
美 [kwɪz]英 [kwɪz]
  • n.小测验;知识竞赛;智力游戏
  • v.盘问;查问;询问;讯问
  • 网络被询问

复数:quizzes 过去式:quizzed 现在分词:quizzing



n. v.

1.知识竞赛;智力游戏a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge

2.小测验an informal test given to students


BBC Learning English ... idle 静止不动 quizzed 被询问 surveyed 被调查 ...

I've never been quizzed by a panel with questions that make no sense: "If you were a car, what car would you be? " 我从来没有被哪个小组问过这种无聊的问题:“假设你是一辆车,你希望是什么车?”
Applicants are quizzed to see if they accept the code, and those who pass their probation are offered $2, 000 if they choose to leave. 公司在招聘员工时,会进行测试以确定他们是否接受这些准则,而那些通过试用期的员工如果选择离职,将会得到2000美元。
Almost inevitably, he was quizzed on whether he thought he had proven himself to the manager, in light of this week's press speculation. 几乎不可避免地,他被问到他是否认为他已经向主教练证明了自己,点燃了这周传媒的猜测。
In a study by IBM half the managers quizzed did not trust the information on which they had to base decisions. IBM的一项研究中有一半参加调查的经理们都不相信用来决策的数据。
They were tracked throughout their childhood, and their parents and doctors were quizzed about the emergence of any psychological problems. 而他们的父母和医生也被问及孩子是否有心理问题出现。
She was also quizzed about what she thought of the claims of former party leader, Mark Latham, that Mr Rudd was a serial leaker. 她还询问了有关她的前党领导人莱瑟姆,陆克文先生是一个串行泄密者索赔的想法。
But a few weeks later he was called into his boss's office to be quizzed. His company had seen the e-mail. 但在几周之后,他被叫到老板的办公室接受质问。他的公司已经看到了这封电子邮件。
He grew testy when quizzed about his methods and forbade investors from discussing their conversations with him. 当被问及投资诀窍时他就变得暴躁起来,而且他还禁止投资者与其讨论他们之间的商谈。
They were also quizzed on how many of their social contacts were trying to lose weight, and if they were trying to lose weight as well. 关于他们的社交圈内有多少人正在努力减肥,他们自己是否正在尝试减肥,这些问题他们都做了问卷。
Meanwhile, reporters quizzed Dalglish on how Andy Carroll's return to the starting XI had impacted upon his side's approach to the game. 同时,记者们还问了达格利什在卡罗尔回到先发阵容后,对于球队的阵型有何影响。
Quizzed whether his opposite number is turning up the heat, Mourinho chose a topical way of putting the issue in context. 当被问到他的竞争对手是否正在让冠军出现悬念,穆里尼奥选择了用别的话题来回避。
He was quizzed both about his own conduct this season and the difficulty of his team retaining the title. 他还谈了关于他自己对这个赛季的态度和球队卫冕冠军的难度。
The boss was also quizzed about where the Europa League stands in terms of Liverpool's priorities. 主教练被问到欧罗巴联赛是否替代联赛成为利物浦优先考虑的对象时。
The boss was also quizzed about what impact a win over the Reds Devils would have on the rest of Liverpool's season. 同时国王还被问到如果战胜曼联会对利物浦赛季剩余比赛的影响。
"That's one of the things we need to sit down and talk about, " said Terry, when quizzed on Mourinho's future. 在被问及穆里尼奥的未来时,特里说道:“这是许多需要我们坐下来认真讨论的事情中的一件。”
All those Londoners quizzed by Reuters agreed they would like to see Gaddafi removed, but not through bombing. 所有接受路透采访的英国人都表示希望看到卡扎菲下台,但不是通过轰炸手段。
The media jumped in. National Public Radio quizzed me about the chicken for one of its weekend programs. “国家公共电台”把我的鸡安排进了它的一个周末节目里,这下给我出了个难题。
Still, Jordan boxed clever when quizzed about his approach to the building of the Bobcats team. 乔丹也巧妙的回答了关于山猫队如何重建的问题。
Quizzed how long Bolt will be out of action, if at all, his manager Norman Peart replied. 多久将螺栓的行动,如果在所有,他的经纪人诺曼皮尔特回答。
Dalglish was also quizzed about Joe Cole's knee injury and his form since making the move to Anfield from Chelsea in the summer. 国王还被问到小乔的膝伤,以及他夏天从破车转会到我军的状态。
The boss was also quizzed by journalists at how he planned to improve results away from home in the Barclays Premier League. 利物浦主教练同样被问到计划如何提高球队在英超联赛的客场战绩。
OVER dinner once an American friend quizzed Charles Dickens about the workings of his imagination. 一位美国朋友有一次在席间有意考查一下查尔斯.狄更斯的想象力。
Benitez was also quizzed on whether Liverpool would conduct any more business in the transfer market before the deadline. 贝尼特斯被问到利物浦是否能够在转会大门关闭之前会有什么动作时。
They will have an opportunity to do just that when they appear this week at Westminster to be quizzed by the Treasury committee of MPs. 他们将有机会重复本周在威斯敏斯特接受财政委员会议员质询时的表现。
That explains why Chinese officials have quizzed their US counterparts so robustly about how they intend to pay for healthcare reform. 这解释了为什么中国官员会如此激烈追问美国官员,他们打算怎样支付医疗改革所需成本。
They were also quizzed about their degree of happiness in their relationships and sex lives. 他们还接受了婚姻关系和性生活幸福感的小测验。
The boss was also quizzed about what his views were on his first few months at the helm. 主教练还被问及了他如何评价自己在红军执教的这几个月。
Meanwhile, the manager was quizzed by reporters on media speculation linking Liverpool with potential investment. 同时,主教练还被问到媒体谣传利物浦与潜在的投资者时。
I've quizzed her incessantly about the why and how of her decision. 我曾不断地盘问她有关这个决定的各种问题。
The boss was also quizzed on whether he was feeling the pressure following recent results. 主教练被提问到他是否感到最佳的连败给他压力。