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  • 网络砂灰比;四;无线车

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Oconee County, S. C. , sits on the far west fringes of the state, just a few miles from the Georgia border. 南卡罗来纳州的奥科尼县,坐落于该州的最西边,距离格鲁吉亚州边境只有几英里。
It is all a reminder that the biggest threat to a healthy economy is not the socialists of campaign lore. It's C. E. O. 's. 所有这一切提醒我们,对一个健康的经济体威胁最大的,并非竞选时满口社会主义言辞的政客,而是这些巨型公司的CEO。
The ship's c apt ain was a man of few words, yet his intentions were always perfectly clear. 这条船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,然而他的意图总是绝对清楚的。
At least two of Citigroup Inc. 's (C) top executives are seeing their pay cut substantially, the bank disclosed Tuesday. 旗集团(CitigroupInc.)周二披露,至少两位高管将被大幅减薪。
His wife, Sherry, has already moved to Columbia, S. C. , where she found work as an elementary school principal. 他的妻子,雪莉已经搬到南卡罗来纳州的哥伦比亚市,在那里她找到一份小学校长的工作。
If I were Yahoo's U. S. C. E. O. , I would have my own view and own approach. 如果我是雅虎美国的CEO,我会有我自己的看法和自己的方式。
The office at U. S. C. also assists family members who come to the United States with international students. 南加利福尼亚大学的国际服务办公室同样也帮助跟随留学生一起来的家庭成员们。
S. C. has had the most international students of any American college or university for the past seven years. 为例,在过去的七年里,这个学校的留学生比全美其他任何学院或大学的都要多。
I cannot explain why the scene should have been located at the B. M. S. C. 我无法解释为何梦中的情景竟会是在班图中心。
He found it in a dusty cabinet in his predecessor's office at John C. Calhoun Elementary in Calhoun Hills, S. C. 在南卡罗莱纳卡尔霍恩希尔斯市约翰·C·卡尔霍恩初中他前任的办公室里布满灰尘的橱柜里,他发现了它。
The United States Code (U. S. C. ) is the official edition published by the U. 《美国法典》是由美国政府出版局(GPO)出版的官方版本。
Previous versions of MacRuby still had gaps in certain areas, eg. for the blocks feature Apple has added to it's C-based languages. 之前的版本在某些地方还是存在着缺陷,比如不支持Apple向Objective-C中所添加的块(blocks)特性。
The economic challenges faced by the country and state governments is the topic of a talk coming Monday in Charleston, S. C. 美国以及州政府面对的经济挑战也是周一在南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿进行的谈话主题。
The stuff pseudo does is, in many cases, very intentional and premeditated abuse of the host system's C implementation. 在很多情况下,pseudo要做的事情是有目的地滥用主机系统的C实现。
Gray was arrested on a S. C. warrant for violating a child custody order and taken to a correctional facility in Baltimore. 格雷因违反儿童监护权令而经南卡州授权逮捕并被送往巴尔的摩的教养所。
Tony Tambascia, director of the office of international services, says U. S. C. actively seeks international students. 托尼坦巴夏,对国际服务办公室主任说,南加州大学积极寻求国际学生。
Haier was the first Chinese company to build a factory in the U. S. -- a refrigerator plant in Camden , S. C. , in 2000 . 海尔是第一家到美国来建立工厂的中国企业,2000年他们在南卡的卡姆登开办了冰箱厂。
The U. S. C-17 military cargo plane is on its way to Georgia as part of a humanitarian mission overseen by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. 美国的C-17军用运输机正在飞往格鲁吉亚,这也是美国国防部长盖茨(RobertGates)所负责人道主义救援行动的一部分。
I went with one of my students, Joel, to a nursing home not far from U. S. C. 我和一位叫乔尔的学生一起,去了离南加州大学不远的一家护理院。
"We watch people who don't know they're being watched, " Sam Yagan, the company's C. E. O. , said. 我们留意那些不知自己被注意的人们,“公司的CEO萨姆·雅甘说。”
Have you seen that LSC at the table next to us? It's a bit excessive when people are trying to eat. 你看没看到那个坐在我们旁边桌上的“L.S.C”?大家吃饭的时候他们表现得那个样子可真是有点过分。
(Fortune) -- About a mile past the Bountiful Blessings Church on the outskirts of Spartanburg, S. C. , make a right turn. 我从南卡斯帕坦堡市郊外的鸿佑教堂驶出一英里后,转向了右边。
Sullivan & Cromwell in New York has also done nicely from helping the American government with troubled banks. 纽约的S&C也在帮助美国政府处理债务缠身的银行的事务中业绩表现不错。
While nominally an equal partner to all members, Russia has felt like a junior partner in the S. C. O. 虽然在名义上俄国是成员国的平等伙伴,但是在上海合作组织中,俄国感觉自身是个次要参与者。
An at-home dad in Columbia, S. C. , worked weekend nights throughout his two-year career break at home to take care of his son. 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚市一位全职奶爸辞职在家带了两年的儿子,这期间每逢周末他都要出去上夜班。
At the time of first presentation, you will be paid draft amount less USD150, being agents commission due to S. C. S CO. 第一次提交时,你方应少支付汇票金额150美元,该笔费用为支付给S。
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in Charleston, S. C. , is the contracting activity responsible for overseeing the work. 位于西弗吉尼亚州查尔斯顿的空间和海军作战系统中心负责监督该项工作。
But in the last 10 years the S. C. O. has evolved into the most interesting, and perhaps consequential, example of Chinese diplomacy. 但是,在过去的十年间,上海合作组织已经渐渐演化,并沿用最有趣的,或许是最重要的中国外交形式。
" Star Wars" director George Lucas got his start at the U. S. C. film school. “星球大战”导演乔治卢卡斯的导演生涯就始于南加州大学电影学院。
Nutritional antioxidant minerals Zinc, Selenium, Manganese together with Betacarotene and vitamin's C and E. 营养抗氧化矿物质锌,硒,锰和维生素以及胡萝卜素的C和E。