salt lake city

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salt lake citysalt lake city

salt lake city


美国 邮政编码查询 - 邮编库 ... 2、休斯顿( Houston) 1、盐湖城( Salt Lake City) 2、奥格但( Ogden) ...


‘航空’美国犹他州盐湖城 ( Salt Lake City) 机场之代号[=short leg cast]短腿石膏[=sodium lithium countertransport]钠锂反向转移[...


美国机场三字代码 - 洛杉矶华人资讯网 ... 雷诺机场 Reno 盐湖城机场 Salt Lake City 犹他 UT ...


盐湖城市中心 (Salt Lake City)Salt Lake City Intl.


北美 ... ... 加拿大温哥华( City of Vancouver) 美国盐湖城Salt Lake City) 美国大提顿国家公园( Grand Teton National Pa…


他女友的父母到盐湖市Salt Lake City)去研究他们的家谱。他们祈求死去的祖先的灵,在他们不在时保护他们的女儿。

This was the case with Smart; her mother had met Mitchell on a Salt Lake City street, and had asked him to do work around their house. 伊丽莎白这个案件正是如此,她妈妈在盐湖城的大街上遇见布莱恩,并且请他帮她的房子做些修善工作。
Happy occasions can be celebrated at the main temple in Salt Lake City, or one of many others around the world. 在盐湖城的主庙,或世界各地的很多寺庙都会庆祝这样快乐的场合。
Tyrone and I sat on our couch in Salt Lake City and said, "I feel you" to the memory of Baltimore, to illness, to realism. 在盐湖城,泰龙和我一起坐在沙发上,对着在巴尔的摩留下的记忆,病痛,现实说“我感受到了你”。
Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods. 盐湖城的许多移民都对这次逮捕表示愤慨,他们说感觉自己就像是一次性商品一样被对待。
Mexico's consul in Salt Lake City, Salvador Jimenez, said he spoke with Huntsman and urged him to continue the rescue effort. 墨西哥在盐湖城的领事,杰姆丽资说,他已和汉特斯曼对过话,敦促他继续营救行动。
Jenks grew up in Salt Lake City, but he has spent most of his working life in small towns. 詹金斯在盐湖城长大,但他多数时间都在小城镇里工作。
If something happen, you know, important elderly for the Hmong community who pass away in Salt Lake City, nobody know, right? 如果事情发生,你知道,重要的苗族社会绕道走,没有人知道,在盐湖城的权利老人呢?
He was the MBA Director, and is co-founder of the MBA mentorship program called Master-track, at Westminster College in Salt Lake City. 他是盐湖城Westminster学院MBA主任,也是名为Master-track的MBA导师计划(mentorshipprogram)发起者之一。
In nineteen twenty-seven he and his wife, Alice, moved from Salt Lake City to Washington. 在十九二十七个,他和他的妻子,爱丽丝,从盐湖城到华盛顿。
Salt Lake City artist Ryan Wood, who had no comment about this piece, has worked on projects for Disney and Nickelodeon. 盐湖市艺术家赖安伍德(RyanWood)对这幅作品不予置评,他为迪斯尼和尼克公司工作过。
The 2002 Olympic Winter Games are just a memory now here in Salt Lake City, Utah in the western United States. 2002年的冬季奥运会如今在美国西部犹他州的盐湖市仅仅成为了回忆。
Nagano Olympics too soon for you, but for in Salt Lake City, you could be ready. 长野奥运会来不及参加了,但你可以准备参加年盐湖城奥运会。
a Salt Lake City company urging women with breast cancer in their family to know their risk by taking the company's test. 该公司是盐湖城市的一个公司,它敦促家族有乳腺癌病史的妇女,通过它们公司的检测去了解她们患乳腺癌的风险。
She had a weekend to rest before going to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, and Denver. 去往洛杉矶、旧金山、盐湖城和丹佛前,她仅有一个周末的时间休息。
Even within the United States, immigrants are spread across dozens of "new gateways" unaccustomed to them, from Orlando to Salt Lake City. 即使在美国国内,移民目前也分布在从奥兰多到盐湖城数十个对移民陌生的“新关口城市”。
Over twenty percent of television homes in Salt Lake City, Fresno, and Minneapolis also rely solely on free over-the-air television. 在盐湖、弗雷斯诺和明尼阿波利斯有超过20%收看电视的家庭也依赖于免费的无线广播电视。
At the Salt Lake City airport, Dennis Tos made sure to try to avoid delays and crowds by boarding a redeye flight shortly before midnight. 在盐湖城机场,丹尼斯·陶斯确保不被延误和拥挤,在午夜之前登上一趟红眼班机。
The Bingham Canyon Mine, also known as the Kennecott Copper Mine, is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 宾厄姆峡谷矿井地处美国犹他州盐湖城,肯尼科特铜矿使其闻名遐迩。
A shirtless little boy getting patted down in Salt Lake City. 视频上是一个没有穿上衣的小男孩在盐湖城被搜身。
SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 10 (AP)-- Rookie Yi Jianlian's second exhibition game was a lot different from his first. 10月10日下午,盐湖城,新秀易建联的第二次表演赛比起第一次有很大的改变。
But a visit to suburban Salt Lake City shows how members of the church, or Mormons, live out their faith at home. 但是一次盐湖城郊区的走访展现出教堂的成员,或摩门教徒们是如何在家里活出自己的信仰。
Far from hiding out in the desert, the Kingstons ran a $ 150 million business empire right in the suburbs of Salt Lake City. 和格林家深居沙漠不同,金斯敦家族掌管的1.5亿美元的商业帝国就在盐湖城郊区。
The setting for innumerable hard-boiled detective novels and violent television dramas is now safer than Salt Lake City in Utah. 洛杉矶过去曾经作为无数冷酷无情的侦探小说和暴力电视剧里场景,现在比尤他州的盐湖城还安全。
Salt Lake City residents should be on the lookout for the thief, who will presumably be riding a very large bicycle very poorly. 盐湖城居民应该注意该小偷,也许他会很费力的骑着这台超大号自行车。
They had been called to Hill Air Force Base, near Salt Lake City, to investigate high indoor levels of dangerous chemicals in air. 他们先打电话给盐湖城附近的空军基地去了解情况。那儿的室内空气含有高浓度的危险化学品。
Salt Lake City may forever be remembered as the city that helped tarnish the golden halos of the Olympic Rings. 作为一个使奥运光环黯然失色的城市,盐湖城也许会遗臭万年。
He also drew up plans for a large city, called Salt Lake City, to be built in the desert. 他还拟订了一些计划,一个大型城市,所谓的盐湖城,以建在沙漠中。
SPENCER ECCLES, Salt Lake City Banker: During the '30s here, it was a complete and utter collapse from the people's point of view. 盐湖城银行家:在人们看来,三十年代是完全、彻底的崩溃,令人绝望。
In 1952, set up in Salt Lake City is authorized to operate the first KFC restaurant building. 1952年设立在盐湖城的首家被授权经营的肯德基餐厅建立。
They came and performed for the Canadian team at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, we had a blast! ! 他们在盐湖城冬奥会时来为加拿大队演出过,当时我们激动得都要爆了!