so much

  • na.和…一样多;就只那么多;多少
  • 网络非常;这么多;如此多

so muchso much

so much


SO翻译成中文是什么意思_百度知道 ... so as 只要 so much 这么;非常;达到这种程度 so many 那么多的 ...


英语单选 说明理由_百度知道 ... so long as 只要 so much 这么多 and so on 等等 ...


初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... a piece of news 一条新闻 so much 如此多, on one's way to 在某人去...的路上 ...


so many 和too... ... so much 用来修饰不可数名词 so much 如此多的(表示未明确指出的数或量) so 十分,非常 >>>中性词 ...


“那”和“哪”该如何区分_百度知道 ... 那么[ then] 那么多,那么些[ so much] 那些[ those] ...


bound to you ... I am bound to you 我与你相连 So much,so young 太多,太年轻 I’ve faced on my own 我独自面对 ...


翻译英语_百度知道 ... 4 all the time 始终,总是 1 so much 如此之多 1 so much 如此多 ...

At the same time, it's precisely because there's so much to talk about that this conference is being held. 同时,也正是因为有诸多问题需要讨论,因此我们才召开此次研讨会。
'Don't make so much noise, ' she said to the children. “别弄出这么大的噪音,”她对孩子们说。
That simple act delighted my daughter so much that she was full of joy all day. 那个简单的举动是如此地使我女儿高兴,以至于她高兴了一整天。
She liked hunting in the woods so much that she did not want to give up her freedom and marry. 她喜欢在树林中打猎,不原出嫁而失去自由自在的生活。
Venture capitalists would not put so much money and effort into nurturing start-ups if they did not dream of a lucrative IPO. 只有梦想着利润丰厚IPO的创业者,风险投资才会舍得投入大笔资金和经理培养他们。
It was such an amazing experience to see so much talent in one place. 参观设计节是一次非常棒的经历,可以看到这么多有才华的人齐聚一堂。
Thank you so much for the lovely evening. My wife and I had such a good time. 非常感谢你是我们渡过了一个愉快的夜晚,我和妻子玩得非常开心。
The word "psychoanalysis" has become so much a part of common speech that everyone who uses it seems to understand what it means. 这个字词,已经成为共同用语的一部份,以致于每位使用它的人,似乎瞭解它是什麽意思。
"This model can get dangerous when a wife focuses so much on her husband that she loses her personality, her sense of self, " he says. 他说:“一旦做妻子的过于关注丈夫而失去了自己的个性以及自我感,那么他们的关系就变得危险了。”
One day, Jack became bored, he thought of the giant's kingdom above the clouds and wanted so much to go there again. 有一天杰克有些无聊,他想起了云上的王国,非常想再去一次。
But we both felt we were getting married somewhere which had so much history and atmosphere. 但我们俩都觉得,我们结婚的地方历史悠久而又充满了奇趣。
It was as if I had reached a tipping point of some sort, and suddenly letting go of things became so much easier. 就好像突然遇到了一个转折点,我一下子让事情变得如此简单。
Social media is so much more responsive than traditional methods, reaching your audiences faster across the globe, potentially at less cost. 社交媒体比传统媒介灵敏得多,能够更加快速地到达遍布全球的受众,成本也可能更低。
For 5 years he put in so much effort to adjust to his new life, how can you hurt him just as he starts to like the country like that. 他用了5年的时间去适应他的新生活,当他开始喜欢这个国家的时候为什么来伤害他?
Why do you concern yourself so much with that affair? It has nothing to do with you! 你怎么这么关心那件事?它和你一点关系都没有!
Life on the road would be so much easier with an electrical outlet near the bed, right above the nightstand. 在床头安置插座的话,旅行者的生活将会更轻松。
Yet focusing so much money on residential mortgages, and thus homeowners, seems to do just that. 不过将那么多资金集中用在住房抵押贷款(和房屋所有者)上,看起来就是在这样做。
My aunt, the oldest, was someone with whom we shared a lifetime of experiences; suddenly it seemed as if so much would be left unsaid. 我姑姑,最年长的一个,是我们与之分享一生经历的那个人,突然仿佛有那么多东西是无法说的。
The best thing for me is, aside from just being a part of such a great movie, I was able to learn so much from all these amazing teachers. 对我来说最好的事,除了就可以成为这样一个伟大的电影,我就能学到这么多来自这些了不起的老师。
No one will notice it, " he said to himself, " because there will be so much excellent wine in the barrel that the water will be lost in it. “因为大桶里有那么多好酒,水倒进去一定很快就消失在酒里了”。
We're talking about people who run the business, who like the heat so much they've got into the kitchen. 我们讨论是那些餐馆经营者,他们是那样的喜爱热气,以至于要亲自下厨房。
I do not curl my lip; so much of my career depends upon minute examination of the dead that they hold no repulsion for me. 我并没有觉得不快,毕竟我的工作便是建立在对尸体快速观察的艺术之上,再说那些死人又并不讨厌我。
The money so much a heterosexuality to feel again we beautiful man but have no courage. 人好有钱是异性恋又觉得我们漂亮的男人却又没胆量。
The main importance is not laid so much on the size of bone, but rather on the bone being in proper proportion to the body. 最重要的特点是骨骼的尺寸不能太夸张,而是希望骨骼与身躯能形成正确的比例。
So much so that she anonymously sends dozens of virtual gifts to her Facebook friends simply to see their reactions. 她爱慕的对象如此之多以致于会以匿名的方式给她在Facebook上的朋友发送许多虚拟礼物,而仅仅是为了看看他们的反映。
If you want yourself to be in good health you must not always be smoking so much. 如果你想身体好,就不要总是吸那么多烟。
But staff eventually complained that so much time was being given over to measurement that there was little left to devote to customers. 但是雇员们最终抱怨在指标度量上花费了太多时间,以至于只有很少的时间留个客户。
That's why we've got so much poverty and other troubles in this country, and if you get another term you've got to do something about it. 这也是为什么我们这个国家会有这么多贫困问题和其它问题,你要是还能再干一届,可得多想想办法了。
I knew so much about his work and if the Gestapo found out I was his wife it would be dangerous for me and for those working with us. 我对他的工作如此了解,要是盖世太保知道我是他的妻子,这对我还有那些和我们一起工作的人,会非常危险的。
I'm only in the beginning of my career, and to have achieved so much already, it's a dream come true. 我的职业生涯才刚刚起步却已经取得了这么多成绩,简直是梦想成真。