
美 [seɪm]英 [seɪm]
  • adv.同样
  • pron.一样;相同的事物;同一个人
  • adj.同一的;相同的;一模一样的
  • 网络同样的;雷同

same time,same way,same thing,same name,same period


1.同一的;相同的exactly the one or ones referred to or mentioned; not different

2.(与…)相同的,一模一样的exactly like the one or ones referred to or mentioned


same old, same old

老样子;照旧不变used to say that a situation has not changed at all


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... better adj.& adv. 更好的(地) same adj. 同样的,相同的 as prep. 像…一样 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... better adj.& adv. 更好的(地) same adj. 同样的,相同的 as prep. 像…一样 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 172 the art 这(那)个,这(那)些 173 same adj 同样的,同一的 174 look the same phr. 看起来很像 ...


仝字的解释---在线新华字典 ... “同”的古字。相同;一样same〗 仝 tóng ...


hing 共有 500 笔相关歌词。 ... You( 英) 12.same( 雷同) And Me( 你和我) ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... salute 敬礼;迎接,欢迎 same 相同的,一样的 sand 沙; ...

If I was quicker than you and we had the same move set, my move is going to execute better than yours even if it's the same exact move. 如果我比你更快,我们有同样的动议通过载,我的行动是要执行比你更好,即使是同样的精确移动。
And if I were a soldier overseas wanting to defend my country, I would want to ask the Secretary of Defense the same question, " he said. " 而如果我是一名驻扎在海外、希望保卫国家的军人,我也想向国防部长提同样的问题。
He got a glimpse of a pretty girl and then shot several glances at her, eager to know whether she caught sight of him at the same time. 他无意中瞥见了一个漂亮女孩,于是就多瞟了几眼,同时急切的想知道她是不是也注意到了自己。
It seems to me that food all over Europe is becoming the same. 对我来说整个欧洲的食物都是一样的。
Without prompting from me at one point, he said the same thing: "You can't make money investing in the music industry. " 没有我的刺激,他也自动说出了同样的话:“投资音乐业是赚不到钱的。”
Later, after he graduated from his university, he began his master's degree in the same field of study and I was lucky to be his mentor. 后来,在他学士学位的学习一结束,他便继续开始了他在同一领域里硕士学位的学习,而我有幸成为他的导师。
The same as The Evening, I do not know who first think of the festival, and do not know who the first Mid-Autumn Festival is in the past. 像张若虚一样,我不知道是谁第一个想起过中秋的,也不知道第一个中秋是哪些人在过。
A. What I'm looking for is always the same. The more senior a person, the richer I expect them to be in these attributes. 我寻求的东西一直都是一样的。应聘职务越高,我对应聘者在这些方面的要求越高。
One of the guests asked him if he had been a student there at the same time as a particular vice principal. 一位客人问他是否是一位特殊的副校长在位时的一个学生。
And my bet, as I said, is that the same process is in operation wherever life may be found, anywhere in the universe. 我敢打赌,就像我之前所说的,这个同样的过程也在其他任何存在生命的地方进行着,宇宙中的任何地方。
He had not said, he explained, that the border would be the same as before 1967. 他解释说,巴以边界将与1967年之前保持一致。
Our product is over and above our rival's product, and yet we're able to sell it at the same price. 我们的产品优于竞争对手的产品,但是我们可以以同样的价格出售。
May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. 可以让人变得健康。同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐。
But then, American capitalism will not be the same, just like Chinese socialism is no longer true to the meaning of the word. 但那时,美国资本主义就不一样了,就像中国社会主义不再真的是社会主义一样。
Breathe the way you were breathing, put the same expression on your face, and move your body just as you did then. 像你当时那样呼吸,脸上浮现同样的表情,身体就像当时那样动作。
Looking over Table Two it's easy to see that McGrady has not quite been the same player in Houston that we saw in Orlando and Toronto. 从表2中很容易看到,在休斯顿的麦迪并不是那个我们在多伦多和奥兰多看到的那个麦迪。
When the bottom wax becomes dry, spread the surface wax and polishing wax on the floor in the same way as mentioned above. 等底蜡干了以后,用上述相同底方法在地面上打上表层蜡和抛光蜡。
They speak, in fact, in just the same way that those others used to think and dared to speak: " Not always Father, not always Son. " 事实上,他们乃是跟随着那些这样想,并敢这样宣称的,说:‘父不永远是父,子不永远是子。
Here he would be brought before Congress, asked a few questions and then go on doing the same thing as if nothing ever happened. 在这里,他会被带到国会面前,被询问几个问题,然后继续从事同样的勾当,就像什么事情也没发生过一样。
This is where the actor contradicts himself: the same and yet so various, so many souls summed up in a single body. 而这正是演员所矛盾的地方:同一个灵魂却也那么多种多样的灵魂皆系于一身。
The gesture area beneath the panel is the same as it ever was, though we did notice a bit of insensitivity at times. 手势区还是和以前一样,虽然有好几次我们使用下来觉得反应不太灵敏。
Asked about the maximum possible amount of radioactive release, he said "it would be in the same range as Chernobyl" . 被问及辐射释放的最大可能量,他说:“和切尔诺贝利差不多”。
Same with the doctors: used to shove me out of the hospital before I could hardly stand on my legs, and nothing to pay. 那些医生也是一样:我没钱给他们,他们就常常在我还很虚弱的时候就把我推出了医院的大门。
As a kid I heard the story many times and always with the same lesson: Peter was a failure because he grew afraid of the wind and waves. 在我还是孩子的时候,我听过很多次这个故事,而且每次大人们的结论都是:彼得是一个失败者,因为他对风浪的恐惧战胜了他自己。
We do not advertise the same product around the world, despite the fact that we all follow the same program. 我们并没有对同一产品,在世界各地做广告。尽管我们都遵循相同的程序。
"You are so lovely" , I said these words without thinking, and I thought them over, I said it the same way. “你最可爱”,我说时来不及思索,而思索之后还是这样说。
Monetary policy did not change. Banks were all positioned the same way, he says. 货币政策并没有改变,银行也在原来的轨道上运行,Richards说。
That, he says, suggests that it may perform the same types of visual processing that takes place in the brain. 这个现象,他说,暗示了它(系统)可能和大脑运行的是相同的视觉处理程序。
Every liberation is different, with its own special qualities and historical context, and yet every liberation is the same. 每次解放都不相同,都有其自身独特的性质和历史脉络,然而每次解放都是相同的。
In terms of the Hopfield net, when a pair of nodes has the same value, in other words, -1 or +1, the weight between them is stronger. 就Hopfield网络来说,当一对节点有相同的值时,换句话说是-1或+1,它们之间的权重就更大。