
美 [rɪtʃ]英 [rɪtʃ]
  • adj.同“richly. the rich”;富有的;华美的;芳醇的
  • n.【男名】男子名
  • 网络最富有奖;最富有者;富甲天下

比较级:richer 最高级:richest

rich family,rich country,rich person,rich source,rich uncle



NDS [PGDS]《主题公园ds》上手篇攻略 - 电玩巴士 ... land tax 土地税 richest 最富有奖 satisfaction 最满意奖 ...




本人现在在自己汉化BC6.2... ... {faction_largest} 幅员辽阔 {faction_richest} 富甲天下 {faction_strongest} 国力雄厚 ...

The richest man in Benares went on his way, and the gang of drunkards went back to their plotting and scheming. 富人继续上路,那帮酒鬼就只得回去继续他们的谋划。
Thanks in part to its oil wealth, Norway is one of the richest nations in the world, with a generous cradle-to-grave welfare system. 挪威的石油是使这个国家跻身世界上最富裕国家的原因之一,她拥有从生管到死的慷慨的福利体系。
A miserly duck, a vampire and pair of precocious kids are among the richest fictional characters, according to a ranking by Forbes. 《福布斯》最新发布虚拟人物富豪榜。贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。
More telling still is to compare the foreign population of North America with that of Japan, by far Asia's richest large economy. 不过,对北美的外国人口和亚洲最大经济体日本的外国人口进行比较,似乎更能说明问题。
Jekyll Island, one of Georgia's Golden Isles, was one of the most exclusive resorts for America's richest families during the Gilded Age. 格鲁吉亚的黄金岛之一杰基尔岛是镀金时代美国最富裕家庭最独特的度假胜地之一。
Midas was overjoyed when he heard this. "I shall be the richest man in the world, " he said to himself. 迈达斯听到这话,高兴极了。“我要成为世界上最富有的人,”他自言自语地说。
Bill Gates has just retired from Microsoft, the company he founded and the company that made him the richest man in the world. 比尔盖茨刚刚从微软退休,他创办的公司,该公司使他最富有的人在世界上。
The West has not always been the richest, most powerful and most sophisticated part of the world during the last ten millennia. 西方并不一直是世界上最富有的,最有力量的和最成熟的部分。
They used it to fertilize soil, and the resear3chers have found that this soil is still some of the richest and most fertile in the world. 他们利用这些炭来给土地施肥,研究者们发现那些土地到现在还仍然是世界上最肥沃最高产的土地一部分。
For that matter, America loves Warren Buffett, just as it loved Sam Walton when he was the country's richest man. 就这一点来说,美国热爱沃伦•巴菲特,就像它过去热爱当时的首富山姆•沃尔顿一样。
You dont get to be the richest person in any country without breaking some laws but being that they are so rich it is often overlooked. 你在任何国家都不可能不犯法就成为最富有的人,不过由于他们都很富有,这些罪行通常都被忽视了。
Honor the Anger inside You Believe it or not, anger is one of the richest components of your emotional makeup. 尊敬的愤怒在你心中信不信由你,愤怒是最富有的组件你的感情的妆。
After a while, he raised one more question : "Whose life seems to be richest among the villagers you 've met? " 过了一段时间之后,哲学家又问弟子:“刚才见到的村民中,哪个看起来更充实呢?”
Believe it or not, anger is one of the richest components of your emotional makeup. 信不信由你,愤怒是最富有的组件你的感情的妆。
although she earned only sixty francs a year , she was reputed to be one of the richest servant girls in saumur. 虽然她一年的工薪只有六十法朗,大家已经认为她是城里最有钱的女仆了。
While it may be the largest in Africa, it is only a bit bigger than China's sixth-richest province. 南非也许是非洲最大的经济体,但其经济规模仅比中国排名第六的富裕省份略大一点。
The richest country in South Asia in terms of GDP per head, the Maldives has widespread internet access, in Male at least. 按照人均GDP计算,马尔代夫是南亚最富有的国家,因特网十分普遍,至少在马累是这样。
Sir Launcelot, in his richest armor, came striding along the great hall now on his way to the stock-board. 这时候,郎斯洛爵士,穿着那副最讲究的铠甲,正迈着大步沿着那个很大的过厅往前走,要上证券委员会去。
It was a very effective policy, as the Church is now among the richest and most powerful organizations on earth. 这是一个非常有效地政策,而现在教堂成了地球上最富有最有权势的组织之一。
The instance of Hoover, one of the richest men ever to occupy the White House, is sufficient reminder that this is not so. 拿胡佛来说,他是入主白宫最富的人之一,他就足以证明情形并非如此了。
Their upwelling currents bring deep, cold water to the surface and create some of the richest biological areas of the sea. 上升的洋流将深处的冷水带到了海洋表面,创造出一片片生机勃勃的海域。
Paris has a deeper and stranger connection to its underground than almost any city, and that underground is one of the richest. 巴黎与它的地下世界有着紧密的联系,但它们之间却又如此陌生。世界上能像这样的城市寥寥无几。
Herefrom, Guangzhou has become the richest place of south of the Five Ridges , has also has begun to have had "Guangzhou " . 从此,广州成了岭南最富庶的地方,也开始有了“羊城”。
At last his plan came true and he had his own factory. He still lived a simple life though he was one of the richest men in the city. 最后他的计划实现了他拥有了自己的工厂,虽然他是这个城市中富有的人,但是他一直生活得很简朴。
Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard. 试图通过辛苦的体力劳动来积累财富,那么,你有可能会在垂暮之年变成最富有的人。
King Midas' greatest desire was to be the richest man in the world, and this desire filled all his thoughts. 国王迈达斯极其渴望成为世界上最富有的人,这种想法时时刻刻都萦绕在心头。
Japan, in just a few decades, remade itself from a war-torn country into one of the richest nations on earth. 在短短几十年间,日本将自己从一个饱受战争摧残的国家重塑为世界上最富有的国家之一。
Midas now began to feel unhappy. It was good to be the richest man in the world , but he was hungry, and he could not eat or drink gold. 迈达斯开始感到不高兴了,做世界上最富有的人固然好,但是他饿呀,他不能吃金子喝金子啊。
For the richest, brawniest countries here, the medal count is all that counts. 对那些富裕强大的国家来说,奖牌数最重要。
The richest man in the world once said, "A simple life in the fear-of- God is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches. " 一位全球首富曾说:“过简单的生活而敬畏神,胜过富足地生活却诸多头痛。”