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请教一个生字,怎么念? ... sen 森 seng 僧 鬙 shai 筛 酾 色 晒 ...

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) The Association for the Gifted (TAG) http://www.c...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 石 Sek Seng 削 Soek ...


Singapore Dreaming ... C.K. 志强 Seng 阿成 Director of Photography 摄影指导 ...

"Look Ah Seng, why don't you shape up? " said the CO, who was something of a softie. “阿申,看看,你为什么不争气呢?”有点多愁善感的司令官说。
Yesterday, the second-biggest stock in the Hang Seng index was back up to where it had traded before the closing auction. 昨日,作为恒生指数(HangSengindex)第二大成份股,汇丰收复了其在周一收市竞价前的水平。
No one at Hang Seng Bank will ever ask you to tell them your Internet banking password, ensuring it remains private and confidential to you. 没有人在恒生银行都不会要求你告诉他们你的网上银行密码,以确保它仍然是私人和保密的给你。
The name " Lim Bo Seng" occurs prominently in records of events during the Japanese Occupation. Which of these bore the name? 在日本占领期间的历史事件中,“林谋盛”的名字最为突出。下列哪个与之相符?
In 2005, Beijing Cheng Seng Trading Co. , Ltd, one of the first solely foreign-owned companies, was set up in Beijing. 北京正晟贸易有限公司于2005年在北京成立,是北京第一批外商独资的进出口贸易公司之一。
Outside of the normal Internet Banking log-in process, Hang Seng Bank will never contact you and ask that you validate password. 正常以外的网上银行登录过程,恒生银行将永远与您联系,请您验证密码。
For eighteen years since the death of Kwok Tak-seng, his three sons have stood united at the head of the real estate empire he helped found. 郭得胜(KwokTak-seng)去世18年以来,他的三个儿子一直团结地站在他帮助创立的地产帝国之巅。
In 724 Seng Yixing measured the length of the sun's shadow and the altitude of the North Pole. 724年一行大师测量了太阳影子的长度和北极的高度。
The bank bought controlling stakes in PT Bank Halim Indonesia last December and in Macao's Seng Heng bank in August. 去年12月份和今年8月份,工行分别购入了PTBankHalimIndonesia和澳门诚兴银行(SengHengBank)的控股权。
Always providing exceptional service and high-quality products for a wide range of photography lovers are Cheng Seng' s commitment. 公司一直秉承为广大摄影爱好者提供优质服务和高品质产品的宗旨。
The average premium of A shares over H shares, as measured by the Hang Seng China AH Premium index, is notoriously volatile. 众所周知,A股对H股的平均溢价——以恒生AH股溢价指数衡量——容易波动。
Hang Seng Bank is a principal member of the HSBC Group, one of the world's largest banking and financial services organizations. 恒生银行为全球最大金融服务机构之一的汇丰银行之主要成员。
Together with its Hang Seng Bank unit, it accounts for about a third of bank deposits in the city. 和旗下的恒生银行(HangSengBank)一起,汇丰拥有全港约三分之一的银行存款。
It has stakes in a local asset manager and an insurer, and controls Hang Seng Bank. 它持有一家中国本土资产管理公司和一家保险公司的股份,并控股香港恒生银行(HangSengBank)。
In the "Shi Seng" dignity, also between the poet and the monk, Wenxiang wrote his own poems. 在“诗僧”这一独特身份下,在诗人与僧人之间,文珦创作了属于他自己的诗篇。
One measure of bearish sentiment, the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, has fallen 35% since the end of June. 作为对市场悲观情绪的一种反映,恒生中国企业指数自6月底以来已经下跌了35%。
Seng Heng Bank and the production of export quality screws has been better than this standard, enjoying a good reputation. 诚兴银行和出口质量螺丝生产已比这更好的标准,享有良好的声誉。
Since then plans have stalled and worries about the US economy have sent the Hang Seng back near to its levels in August. 自那以来,这项计划就遭到搁置,而对美国经济的担忧已使恒生指数回落至去年8月份的水平。
The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, which tracks "H-shares" and was trading at record levels, rose 9 per cent on the news. 受此消息激励,追踪“H股”表现、前期徘徊历史高点附近的恒生中国企业指数(HangSengChinaEnterprisesIndex)当天大涨9%。
The Hang Seng, which closed up 3 per cent yesterday at 19, 817, has risen 38 per cent since the beginning of the year. 香港恒生指数昨日上涨3%,收于19817点,自今年初以来涨幅已达38%。
From the Tang Seng apprentice to the Buddha, Bodhisattva, to the large number of demons, all of them cut carved exquisite, lifelike worlds. 从唐僧师徒,到佛祖菩萨,再到众多妖魔,个个剪刻精致、惟妙惟肖。
In order to assure our customers that they are dealing with Hang Seng Bank, we provide a certificate at the beginning of the session. 为了保证我们的客户,他们是与恒生银行打交道,我们提供了一个证书在会议开始的。
The chairman of a nearby Chinese temple Aw Swee Seng, who organised the event, also suffered. 会场附近一间中国庙宇住持、活动主办人欧世成(译音)也遭波及。
The Hang Seng index jumped more than 3 per cent yesterday as fears over the broader impact of the debt crisis in Dubai receded. 随着人们对迪拜债务危机会造成更广泛冲击的担忧消退,恒生指数昨日上涨逾3%。
Residents commonly hold accounts there or at its subsidiary, Hang Seng Bank, which has an automated teller machine in every subway station. 当地居民普遍拥有汇丰或其子公司恒生银行(HangSengBank)的账户;几乎在每个地铁站都能见到恒生银行的自动柜员机。
Financial Industry: Chartered Bank, HSBC, Bank of East Asia, Australia and New Zealand Bank, Hang Seng Bank and Guiyang Commercial Bank. 金融类:渣打银行、汇丰银行、东亚银行、澳新银行、恒生银行、贵阳商业银行。
Over the same period, the Hang Seng Index has risen 14%, reflecting foreign-investor optimism about China's long-term prospects. 香港恒生指数在同期则涨了14%,这表明外国投资者对中国的长期前景持乐观态度。
Seng Heng Bank early main processing toy screws, later changed to the production of relatively high output screw appliance. 诚兴银行初期主要加工玩具螺丝,后改名为相对高输出螺杆设备的生产。
In his Tang Seng: Nishi on the treatment, you change a phone call, I saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages? 唐僧盛怒:西天路上也没见你们变个电话,看人家妖怪都拿手机看短信呢!
The Hang Seng Index is up 20% this year, and real-estate prices are rising strongly as well. 恒生指数今年上涨了20%,房地产价格也同样强劲上扬。