
美 [ˈsæmp(ə)l]英 [ˈsɑːmp(ə)l]
  • n.样品;样本;货样;(用于新乐曲中的)节录乐曲
  • v.采样;取样;品尝;尝试
  • 网络抽样;样板;标本

复数:samples 现在分词:sampling 过去式:sampled

use sample,send sample,take sample,provide sample,give sample
small sample,large sample,free sample,representative sample,random sample


n. v.

1.(抽查的)样本,样品a number of people or things taken from a larger group and used in tests to provide information about the group

2.(化验的)取样,样本,样a small amount of a substance taken from a larger amount and tested in order to obtain information about the substance

3.(作为标准或代表的)样品,货样a small amount or example of sth that can be looked at or tried to see what it is like


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... delicacy 佳肴 16. sample 样品;样本 8. digest 消化 17. ...


样本空间内的一个元素,称为样本点,或称样本 (Sample),数学上通常以小写字母,像是 s, x, y 等符号表示。母体 (Population…


取样频率(sampling rate):每单位时间内所取样(sample)数,单位为hertz(Hz)。取样频率愈高,则会愈接近原本的音质。


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... salaries tax 薪俸税 sample 抽样;样本 sample mean 样本平均数 ...


服装专业英语 - 佐欧伊的日志 - 网易博客 ... salmon pink 橙红色 服装颜色英语 sample 样板 sandal 凉鞋 服装类型英语 ...


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... Rewind 倒回 Sample 采样 Stop 停止 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... ample a 充足的(拿得多,很充足) sample n 样品,标本 example n 样本;榜样 ...


岩土力学与工程 5 - 大观园的日志 - 网易博客 ... salt content 含盐量 sample 试样,样本,样品 sample splitter 分样器 ...

The impurity elements on the surface of the silicon sample corroded were analyzed by an energy dispersive spectroscope. 用能谱仪对腐蚀后的硅表层杂质元素进行分析;
Another bit of advice -- take advantage of end-of-season sales, online sample sales, and online discount or refund sites like Ebates. 另一个建议-充分利用季末的促销,网上的样品促销和其他网上的折扣,或者像ebates这样的退税网站。
He took a few mouthfuls, complained of the taste and made his wife sample it. 他花了几口,抱怨的味道,使他的妻子样本。
With a microscope, he observed the surface characteristics of the sample. 显微镜,他对样品的表征进行了观察。
And with us here tonight, we see just a small sample of those contributions. 我们可以看到,今晚在座的一些人士就做出了自己的贡献,但他们只是其中很小一部分例子。
If anyone is ready to provide the service, please PM me, with a sample list of 15 Indian directories. 如果有人愿意提供服务,请PM我,拥有15个印度目录范例清单。
Every connection factory or destination used in the sample application must be registered in a JNDI directory with a unique name. 在示例应用程序中使用的每个连接工厂或目的地必须使用唯一名称在JNDI目录中注册。
The improvement method time-saving, easy to operate, a more scientific standard, is suitable for the batch sample the examination. 改进的方法省时、易操作,更科学规范,适于批量样品的检测。
Dominance of a construct is measured through the relative percentage of a construct category over the total sample of constructs. 一个优势是通过构建一个构造对总样本的类别相对百分比来衡量结构。
He mixed together some tap water, a stool sample from his dog and urine samples from his wife and daughter. 他混合了一些自来水、宠物狗的大便以及他老婆和女儿的尿液。
It is all or nothing; it does not sample parts of the URL transactions. 要么是整个URL,要么都不是,它不会收集URL事务的一部分。
Articles that are easy to rot or become broken, or articles that are dangerous, may not be submitted as sample or model. 易腐、易损或者危险品不得作为样品或者模型提交。
finally , there was an overall 13 % pinch strength difference between the dominant and non dominant hands for the total sample. 整体而言,惯用手与非惯用手的捏力值表现,约有13%的差异。
Now, a new genetic test may be able to pick up the disease with a simple blood sample from the mom-to-be. 现在,一项新的基因检测技术只需用一点准妈妈的血液样本就可筛查出这种疾病。
We have received your advance sample, and are very happy with it. We'll be placing an order with you in a few days. 我们已收到你们的先发样品,觉得非常满意。大概两三天后会下订单。
You're more often given a spec, or perhaps a set of sample input, and you've got to work with that format. 更多的时候是要遵循给定的规范或是一组示例输入所指定的格式。
A summary of test results for a large and representative group of subjects. The norm group is referred to as the standardization sample. 对一个庞大且具代表性的受试团体的测验结果所做的概述,常模团体必须是标准化样本。
The estimated variance in the yield of apple and pear trees if the data in the database is only a sample of the total orchard population. 如果数据库中的数据只是整个果园的一个样本,那么此值是苹果树和梨树产量的估算方差。
It is just a sample, since the connection parameters will not fit your environment in most cases. 此配置仅只是个示例,因为连接参数在大多数情况下不适合您的环境。
The space uniformity of spontaneous emitation from the surface of sample is like that of the incident light. 从样品表面出来的自发发射的空间均匀性似乎与入射光一样。
If you want a more detailed plan, please let me know in the comments below and I'll be glad to provide you with a sample menu. 如果你想有一个更详细的计划,请在下面发表意见让我知道,我会很乐意向你提供样品菜单。
At the same time, QC at the next check whether the number of each inside page is correct, whether the sample size and a uniform requirement. 同时,QC在旁检查每本内页数目是否正确,是否与样品规格要求一致。
It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions based upon such a small sample of students from such widely different backgrounds. 从背景极为不同的一小组学生中取样,在此基础上做出明确结论是不太容易的。
Normally this color may not be on the sample board as you see on the front where there are only 5 colors printed and no grey is given. 正常情况下,这种颜色不会象你所见到的那样印在样板正面,而是只有5种颜色,且没有灰色。
One day, an old nun feel body unwell, so called a small nun took her to the hospital the examination urine sample. 一天,一个老尼姑觉得身体不适,于是就叫个小尼姑拿着她的尿液样本去医院检查。
How much you charge? Send me sample reports too. 多少收费?样本报告给我了。
A urine sample showed no evidence of an infection, but was positive for blood. That might have been a result of the fever, or kidney damage. 尿液检查表明没有感染,但血检呈阳性这可能一直是发烧,或肾脏损害的结果。
I got it as a free sample and I would not pay 20 dollars for it due to the huge drop in tension. 我的这个线是免费得到的样品,由于掉磅的问题我不会花20多美元去买它。
We've taken our sample code and created a sequence diagram in order to show you a bit of the execution flow of the Access program. 我们编写了一个样本代码并创建了一个时序图以便向你展示一些访问程序的执行流程。
In addition, Philip Coyle says efforts have no doubt been made to sample the air near North Korea. 另外,菲利普·考伊尔表示提取朝鲜上空附近的大气样本是有必要的。