so long

  • na.再见!
  • 网络这么久;如此长久;很长时间

so longso long

so long


我的博客 - 王者天下 - 网易博客 ... 12. See you. 再见。 14. So long再见。 16. Allow me. 让我来。 ...


背景音乐代码 ... 16走向 Sixteen Going 这么久,再见 So Long,Farewell 音乐之声 The Sound Of Music ...


希望音乐音响... ... 02.Amalia 艾蜜莉亚 03.So Long 如此长久 04.So We Meet Again My Heartache 再遇心痛 ...


I can do better_百度百科 ... You're gone (如果)你离开 So long 很长时间 I can do better 我能做得更好 ...


而我知道 ... Forgive 原谅 So long 好久 Dont Be Like Me 不要像我这样。。 ...


博文收藏_异丁_新浪博客 ... You Are My Sunshine 你是我的阳 So long,marianne 再会,玛丽安 Suzanne 苏珊 ...


求Sophie Zelmani的so long的歌词翻译_百度知道 ... so long 那么久 so long,so long 那么久,那么久 now i burn 现在我已经燃 …


My Chemical Romance disenchanted歌词翻译... ... So long 已经长时间了 'Cause now you've got 因为现在你感染了 ...

Why has it taken so long for hip arthroscopy to catch up to its shoulder and knee counterparts? 为什么髋关节的关节镜手术需要花费更多的时间来赶上肩关节和膝关节的关节镜手术的发展呢?
Still, "It's just a fact of life that we can only milk a cow for so long, " analyst David Cappuccio told a recent conference. “事实上,我们已经使用XP很长的时间了,就像我们不能一辈子都给一头牛挤奶一样。”分析师DavidCappuccio在近期的一次会议上说道。
Much of the party is still nostalgic for the Nehruvian socialism that for so long impeded India's growth. 国大党中的许多人仍怀念尼赫鲁的社会主义政策,尽管在很长一段时间它阻碍着印度的发展。
Five years. Was that all it was? It seemed so long ago now. Until then, everything had been good. Too good. 五年了,才短短五年吗?在我却有恍如隔世的感觉。在那时,一切都是那么的美好。太美好了。
MS: Yes, it is true, but it is so long ago and the cars certainly are quite different to what they used to be. 是的,的确如此,但是我已经很长时间没这么做了,现在的赛车比起以前也有很大的不同。
"No doubt, " Hilarity laughed, "I've known you so long. But I need to know the truth for myself. " “我确信,”西拉瑞逖大笑,“我已经认识你很长时间了。但我自己需要知道实情”
I'm really glad we've been so close for so long , but i feel like we're both changing and maybe we don't have so much in common any more! 我真的很高兴我们作了这么久的好朋友,但是我觉得我们都在变,也许是我们现在共同点没有那么多了!
The ratings are also irrelevant so long as Greece does not need to access the capital markets, which means at least the next two years. 此外,只要希腊不需要利用资本市场(这意味着至少今后两年期间),评级就是无关的。
Nowadays, people tend to write letter by computers, there was a time, not so long ago, when letter writing was a real craft. 现在,人们更愿意用电脑写信了,不久的以前,那时候手写书信也算是一种手艺……
Zheng E revealed below that the deceased there in Australia said that they had waited so long for salvation, so she did it soon. 峥峨以下所说的是在澳洲的亡者说他们等待超渡已经等很久了,所以她才赶快将之做出来。
Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend. 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔!
The husband and wife have been at each other's throats so long that they have forgotten how much they used to love one another. 丈夫和妻子长年累月地争吵不休,他们已经忘了当初他们是多么地彼此相爱。
I've lived near the railway for so long that I've grown accustomed to the noise of the train. 我在铁路附近住久了,慢慢也就习惯了火车的声音。
But she adds, "when I calmed down, I thought, if I was the buyer, and I needed to wait for so long for the products, I would be angry too" . 然而,她补充说道,“等我安静下来时,我想如果我是买家,我等了很久也会不高兴的。”
An allusion to any advocate would have accomplished the same so long as the name of the selected person was familiar to the reader. 只要所选的人名为读者所熟悉,任何拥护非暴力抵抗的人名都可以达到同样的效果。
There was a time not so long ago when such news would have sent Chelsea fans into paroxysms of panic. 而就在此之前不久,这样的消息恐怕会让所有的切尔西球迷陷入突如其来的惊慌之中。
leave native place, left all, has gotten rid of all, gave up all. . . So long as you to do not abandon, I can to not abandon. 曾经为一句话,我背井离乡,离开了一切,抛弃了一切,放弃了一切…只要你不离不弃,我就会不离不弃。
It felt as if I was running from something for so long and at such a furious pace, I didn't know another way to operate. 我觉得急需从这场令人难以忍受的人生马拉松中暂时解脱出来,仿佛自己长久以来一直在疯狂逃避着什么,除此之外,别无选择。
For so long we of the inner earth consciousness have been unaware that there was anything choosing to restore awareness upon our surface. 因为这么长时间来,我们的地心地球意识已一直不知道有任何我们的表层事物在选择恢复觉知。
The moment you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 每当你想放弃的时候,想一想是什么支撑着你一路坚持。
Cynthia would have to ask Nora's father to be at home Friday morning, and he would not like being asked to stay away from work so long. 莘济亚要叫劳拉的父亲周五早晨回家,因为他不愿意住下而离开工作太长的时间。
I have been waiting for your letter for a so long time that I wanna quit cheking my email box. You know , it is almost a week. 你的这封邮件让我等的可真久,我甚至打算在去学校前不再看邮箱了,整整一周都没收到你的邮件了。
Sometimes, I may be so vulnerable that even a word makes my eyes water. While others, we also find that we persist for so long a time. 有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。
When he arrived home on that day, he discovered his wife, frantic at being out of touch with him for so long. 当他到家时在那一天,他发现他的妻子的,疯狂的成为与他失去了联系如此之久。
You may think you're on track for a stellar performance review -- but your boss could be wondering why each call takes you so long. 也许你会认为自己将考核会议上表现出色--可是你的老板也许在疑惑为什么每个电话会花你那么长的时间。
And I didn't think I would have to wait so long, she was a very old lady. 我估计我不会等很久,因为她年龄非常大了。
The inventor of the name appears to have done so long before the actuality of an independent nation was a possibility. 早在巴基斯坦的独立成为可能以前,乔杜里·拉赫马特·阿里就已经发明出这一名称了。
When I saw a girl coming out of my boyfriend's flat, the scales fell from my eyes and I saw how he had been deceiving me for so long. 我看到一个女孩从我男友的家里出来,这才如梦初醒,明白了原来他骗了我那么久。
Replicas aren't always a bad thing, so long as you know you may get what you pay for. 不过,山寨自有其吸引之处,只要你自己心里清楚要的到底是什么。
They think food and energy prices can only rise for so long in a weak economy before dwindling demand for stuff cuts off the rise in prices. 他们认为,在物品需求削减从而抑制物价上涨前,食品和能源的价格将在经济疲软的美国继续上升。