
美 [raɪs]英 [raɪs]
  • n.稻;大米;稻米
  • v.用压粒器把(熟马铃薯等)压成碎粒
  • 网络米饭;水稻;莱斯

过去分词:riced 现在分词:ricing 第三人称单数:rices




1.大米;稻米;稻short, narrow white or brown grain grown on wet land in hot countries as food; the plant that produces this grain


七年级英语单词表 ... green tea 绿茶 rice 米;稻;米饭 soup 汤;羹 ...


阿拉伯语手册6 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 鸡肉 chicken 大米 rice 汤 soup ...

七年级英语单词表 ... green tea 绿茶 rice 米;;米饭 soup 汤;羹 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... rewrite vt. 重写 rice n. 稻米;米饭 rich a. 富裕的,有钱的 ...


英语-最常见的不可数名词_百度文库 ... coal 煤 rice 水稻 coffee 咖啡 ...


莱斯分布的概率密度函数称为莱斯Rice)密度函数,函数为:莱斯分布常用参数K来描述,K定义为主信号的功率与多径分量 …

Once I moved into an old apartment. After living there for a while, I found that there were rice activities during the past evenings. 有一次我搬进了一套比较旧的公寓,住了一段时间发现:连续几个晚上有老鼠活动。
Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes infused with blueberry juice. 参加夏令营的孩子们体验了一项古老的亚洲风俗,他们敲击着经过改良之后浸润着蓝莓汁的新型年糕。
Rice is often the main source of employment, income and nutrition in many poor, food insecure regions of the world. 在世界上许多贫困和没有粮食安全的地区,稻米常常是主要的就业、收入和营养来源。
Everybody in the crowd pushed forward to see their King. A beggar also came forward with his bowl. There was lots of rice in it. 人群一拥而上,希望一睹他们国王的样子。一个手持破碗的乞丐也涌了上来,碗里头还有不少米
He took the rice pot to the other and offered it to him. But he immediately swung his sword and chopped off the cook's head! 他把装着米饭的罐子拿到另外那个强盗跟前给他,但是那个强盗立即挥剑砍下了他的头!
"Wo is a registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet, rice, sorghum crops like the general term " landing " means that mature. “禾乃登”的“禾”指的是黍、稷、稻、粱类农作物的总称,“登”即成熟的意思。
Rice told reporters on her plane that settlement expansion does not build confidence and is an obstacle to peace. 赖斯在飞机上对记者表示,扩大定居点无助于建立互信,是和平的障碍。
One of the rice fields at home to himself, I said, Mom, so I think you then. 一个人在家的稻田里自言自语,我说妈,我那么那么想你。
Zhong, his wife and daughter sit down to a typical dinner of steamed fish, two types of greens, mushrooms, pork, rice and sliced apples. 钟和他的妻子及女儿坐下来,享用着一顿典型的晚餐:蒸鱼、两样蔬菜、蘑菇、猪肉、米饭和切成小片的苹果。
PCR analysis of the total DNA extracted from transgenic plants has shown that the target gene had been integrated into the rice genome. 转基因植株总DNA的PCR分析初步表明,目的基因己整合到水稻的基因组中。
The Philippines is trying to revive rice fortification with iron and the preliminary results of the trials are promising. 现在,菲律宾正试着用铁来强化稻米,而且试验的初步结果良好。
Juk is often made with rice, to which abalone, ginseng, pine nuts, vegetables, chicken, or bean sprouts can be added. 粥的主要食材是大米,也可加入鲍鱼、人参、松子、蔬菜、鸡或豆芽等。
My boy wanted to eat the rice straight away. But then I thought, 'How can I let him leave the world after only a few years of life? ' 我的孩子想马上吃饭,但是我问自己怎么可以让这么小的孩子离开这个世界。
mr tien said there was no reason to guarantee civil servants an iron rice bowl , when others had to make do with a chipped porcelain bowl. 他说当其他人将就用崩瓷碗时,没有理由要保证公务员是一个铁饭碗。
The only thing is it will cost the Thai taxpayer quite a bit of money and Thai rice will be more expensive on the domestic market. 肯定会出现的是,泰国纳税人要缴纳相当多的税,泰国国内的大米价格会更贵。
How much is the rice? 这大米多少钱?
Powder base : Apply a powder base to the face (a "lead powder" or "rice powder" is often used), lightening the complexion. 敷妆粉:用妆粉(多以「铅粉」或「米粉」制成)涂抺面部,使肤色白洁。
The notes are designed for investors with a bullish view over the next year to year and a half on the price of pork, rice and soyabeans. 这些票据的发行对象,是那些认为猪肉、大米和大豆价格在未来1年至1年半的时间里将继续上涨的投资者。
Seeing mom was the happiest moment during the whole day. Her mother would bring a piece of rice cake for her everyday. 妈妈回来的时候是她一天中最快乐的时刻,因为妈妈每天都要给她带一块年糕回家。
Being able to leave water on rice plants for an additional week might also help farmers suppress the growth of weeds. 由于水稻种植可以离开水,另外的星期可以帮助农民阻止野草的生长。
You finish this bowl of rice, go find something of the rich people live will continue to be allowed to come, ah? 你吃完这碗饭,就去找个富点儿的人家过日子,以后也不准来了,啊?
Analysts mostly agree that there was no shortage of rice last year; the problem was that some countries decided to ban exports. 分析师大多认为,去年大米并不短缺,问题是一些国家决定禁止出口大米。
The half-cooked glutinous rice is then scooped in alternating fashion into the original tray to give it a marble effect of blue and white. 在半熟的糯米,然后挖出交替到原始托盘方式给它一个大理石的影响蓝色和白色。
he stood patiently in line hoping he had come early enough to get some of the free rice porridge steaming in giant cauldrons nearby. 他耐心地排着队,心里想如果能来得足够早的话,就能白吃一顿那不远处正冒着热气的大锅里的麦片粥了。
John Carter continues to tell about what happens to him in Edgar Rice Burroughs's story, "A Princess of Mars. " 约翰。卡特继续讲述他在埃德加。伯勒斯里斯的小说火星公主中发生了什么。
In the state of Song there was a farmer, he had a large area of young rice shoots in his fields, he felt they were not growing fast enough. 从前在宋国有一个农夫,他在田里种了一大片秧苗,他觉得这些小苗长得太慢了。
Their homes, like a piece of Taoyuan. bonuses grass green, rolling Shakes the Barley, rice green, the wind dancing Liu. 家园,俨然一片桃源。山青水秀,花红草绿,麦浪滚滚,稻苗青葱,风吹柳舞。
She said buying the cheaper imported rice worked well until the worldwide food crisis of two thousand eight. 她表示,购买这种廉价的进口大米一直进展顺利,直到2008年世界粮食危机爆发。
He might easily have used his Annapolis ring to bribe a guard for a few extra helpings of rice, but that would not do. 他完全可以用他的安纳波利斯戒指贿赂一个守卫,换取少许额外的米饭,但是他没有那么做。
But for those of us asking for the rice to mouth clothes to the children who do not know how to do this kite, so I ask his mother. 但对我们这些衣来伸手饭来张口的孩子们,根本不知道风筝该怎么做,所以我请教了妈妈。