
美 [ˌɑ:r es 'es]英 [ˌɑ:r es 'es]
  • abbr.简易信息聚合(标准互联网信息传送系统,尤用于传送新闻)
  • 网络订阅;简易信息聚合(really simple syndication);简易资讯聚合




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简易信息聚合(really simple syndication)

使用带有 的 PHP,第 1 部分 ... REST: 具象状态传输 RSS简易信息聚合 URL: 统一资源定位符 ...


基于Web2.0的政府信息服务变革研究_第2页... ... 3.1Blog( 博客) 3.2RSS( 简易资讯聚合) 3.3wiki( 维基) ...


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How much of your RSS feeds are purely "junk" ? 你有多少的RSS供稿纯粹是“垃圾”呢?
Swiftness: For RSS feed, once I hit submit on this post, you are immediately able to see the post when you re-update the feed. 迅速:对RSS源,一旦我点击提交文章,你更新RSS源时就会立刻看到。
It's like an RSS feed that keeps you constantly updated on the deviant shit your social circle is up to. 它就像RSS订阅一样能让你始终能跟上发生在你社交圈子里的那些八卦新闻。
For instance, it takes you to a page of machine code and does not open in an appropriate RSS feed reader. 例如,它将您转入一个充满机器代码的页面,而不是在合适的RSS阅读器中打开。
This has the advantage that you can produce a ready-made RSS file, so the aggregate weblog can be added to users' personal RSS readers. 这样做的好处是可以得到一个现成的RSS文件,那样聚集的weblog就可以被加到用户的个人RSS阅读器中了。
RSS is a technology that provides a convenient way for you to distribute and receive information in a standardized format. RSS是一种技术,它提供了以标准格式分发和接收信息的简便方法。
Part of the aim was to establish a standard that all the factions had a stake in, and thus suppress the RSS wars. 部分目的是建立一个顾及各种派别的标准,从而平息RSS纷争。
I usually start NewsRack, my RSS reader of choice, two or three times a day to read the latest news over lunch or on the train. 午餐期间,或是在地铁上,我会使用我的RSS阅读器NewsRack阅读最新的新闻,一天两到三次。
Each time the foreach loop processes, it will move to the next element until the entire RSS feed is laid out in this fashion. 每处理一次foreach循环,就会移动到下一个元素,直到整个RSS提要以此方式全部显示出来。
Not the RSS that you're thinking about: this RSS stands for RDF Site Summary, and it defines a syndication format in a semantic manner. 这个RSS不是您所想到的那个RSS,它表示RDFSiteSummary(RDF站点摘要),以语义方式定义一种聚合格式。
Syndication is an important aspect of any social media application, so you will also learn to publish your microblog entries as an RSS Feed. 联合是任何社交媒体应用程序的重要方面,因此您还将了解以RSS提要的形式发布微型博客条目。
RSS racked up quite a bit of support from the executives, coming in third after blogs and video sharing sites. RSS得到了高管们的强力支持,受欢迎程度屈居博客和视频分享网站之后位列第三。
RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from CHP. RSS是一种让你能时刻紧贴生防护中心最新消息的简易途径。
I was a little behind in my RSS articles but I stumbled upon a report about Halloween makeup to which the Beauty Brains had to weigh in. 虽然我在我的RSS里发表的文章有点人微言轻的意思,但我偶然发现美容专家所发表的关于万圣节化妆品的报道不敢苟同,请其掂量掂量,斟酌斟酌。
When you end up on a RSS page with XML tags all over the place, copy the URL at the top of your screen and paste it into your feed reader. 当您碰到到处是XML标记的RSS页面时,请复制屏幕顶部的URL并将其粘贴到阅读器中。
The RSS, which claims to be the world's biggest voluntary group, remains powerful, able to turn out vast numbers in Hindu-dominated states. 印度教民族主义极端组织称自己是世界上最大的志愿团体,依然有能力占据多个印度教控制的州。
When the result of parsing the RSS feed content is false, that means there was an error in the received RSS feed content. 如果解析RSS提要内容的结果为false,就意味着在所收到的RSS提要内容中存在错误。
RSS, Atom and email subscriptions for new news search results used to appear in the bottom of the left hand column of search results pages. 以及邮件订阅通常都会出现在资讯搜索页面左边栏的底部。
RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from WHO. RSS是一种简单明了的方式使你能保持了解世界卫生组织的最新消息。
Provide FairShare with an RSS feed of your content and the service will compare it to billions of indexed pages around the web. 用户将网络内容的RSSfeed提供给FairShare,后者将其与网络中的大量索引页面进行比较。
RSS feeds enable members of your workgroup to see a consolidated list of information that has changed. RSS源使工作组成员可以查看已更改信息的合并列表。
RSS is quickly gaining in popularity as a way in which to be notified when new content is added to a Web site or application. RSS作为一种通知内容更新的方法迅速得到普及,当新内容被添加到网站或应用程序时,可以使用该方法通知用户。
To use RSS , you will need an RSS aggregator ( also known as a reader ) that will allow you to collect and display RSS feeds . 要用RSS,你将需要集合者(也叫读者)去收集和显示RSS馈料。
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based solution for publishing information that is often used with blogs and other sites. ReallySimpleSyndication(RSS)是一种基于XML的信息发布解决方案,常常用在blog和其他站点上。
The purpose of an aggregator is to take repeated snapshots of multiple RSS feeds and allow you to combine them in interesting ways. 使用聚集器的目的是对多个RSS馈送进行重复拍快照,并允许您以有趣的方式组合它们。
In this respect, it is going to feel more like an RSS feed reader or a social news site than a directory. 在这方面,它感觉上将更像一个Rss信息馈送阅读器或者一个社会化新闻网站,而不是一个目录。
On the other side, RSS is a technology that in my view can be very efficiently used to improve collaboration. 从另一个角度讲,RSS在我看来是一种可以用来提高协作效率的技术。
After setting up the mysqli connection to the database, it defines which RSS feed will be examined and fetches it into a string variable. 建立到数据库的mysqli连接之后,它定义查看哪个RSSfeed并将其放入字符串变量。
Some of these blogs provide a partial feed that shows only the headline and a small excerpt. 有些博客仅提供部分RSS输出,因而在阅读器上只能显示出标题和摘要。
As you can see, this function returns RSS ready for you to use. 如您所见,这个函数返回可立即使用的RSS。