
美 [rɔr]英 [rɔː(r)]
  • n.咆哮;轰鸣;怒号;叫唤
  • v.咆哮;轰鸣;(海,风等)呼啸;呼号
  • 网络

第三人称单数:roars 现在分词:roaring 过去式:roared




Functions in Phrases Page 1 ... arrived late 来迟了 roared 咆哮 writes well 写得好 ...

Form and Function Page 2 ... The lion 狮子 roared He 他 ...

The land seemed tired after shocked and roared. There was no sound but people's heavy breathing. 大地似乎在天崩地裂之后感到疲惫了,没有了任何声响,只能听到人们重重的呼吸声。
No, ROARED back. Like a thunderstorm rolling off those mountains, ready to flood the Salt Lake Valley below. 不,咆哮着回来。就像从那些雪山上形成的雷电风暴,准备要冲垮盐湖城山谷。
He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down. 北风应邀而至,穿—身毛皮大衣,他对着花园呼啸了整整一天,把烟囱管帽也给吹掉了。
roared Hagrid, and Harry looked up just in time to see Hagrid slamming a thick finger into a green button near the fuel gauge. 海格咆哮道,哈利一抬头,正好看见海格用粗粗的手指使劲一摁燃料表旁边的一个绿色按钮。
Over 10, 000 rapturous fans roared with approval as Kim Jung Woo shrugged his way up the podium for the crowning moment of his young career. 当年轻的金正宇走向冠军的领奖台时,他微微耸肩,而超过10000名的狂热粉丝在台下高呼着他的名字。
They glared at me for about five seconds, then roared with laughter and took off down the road to Swofford's store. 他们瞪了我大约五秒钟的时间,接着就爆发出一阵大笑,然后启程朝斯沃福德的商店开去。
The moon was clouded over, and the wind roared in the avenue. A spark sprang out of the sky, and there was a crack, a crash. 云层遮蔽了月亮,缝在林荫路上呼啸。一道闪光划过长空,一声霹雳,接着哗啦一声响。
His wife also roared back at him. So the two acted in the same way. 太太看他这样,也吼回去,两个一模一样。
the awful finality of it roared in like an enormous black cloud blotting out the sky, over every inch of the world. 由此带来的可怕结局就像是浓密的乌云遮住了天空,遮住了这个世界的每一寸角落。
"I had to send him back to 1600, " roared Welch indignantly. "How much humiliation do you think a man can stand? " “我让他回到1600年去了,”韦奇愤慨地咆哮到“你知道一个人可以有多么丢脸吗?”
But it has failed to develop a strong brand of its own, even as rivals such as Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. have roared ahead. 不过北汽却没能打造出一个强大的自有品牌,而上海汽车工业(集团)总公司等竞争对手纷纷抢到了前头。
"I may not always like what Greenpeace does, but if it wasn't for Greenpeace, there'd be no forest in the Amazon! " he roared. “虽然我有时候不是很喜欢绿色和平做的那些事,但是如果没有绿色和平的话,亚马逊早就没有森林啦!”他咆哮道。
As they climbed up, the thunder roared but there was no rain. 他们又爬上了格子爬梯,闪电在呼啸,不过还没有下雨。
The giant roared in pain and clutched at his eye. He rolled on the ground in agony. He was blinded, but he did not die. 巨人痛得大吼,用手抓着他的眼睛。他痛苦地在地上打滚。他瞎了,但是他还没死。
Music is the movement of the raging sea waves, people like to see a sea of devils, it roared lifted from the waves, like all swallowed. 整个乐章的音乐是对狂涛巨浪的再现,人们仿佛又看到了一个凶神恶煞般的海,它怒吼着掀起万丈巨浪,好像要把一切吞没。
The Master roared with laughter and said, "So you are forced to be free? You are bound to be liberated" ? 大师哈哈大笑并说:“那么你被迫要自由吗?你一定要解放吗?”
In less than a minute, it roared past them only a few feet away. 不到1分钟的工夫,它从离他们只有几英尺远的地方呼啸着驶了过去。
The silence was suddenly broken when a large car , with its headlights on and its horn blaring , roared down the arcade. 这时一辆大型小汽车。车头灯亮着,喇叭响着,咆哮着开进了拱形桥街打破这份安宁。
The stock market has roared back from its March 2009 lows, doubling in value on an intraday basis in less than two years. 股市从2009年3月份时的低点强力反弹,在不到两年的时间内单日市值上涨了一倍。
When he tried the starter-switch once more, the engine roared to life immediately. 当他在一次试着起动发动机时,发动机轰的一声立刻发动起来了。
but every time we started to come, a dreadful great lion came out of the woods and roared at us, and frightened us so that we ran away. 但每次我们准备过来的时候,一只可怕的大狮子就从树林中跑出来,朝我们咆哮,我们很害怕,所以我们只能不停的跑。
They were not really fierce at heart, but sometimes Adam would forget and roared even at his wife. 并非自己心里面凶恶,对太太有时候也忘记了,照样吼。
I begged, and told him I was only Huck; but he laughed SUCH a screechy laugh, and roared and cussed, and kept on chasing me up. 我乞求他,告诉他我只不过是哈克,但是,他笑啊笑得声音那个尖呐,连吼带骂,不停地追赶我。
He bore down on the accelerator and the truck roared through its course like a heavy bomber. 他踩下油门,卡车象重型轰炸机似地轰然开过。
roared silver , bending far forward from his position on the keg , with his pipe still glowing in his right hand. 西尔弗吼道,从酒桶上弯身向前,右手握着还未灭的烟斗。
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roared: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. 他大声呼喊,仿若狮子怒吼,可怕的吼声之后,我听到七声沉闷的雷响。
Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black . 突然火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团。
Hagrid kicked the motorbike into life: It roared like a dragon, and the sidecar began to vibrate. 海格用脚一踢,发动了摩托车。车子像火龙一样吼叫起来,挎斗也跟着抖动。
General Motors roared back as a public company on Thursday, with its newly-listed shares trading well above their offering price. 通用汽车(GM)周四再次成为一家上市公司,新发行的股票交易价格远远超过其发行价。
To be exact, space shuttles roared into space for three decades, two months and 26 days, the last flight occurring in July of this year. 精确来说,太空梭升空的历史已经有三十年两个月又二十六天,最近一次发射在今年七月。