
美 [ˈsætɪsˌfaɪɪŋ]英 ['sætɪs.faɪɪŋ]
  • adj.令人满意(或满足)的
  • v.“satisfy”的现在分词
  • 网络令人满意的;令人满足的;可心

satisfying job,satisfying life


1.令人满意(或满足)的giving pleasure because it provides sth you need or want


不定式和动名词做主语宾语的区别 - 豆丁网 ... puzzled 感到费解的 satisfying 令人满意的--- satisfied 感到满意的 4 ...


初中英语重点单词_百度知道 ... satisfy v. 使满意 satisfying adj. 令人满足的 satisfied adj. 感到满意的 ...


可的英... ... 认可 approve 可心 satisfying 对我来说,房子可大可小。 As far as I'm concerned,the house can be big or small. ...


非谓语动词和独立主格结构讲解大全_岸江... ... puzzling 感到费解的 satisfying 感到满意的 surprising 感到惊异的 ...

But you know, with the age of invisibility has come the age of relaxing. And that has meant the most satisfying sex of my life. 但是你知道,被忽视的年龄之后就是放松的岁月。那意味着我生命中最另人满意的性生活。
Suddenly, I caught a satisfying look on his face, for he spotted a small bottle at the bottom and grasped (pounced on) it out with delight. 突然,我看到官员脸上露出了得意的神色。他在我的箱底发现了一只小瓶,高兴地一把抓了起来。
Some of my best friends have been revolutionists , and a few of them have led reasonably satisfying haes. 在我最好的朋友中有些是革命者,其中一些人生活得相当满意。
The structure is often devised by business analysts whose primary concern is satisfying their business clients. 这个结构通常由业务分析人员设计,分析人员主要考虑的是满足其业务客户的要求。
This type of eating evaporates when the sun comes out; suddenly everyone offers salads and ice water and expects it to be satisfying. 等太阳出来了就不使用这种吃法了,猛然间每个人都吃沙拉以及冰水,认为这就能使人满意了。
You don't have to be best friends with your roommate in order to be able to enjoy a very satisfying, positive roommate relationship. 只为了享有一种非常满意,积极的室友关系的话你不用非要和他(她)成为最好的朋友。
It is extremely satisfying to go back over the log after a couple of months to see all the great books you've read. 这是极为满意地回去了几个月后,在日志中看到所有你阅读伟大的著作。
Externally, your main consideration seems to be acquiring wealth and satisfying your pleasure-seeking instinct. 你主要考虑的事情是获取财富和满足你享乐的本能。
My unorthodox headed goal that won the match was the most satisfying of my career. Hardly a day goes by without somebody reminding me of it. 我那粒美妙的致胜球是我职业生涯中我最令人满意的一个球。时光一天天流逝,但是大家仍然不会忘记它。
Only by helping the least fortunate of its members to help themselves can the human family achieve the decent satisfying life. 惟有帮助那些最不幸的成员去帮助他们自己,人类这个大家庭才能达到高尚而满足的生活。
The arc is often the same: a period of calm, a growing crisis, a satisfying triumph against overwhelming odds, a kiss. 套路都是差不多这样:一段时间的平静,逐渐发展的危机,面对巨大的困难取得令人满意的胜利,一个吻。
I feel that it's one of the more satisfying things that I do, and would have loved at some point to have had a profession there. 我觉得这是自己获得满足感的事情之一,我愿意在某个时点曾从事过这个行当。
It was satisfying to feel that she was so fond of him. 她对他如此痴情,使他觉得心满意足。
What a glorious, all-satisfying country this Nevada desert would be, if one were only all eyes, and had no need of food, drink, and shelter! 如果这儿的人只用眼睛看而不需要吃喝和住宿,那内华达将会是个多么完美的地方啊。
At first glance, a marriage of convenience seems to be a good compromise between finding personal freedom and satisfying the parents. 乍一看,一桩形式婚姻似乎是追求个人自由和满足父母要求之间的极好妥协。
Being able to wind up a manager is satisfying, even if it doesn't quite work your way in terms of results. 能够让一个主教练发怵的结果令人满意的,即使他使用的并不是按照你所想的常规手段。
This catalytic role was one of the most satisfying outcomes for the bank's surviving founders, Grzywinski and Houghton. 这种促进角色是银行的创始人葛文琦和霍顿最满意的成果之一。
Up to now the traceability system has been used in a variety of fields and end up with satisfying results. 可追踪系统在产品的质量控制和监管方面,有很好的效果,已在许多领域得到了广泛的应用。
So it may have been especially satisfying for Mr Medvedev to force Mr Sechin out of his eyrie at Rosneft. 因此,把谢欣赶出他在Rosneft的巢穴,或许会让梅德韦杰夫格外心满意足。
Then he gave up a satisfying job at home to move to Bejing to get closer to his idol. 然后自己放弃了一份满意的工作,来到北京与自己的偶像亲密接触。
It was satisfying that the girl helped her mother clean up the kitchen. 令人满意的是那女孩帮助了她母亲打扫厨房。
However Walcott looks at it, last night will have been a lot more satisfying than a Hello! 但是沃尔科特看来正是如此,昨晚将比他出场打个照面,一声问号更让人满意甚多。
"Otherwise, no matter how large the sales are, the rate of return on investment will not be very satisfying, " he says. 他表示:“否则,不管销量多大,投资回报率也不会太令人满意。”
Merely to be alone, not to be beaten or questioned, to have enough to eat, and to be clean all over, was completely satisfying. 只要谁都不去惹他,不打他,不问他,够吃,够干净,就完全满足了。
One of the most satisfying days of his career started out oddly for Wang when he woke up in his New Jersey apartment with a sore neck. 这个令人满意的一天要开始于小王因脖子酸痛而醒来在他纽泽西的家中开始说起。
From all this you can see that eating isn't just a matter of satisfying hunger or pleasing the appetite. 从所有这些你可看出,吃东西不知是为了防止饥饿和满足食欲。
There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of you r letters. 再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要(快慰)(感激)了。
If I could have an honor to see your smile to me everyday , what the hell am I not satisfying ? 如果可以天天看到你的笑容,我还有什么不满足的呢?
Bob : I know. Now I'm always trying to ask interesting questions. I never feel satisfied if I don't find satisfying answers. 鲍伯:我知道。我一直设法要问有趣的问题。假如我不能找到满意的答案,我绝不感到满足。
As is often the case, this simple exercise suggests that the rational decision is often the opposite of the emotionally satisfying one. 从通常的情况来看,这一简单的操作表明理性决策通常与投资者从自身情绪出发所做出的决策相反。