right on

  • na.对啊!;老于世故
  • 网络正确;好极了;正确的

right onright on

right on


英语课堂常用表扬语 ... 2.Exactly! 一点不差! 3.Right on! 正确! 4.Congratulations! 向你道喜!祝贺你! ...


right的翻译 查词 例句... ... right of way 通行权, 优先通行权 right on 对啊; 老于世故 right or wrong 不管对不对; 不管怎样 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(R) -亿城英语 ... right off 立刻 right on 好极了 right or wrong 不管如何 ...


on 相关短语... ... keep tabs on 记录, 监视, 看守 right on 正确的,中肯的,说得对,言之有理 on and off 断断续续, 有时 ...


一些绝对地道的英文积累_王小瑞_新浪博客 ... just so 是这样 right on 好极了;对极了 lovely 太好了;好极了 ...


English 4 Fun_天涯博客_有见识的人都在此... ... Pitch sth to sb 兜售 Right on 完全正确 Paycheck 薪水 ...


right的翻译 查词 例句... ... right of way 通行权, 优先通行权 right on 对啊; 老于世故 right or wrong 不管对不对; 不管怎样 ...


一些英语课堂用... ... good job you guys! 大家都是好样的! right on! 答对了! pay attention to this one please! 仔细听这个! ...

Getting that coffee or tea stain out your rug may seem impossible, but you can literally lift it out by pouring a bit of beer right on top. 将地毯上的咖啡渍或茶渍去掉看似不可能,但如果你倒一些啤酒在污渍上面确实能够起效。
You're lying through your teeth, I know how much it costs, it's right on the price tag, it's ten not twenty, you thought I wouldn't know. 你睁眼说瞎话!我知道这个值多少钱。标签上都有,十元而不是二十。你以为我不知道。
Like a fresh fallen tea leaf transformed into a piece of jade-like glass and molded right on top of the kettle cap. 宛如刚从茶树上采下的鲜叶,幻化成为翠绿欲滴的琉璃,点缀于壶盖之上。
If she had heard them, she might soon have set her friends right on the matter. 要是她听见了这些评论,她也许很快就会把她的朋友们对这件事的误会改正过来。
The hard thing was that in the morning practice, right on my first lap, I had a problem with the gearbox and I had to stop. 最艰苦的事情就是早上的练习赛,在我的第一圈就遇到了变速箱问题,所以我不得不停下。
And I wonder if the Savior spent a day or two with you, would you go right on doing, the things you always do? 我在想,如果救世主跟你生活一天或者两天,你会不会做你一直在做的事情?
Although I knew it would probably fall down, I still took a chance anyway to put the house right on top of the heart. 尽管我预料到把房子直接放在桃心上很有可能会跌倒,但还是抱着一丝希望试了一下。
ALLIE: When everything in your life is right on track; it's easy to believe that things happen for a reason. It's easy to have faith. 当你生命中的每一件事都在正常的轨道上,就很容易相信事情发生都是有原因的,就很容易拥有信念。
If he was right on that, the rest of it would be OK although things were not always that simple. 要是这一点他没估计错,其余的都不成问题。问题是事物从来不那么简单。
Here, Raynor automatically calls in a "special delivery" of three drop pods that deliver more of Raynor's Marines right on top of the enemy. 在这里,雷诺自动呼叫了他的“特别快递”,在敌人头顶空降下了3个空投舱,运来了更多雷诺的陆战队。
It would be easy to get confused with the Radisson Hampshire - that hotel faces right on to Leicester Square itself. 人们很容易把它当成拉迪逊罕布什尔—那家酒店也正面对着莱斯特广场。
Kate was right on the cusp of a wonderful career, but for a few months, she couldn't get work and had to return to her job at the lunch bar. 凯特恰好正处在一个很好的职业尖峰,但几个月后,她无法工作,并已经返回午餐酒吧工作。
It won't happen again. I'll get right on it. That was a special case, I assure you. It will be on your desk before you know it. 这种事不会再发生了。我马上去做。那是特殊情况,我向你保证,它很就会放到你的桌子上。
Also in terms of demand, the Southeast Asian markets seem to be doing quite all right, on low price levels though. 另外,在需求方面,东南亚市场似乎做得相当的所有权利,虽然低价格水平上。
In recent times, we've come here and been bullied off the ball, their fans got on our backs and their players have been right on us. 在最近几年,我们来到西汉姆主场,被欺负得拿不住球,他们的球迷嘘我们,他们的球员和我们硬碰硬。
When he put his hat on this time, however, it stuck right on top of his head. 然而,当他这次戴上帽子时,它却刚好卡在他的头顶上。
It was her, my best friend Tiffany, standing right in front of me with her signature smile right on her face. 是蒂芙户它——我最好的朋友,面带着她特有的微笑站在我面前。
But if you are on the top of the wave as it begins to break, you can stay right on the front of it and ride it all the way to shore. 但是如果当波浪开始破浪的时候你是在上面,你可以正好呆在它的前面,骑它回到海岸。
When I got to another ocean, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going. 当我到达另一片海洋,我想我已经跑了这么远了,或许我该回去了,只为了继续跑下去。
He went into real estate, eschewed Park Avenue, and established himself in a storefront right on the Grand Concourse. 他进军房地产时,避开了公园大道(ParkAvenue),大广场街上的店面房帮着他立住了脚跟。
The lawyer replied, "I'm right on time. I said I'd be home by a quarter of twelve, not a quarter to twelve" . 律师回答说:“时间没错啊,我说过我会在十二的四分之一点回家,不是十二点差一刻回家。”
Ordered to stand on a chair for misbehaving , he doesn't seem to mind the punishment a bit and goes right on playing by himself. 不听话被罚站,他依然自己跟自己玩,乐在其中,一点也不觉得委屈、寂寞。
I do not know how you observe guest right on your mountain, ser. In the north we hold it sacred. Wun Wun is a guest here. 我不知道你们国王岭怎么看待宾客权利,爵士。在北方我们相信它是神圣不可侵犯的。旺·旺是我们的宾客。
What I liked best at it is that it allows me to compose right on the template my blog looks like. 最吸引我的是,可以在跟我博客一摸一样的模板上写博客。。
That prediction didn't look all that great a couple of weeks later, but right now it looks pretty much right on the money. 几个星期后这份报告就失效了,但现在看来在用钱方面确实很合时。
When one of them is coming toward you, they keep right on going. You need to get out of their way. 当其中一个大块头朝你走来的时候,它保有行走的权利,你就得给它让道。
Just such a village was right on the other side of our garden wall, but it was forbidden to us. 这样的一个村庄就在我们的院墙之外,对我们却是禁止的。
Well she had a sliding door and right before my eyes the door slid open and the dog walked right on out! 以及她滑动门和权利在我眼前的大门下跌开放和狗走正确的了!
You were right on this one. Thank God that's over! I was really scared for a minute there. 这次你说对了。感谢上帝,暴风雨结束了。有那么一下子我真吓坏了。
she climbed right on and, wow, just let go, moving up and down on me fast and hard, riding me. 她爬得好极了,哇,释放开了,骑在我身上,上下快速而用力地抽动。