rise and fall

  • na.兴亡;盛衰;高低
  • 网络涨落;人生起伏;升降

rise and fallrise and fall

rise and fall


盛 - 搜搜百科 ... 38. 盛壮[ strong] 盛衰[ rise and fall;glory and humiliation;prosperity and decline] 盛 sheng ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... in the fall 在秋天 rise and fall 涨落;抑扬 fall off 减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退 ...


david_百度百科 ... 05. EENIE MEENIE 黑白猜 07. RISE AND FALL 人生起伏(史汀跨刀合唱) 08. PERSONAL 亲密些 ...


摩登舞五大技巧 ... 第五节 倾 斜( Sway) 第二节 升 降Rise and Fall) 第三节 反身动作( Contrary body movement) ...


舞蹈学专业英语_cherrychang吧_百度贴吧 ... 40 Rhythm 节奏 41 Rise And Fall 升降动作 42 Rock 摇步 ...


我的中口笔记08-09_圣域之战_新浪博客 ... managerial expertise 管理知识 rise and fall 兴衰 in this regard 在这点上 ...


2011在职硕士核心词汇 - 学习资料 - 神州培训网 ... give rise to 产生,导致,诞生 rise and fall 起起落落 at risk 处于危机当中 ...

The course of life is like the sea; men come and go; tides rise and fall; and that is all of history. 人的一生如同大海:人来了又去,潮涨又潮落;这就是全部历史。
The first thing Freud says about the drive is, if I may put it this way, that it has no day or night, no spring or autumn, no rise and fall. 佛洛伊德提到有关驱力的第一件事是,容我这样说,驱力没有白天或夜晚,没有春天或秋天,没有升起或下降。驱力是一个持续的力量。
The cycle of good and bad fortune is like the rise and fall of a roller coaster: What goes up inevitably comes down. 好运-坏运的周而复始就好像过山车的上升和跌落。上去的必然要下来。
Furthermore, it is something of an 'uncorrelated' asset, meaning it won't necessarily rise and fall in line with everything else. 而且,它是一种“无关联”资产,也就是说,它的价格不会随着其他各种投资品的价格而波动。
Although the hotel business tends to rise and fall in lockstep with the wider economy, not every hotelier is equally exposed. 尽管酒店的经营和大范围经济的起伏保持一致,但不是每一个酒店经营者都暴露在经济危机中。
As the waves rise and fall inside the chamber, compressed air is forced in and out of the opening, past a turbine that drives a generator. 当波浪在室内起落时,就会迫使被压缩的空气进入这个细孔,从一台驱动发动机的涡轮中通过。
The rise and fall of the managed honeybee, then, owes as much to the economics of supply and demand as it does to the forces of nature. 蜜蜂数量的起起落落,与其说是大自然的力量还不若归之为经济供给与需求关系的变化。
Variations in transpiration rate present a narrow peak with steep rise and fall usually, but a wide peak for a few. 蒸腾速率变化峰型多呈陡升陡降的窄峰型,少数植物为宽峰型;
His words come out with a beautiful cadence, and the musical tones of the Peking accent have a graceful musical rise and fall. 他的话以一种美妙的声调表现出来,而那种北平腔的悦耳声调具有优美音乐的抑扬顿挫。
'Rise and fall of every man's duty', here are the responsibility of every student. ‘天下兴亡,匹夫有责’,在座的每一位同学都有责任。
As we go about our days, Dr. McEwen said, the biochemical mediators of the stress response rise and fall, flutter and flare. 在今天,McEwen博士说,压力系统的生化干扰因素升高和降低。
A little bit of a drop, such as this autumn - rise and fall silent, if the moonlight - illusory infinite. 一点点、一滴滴,如这秋风——起落无声,如这月色——虚幻无穷。一时间,我的心竟迷失在这一片空淡淡的夜色之中。
position along a system and what changes in the river might be expected as the thalweg length changes during a sea-level rise and fall. 沿着系统和什么位置的变化可以预计的河流沿线长度改变在海平面上升与下降。
An investigation and analysis made to find out the reasons of its rise and fall would be meaningful. 考察其兴衰荣损的轨迹并分析其原因,还是具有一定意义的。
In his lifetime, Hayek saw fascism rise and fall, communism come and go, and the end of his years in the intellectual wilderness. 哈耶克一生中经历了法西斯主义的发展和衰落,共产主义的诞生和衰微以及他晚年的思想荒野。
The ground is made to move in a circular motion, causing it to rise and fall as visible waves move across the ground. 地面环形运动,引起上升或下降,成为可视波横穿地面。
Denis's dizzying rise and fall - one streaked with professional jealousy and murder - forms the heart of Tucker's tale. 丹尼斯充满同行间嫉妒和谋杀的起落生涯构成了塔克故事的核心。
This is because the Yellow Crane Tower is no longer a general sense of the famous building, which reflects the rise and fall of an era. 这是因为黄鹤楼已经不是一般意义上的名胜建筑,它反映了一个时代的兴衰。
Through this model case, we further try to explain historical instances of the "great rise and fall" in Chinese demography. 通过这一典型案例,来解释历史时期中国人口数量的「大起大落」的现象。
When the wind blows over the roofs they rise and fall as painted bubbles do. 当风儿拂过屋顶,它们便起起伏伏,如五彩的泡沫。
I soon began to note the periodical recurrence of the rise and fall in stocks and commodities. 很快,我开始注意到股票和期货里面的涨跌在周期性地发生。
me to agree with Paul Kennedy's thesis in The Rise and Fall of Great Powers that America must inevitably follow historical precedent. 我很难同意保罗·肯尼迪在《列强之兴衰》中的论点,即美国将不可避免地重蹈历史覆辙。
The efficiency of insurance companies with high and low, determine the rise and fall of the company. 保险公司管理效率的高与低,决定着该公司的兴衰存亡。
The rise and fall of countries, the Rise and Fall of dynasties, are bound to the history of the road. 国家的兴亡,朝代的盛衰,都是历史上必然经过的道路。
Rise and Fall of Rural Collective Enterprises and a Sociological Analysis of the "Restructuring" 乡村集体企业的兴衰及“改制”的社会学剖析
Those elements are the presentation of catering culture and the rise and fall of Su Shi's official career as well. 这些饮食元素不单是饮食文化的展现,同时亦与苏轼的仕途起跌有密切关系。
Gu said the good, the world is everyone is responsible for the rise and fall, so I support you. 顾炎武说的好,天下兴亡匹夫有责,所以我支持你。
Moreover, the level of a person's moods and the level of his or her performance rise and fall together throughout the day. 而且一个人情绪水平和他行为水平在一天中的上下波动总是一致的。
Capital operation directly linked to the rise and fall of an enterprise, line life, the enterprise is an enterprise's rule. 资本运营直接关系到企业的兴衰,是企业的生命线,是企业的生存法则。
The dominant ideological trend in a period plays decisive role for the rise and fall of a culture. 一个时代的主导思潮对思想文化的兴衰会起决定作用。