
美 [treɪs]英 [treɪs]
  • n.微量;痕迹;轨迹;追踪
  • v.追踪;追溯;查出;描摹
  • 网络跟踪;踪迹;设置包跟踪

复数:traces 现在分词:tracing 过去式:traced

trace source,find trace,see trace,leave trace,trace origin
faint trace


v. n.

1.~ sb/sth (to sth)查出;找到;发现;追踪to find or discover sb/sth by looking carefully for them/it

2.~ sth (back) (to sth)追溯;追究to find the origin or cause of sth

3.~ sth (from sth) (to sth)描绘(事物的过程或发展);追述;记述to describe a process or the development of sth

4.~ sth (out)画(线)to draw a line or lines on a surface

5.~ sth绘出,勾画出(轮廓)to follow the shape or outline of sth


OLLYDBG_互动百科 ... 异常[ Exceptions] 跟踪Trace] 自解压[ SFX] ...


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... outer space n. 外层空间 trace n. 痕迹 trace vt. 沿着 ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52. trace vt. 追踪,找到 torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54. ...


浅谈初中英语名词复数形式的几种特例 ... )track 行踪,小径,轨道; )trace 踪迹,足迹,痕迹; )spot 斑点,污点,地 点; ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... storing 保管, 存储 trace n. 痕迹, 踪迹, 微量, 迹线, 缰绳 symbolizeshortest n. 简略, 短路, 短裤 ...


DOS命令大全(经典收藏) ... 67.tick: 设置传输时的字节计数器。 68.trace设置包跟踪。 mplayer2------- 媒体播放机 ...


数控英语词汇 - 淡淡心情的日志 - 网易博客 ... tower n. 刀架,转塔 trace n. 轨迹,踪迹 track n. 轨迹,踪迹 ...

Insurance, whether it can add a trace of the heart did not fortified protection and less accidents? I'm afraid, the final legacy, only pain. 保险,是否可以为不曾设防的心添一丝保护,少一份意外?只怕,最终的遗产,只有伤痛。
The result was a system where the source code did not contain any trace of a backdoor. 结果得到一个源代码中不包含任何后门痕迹的系统。
What is sad, we do not understand, his face wearing a trace of laughter is often a collection of bits of joy. 悲伤是什么,我们是不懂的,脸上挂着的常是欢笑的痕迹,收藏的是欢乐的点滴。
If you were not using aspects, these methods would be in a helper class that you would use for outputting trace information. 如果我们没有使用方面,这些程序将在一个帮助者类中,你可以用它来输出跟踪信息。
The absence of this number makes it impossible for the police to trace either the caller or the phone or to access call details. 据悉,没有国际移动设备识别码的手机使警方无法追溯到通话者和手机的信息,也无法查出通话细节。
What I said was "shang su" , meaning to trace back in time. 我说的上溯,意思是从现在的时间推算到以前。
When tracing that includes the Transaction=all trace string is enabled, it is possible to determine the cause of a transaction timeout. 当启用了包括Transaction=all跟踪字符串的跟踪时,就可以确定事务超时的原因了。
say this, yet it never seemed boastful or regretful to me but like a simple fact that left no trace at all in her life. 从那时起,我经常听到她那样说,但是我觉得似乎没有任何夸耀和遗憾在里面,这只是一个简单的事实,在她的生活中根本无足轻重。
Trace filters allow the individual trace listeners to determine whether or not the trace is to be written to the associated output medium. 跟踪筛选器允许各个跟踪侦听器确定是否要将跟踪写入关联的输出介质。
While it's easy to blame your parents for your thin hair or balding scalp, not all causes of hair loss trace back to genetics. 我们常常把头发稀少或者秃顶怪罪于我们的父母,但其实脱发的原因并不完全是遗传的。
This procedure sums up the collected trace and lists how often a given stored procedure was called and how much time passed for all calls. 该过程总结收集到的跟踪,并列出调用给定存储过程的频率,以及所有调用总共花费的时间。
Just as you cannot trace your family tree back very far, so is it impossible for me to name and explain all my antecedents. 你不能把你的家族追溯到很遥远的时代,同样,我也不大可能叫得出我的所有前身的名字,并对其作出解释。
Finally, I changed the formatting of the trace output to make it a little more readable. 最后,我改变了跟踪输出的格式以使它更具可读性。
But if you stop and trace out a way for another to follow, or a design for your own way of life, it will never come near you. 但是如果你停下来,并踩出一条别人可以追随的路,或者设计出你自己的一种生活方式,那么它就永远不会走近你。
Don't think you are noble, since you and I have neuropathy disappeared was not the least trace was found. 没想到你是贵人,自从有了你我的神经病就消失的无影无踪了。
Today when I woke up, it was like nothing ever happened. There was no trace of the typhoon. 今天起来,风平浪静,就好像昨天什么都没有发生,没有一点台风的痕迹。
I had once taken to a woman who had a trace of down on her upper lip. 曾经有一次,我爱上一个上唇微微有些绒毛的女人。
This is not usually specified for a switch card, but the limitation is usually a function of the trace width and connector ratings . 虽然开关卡的技术指标并不明确显示,但是电流限值通常是走线宽度和连接器额定值的函数。
please give them a trace of wax with a light of hope to illuminate that have lost the luster of the heart! 请给他们一丝带着希望的蜡光,去照亮那已经失去光彩的心房!
The trace of life might be buried by the time of sand, but the blooming vitality would not be concealed. 刀耕火种的记载或许被沙石掩埋,却藏不住蓬勃的生机。
How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered. 多想摩娑你的发,温柔地拭去你的眼泪,我伸出手,却只碰到枯叶上的一滴落雨!
Several months later, his shop closed down for good and I lost all trace of him. 又过了几个月他的店终于关了门。我也就看不见他的踪迹了。
He was always careful to keep his torch pointed at the floor if he was there at night and to leave no trace of his visit. 当晚上偷入香闺时,他总是十分小心地将手电照向地板,并且不留任何入侵的痕迹。
A lot of facts have show that the preconcentration has been used for trace analysis with satisfactory result and low detection limit. 大量文献表明预富集技术用于痕量分析取得满意的效果,降低了检测限,提高了灵敏度。
for fear the agents of other firms should be able to trace the kind of research they are likely to be undertaking. 他们生怕别的公司的情报人员据此摸到他们可能要从事的某项科研项目。
The ship was again lost in a fog bank. This time, no trace of the boat -- or the crew -- was ever found. 在大雾中迷失了方向。这一次,不但是船员,连船也不见了踪影。
When all is said and done what I choose to write will, I expect, be the only trace of your life. Your memory is in my hands. 当言尽行毕,我期待的内容将是你生命的轨迹,在我笔下的有关你的记忆。
A trace of love, growing in the greasy drizzle, on the heels of the Bird of Happiness, pursues that dream of you in the wind. 一缕柔软的情思,种在蒙蒙细雨里,紧跟着青鸟的芳痕,以风的姿态追寻着那个关于你的梦。
More important, over the past four years the scientists have not been able to detect even a trace of HIV in the child's system. 更重要的是,过去4年里科学家一直未从这孩子身上检测出任何艾滋病毒的迹象。
Trace amounts of TFAs (less than 1%), naturally occur in meat and milk too, but these do not seem to carry any risk. 微量TFAs(少于1%),也存在于天然的肉和牛奶中,但是这些似乎不具有危害性。我们维多利亚祖先有个观点:保持天然,注意适量。