. 从第一天起,你的新雇主应该表明你拥有一个支持网络,准备好帮助你和回答你的任何问题。
So today was the first day of 2008, and also the end of my Non-digital-period, which i decided on to be able to focus on studying anatomy. 因此,今天是2008年的第一天,同时也是我结束数据工作的时刻,我可以下定决心专注地学习解剖了。
From the beginning of the investment of the first day, you have to be ready to take all the risks. 从开始投资的第一天起,就得做好心理准备来承担所有的风险。
I've been one of his national co - chairmen since the first day he declared - very proud of that . 从他宣布竞选总统的第一天,我就一直是他全国竞选活动的联席主席——我为此感到非常自豪。
IT WAS not the first day to be dubbed "Merger Monday" but it was one of the more spectacular. 这天被称为“并购星期一”,虽非第一次,但却更为激动人心。
On the first day of classes at a Los Angeles high school, several American boys came up to a Chinese boy and said: "Hi, what's up? " 一个中国男孩来到洛杉矶读高中,在上学的第一天,几个美国男孩走过来向他打招呼:“嗨,你好吗?”