
美 [taɪr]英 [taɪə]
  • n.轮胎;车胎;〈旧〉女用头饰
  • v.厌倦;疲劳;疲倦;精疲力竭
  • 网络外胎;轮胎型号;内胎

第三人称单数:tires 现在分词:tiring 过去式:tired




死飞_百度百科 ... 15.嵌齿轮 Cog 16.轮胎 Tires 17. 刹车杆 Brake lever ...


自行车越野_百度百科 ... 座包( Seats) 车胎Tires) 刹车( Brake Levers ,Brakes) ...


首页-广州宏扬单车-- 淘宝网 ... 货架 儿童座椅 Rack 外胎 Tires 内胎 胎垫 气嘴 Tubes ...


五菱鸿途_百度百科 ... 压缩比 Compression Ratio 9.8:1 轮胎型号 Tires 165/70R13 发动机 Engine ...


首页-爱迪斯单车工作室-淘宝网 ... 把横、把立、把套、副把/ Handle Bar,Stem 外胎,内胎,垫胎/ Tires 碗组、垫圈/ Headset ...


2011年8月3日 共138条国外采购信息 -... ... 求购笔记本电脑, laptops 求购轮胎, tires 求购充气艇, inflatable boat ...


... 相关买家: 白兰地酒; Cognacs; 相关买家: 汽车轮胎; Used Tyres;Tires; 相关买家: 干姜; dried ginger;galangal roots; ...


广州世高诺自行车 - Powered by ECShop ... 车圈 Rims 内外胎 Tires 花鼓 Hubs ...

Is there a fee to leave your old tires with the shop for disposal or a surcharge to take them with you for your own disposal? 你有没有离开费旧轮胎的商店或附加加以处置你自己处置?
The whole idea is to get you to also buy an air filter, rotate your tires or buy something else while you're there. 他们所有的想法就是让顾客在维修厂的时候再买一个空气过滤器,更换轮胎或者买一些其他的产品。
Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball, tires and all! 然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!
Even though it has access to information about flat tires and potholes in Chicago, it does not know how to present the options to me. 即便它可以得到关于瘪胎和在芝加哥(遇到)道路坑洞的信息,可它也不知道如何将选择呈现给我。
All men whilst they are awake are in one common world; but each of them, when he is asleep, industrial tires, is in a world of his own. 所有人在醒着的时候都是置身于同一个世界,但在睡着后,却都置身在自己的世界。
Aziraphale healed bicycles and broken bones; he longed to steal a few radios, let down some tires, that sort of thing. 像亚茨拉菲尔会忍不住修理自行车和治愈骨裂那样;他则有扎破几个轮胎,偷几台收音机的冲动。
With a measure of good sense, a spat between the U. S. and China involving tires and chickens won't devolve into a trade war as well. 从好的方面来看,中国和美国之间关于轮胎和鸡肉的纷争将不会演变成一场贸易战。
Sir, my bike's got a flat. Can you pump it up for me? Both the front and the back tires need some air. 师傅,我自行车的轮胎没气了。可以帮我打一下气吗?前后轮都要。
The demonstrators barricaded the streets with burning tires and threw stones at the police we were trying to scatter them with water cannon. 示威者在街道以烧火或扔石头的方式设置路障。以抵抗警察对他们的的水炮攻击。
One man moved lots of stones from a nearby mountain and put them under the front tires. The others squatted down and began digging. 一个人到附近的山上搬来一堆石头垫在了前轮下面,另外几个蹲下去刨土。
In fact, all tires sold in the U. S. have to meet the same federal safety standards, and all will stand up to typical use. 实际上,在美销售的所有轮胎都必须达到同一联邦安全标准,所有的轮胎都能胜任正常的使用。
Near the body, in the dirt beside the road, was a series of deep gashes; they appeared to have been made by the tires of a car. 在尸体旁,路边的泥地上,有一串深深的裂缝,像是汽车轮胎所轧。
It's like the guy who was driving up to a mountain lake and on the way up it starts snowing, so he gets out to put chains on his tires. 就像一个正开车前往山地湖的小伙子,在途中天空开始飘起雪花,所以他下车给他的轮胎装上链子。
However, eventually the crowds tire of him and he gets bored just swinging on tires. 可是,终于有一天观众厌烦了他,而他也对只能无聊的荡秋千感到厌倦。
By the next year, the management of the factory plans to increase the production capacity and recycle up to 5000 tons of tires per year. 在未来的一年中,工厂的管理层计划增加产量并且计划每年回收再利用5000吨的轮胎。
At the time, she was searching for a way to make a material strong enough to use on automobile tires. 当时,她正研究一种强度足以运用在汽车轮胎上的材料的制造办法。
She scratched the door of my car so I got even with her and let the air out of her tires. 她把我的车门划了痕迹所以我报复了她,将她的车胎放了气。
"The tires are extremely worn, suggesting that this chariot was used frequently in hunting expeditions by the young king, " Hawass said. 哈瓦斯说:“它的轮子磨损非常严重,说明年轻的法老经常乘着这辆车子去狩猎或旅行。”
Then Miyazaki does something no American director would dare: he takes all the air out of the tires and turns the whole thing into a farce. 接下来宫崎骏做了一件任何美国的导演都不敢做的事情:他把疲倦一抛而光,然后把整个事情变成了一场闹剧。
The interns and I each carried a little red pager that went off with a sound of screeching tires when a "code" was called. 我和实习生每人带了一个红色小传呼,有“代码”传呼时刺耳的轮胎声就会停止。
You know, you could really use a new set of tires. 你知道吗,你是真的要用一副新轮胎了
Then they strew steel spikes over the road to puncture the tires of any police cars that try to get through. 然后,在道路洒满铁钉,以使警车到来时因爆胎而无法通过。
The bad news was that, oh yeah, the war effort really needed all of America's nylon for parachutes and tires and flak vests. 而坏消息就是,战争越演越烈导致全美国的尼龙都被用来制造降落伞,轮胎和防弹背心。
He was indifferent to his father's fortune, which was significant; it had been acquired through the process of vulcanizing tires for cars. 他不关心父亲那些可观的财富;父亲的财富是通过给汽车轮胎硫化赚来的。
The tires have been linked to at least two traffic fatalities in the United States. 这些中国制造的轮胎至少与美国两起交通死亡事故有关。
Since this time we have seen nylon used in the production of tires, sweaters, men's hose, and carpets, to name but a few. 自那以后我们看到,尼龙被用于轮胎、汗衫、男袜以及地毯的生产,以上仅列举几项。
A vehicle, powered by a gasoline or diesel motor, having large heavily treaded tires, and used in mowing, farming, or other applications. 拖拉机:一种以汽油或柴油发动机为动力的车辆,有巨大沉重的履带,用于割草,农耕或其他用途。
That being said, larger wheels and tires, a lowered suspension and a few GTI-specific parts are part of the equation. 尽管如此,大轮毂和轮胎,一个更低的悬挂和一些倡议的具体部件的一部分,方程。
Tires, put the screws and Luo hat, a fine balance, even when the photography team had to move cautiously. 轮胎里放的是镙丝和镙帽,平衡之精细,连摄影组员走动时都得小心翼翼。
He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having bald tires! ! So I called him a sheep abusing, horse humping Bozo. 他瞪着我,开始写另一张罚单说车轮胎磨秃了!我就骂他是个日羊操马的混蛋。