
美 [seɪ]英 [seɪ]
  • v.说;显示;告诉;讲
  • int.(表示惊讶或兴奋)嘿;(提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论)喂
  • n.决定权;发言权
  • 网络话说;谚语;念

第三人称单数:says 现在分词:saying 过去式:said

say goodbye,say word,say Hello,say come,say thing
probably say



1.[i][t]说;讲;告诉to speak or tell sb sth, using words

复述repeat words

2.[t]~ sth念;朗诵;背诵to repeat words, phrases, etc.

表达见解express opinion

3.[t][i]表达,表述(见解)to express an opinion on sth

举例give example

4.[t][nopass]比方说;假设to suggest or give sth as an example or a possibility

表明思想╱感情show thoughts/feelings

5.[t]~ sth (to sb)表明,显示,表达(思想、感情)to make thoughts, feelings, etc. clear to sb by using words, looks, movements, etc.

标示give written information

6.[t][nopass]提供信息;指示to give particular information or instructions


before you can say Jack Robinson

转瞬间;一刹那;说时迟,那时快very quickly; in a very short time

go without saying

不用说;显而易见to be very obvious or easy to predict

have something, nothing, etc. to say for yourself

有话(或没什么等)要说to be ready, unwilling, etc. to talk or give your views on sth

having said that

(用以缓和语气)虽然这么说,话虽如此used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong

Ill say!

(明确表示肯定)当然,我敢说,没错used for emphasis to say ‘yes’

I must say

(强调所发表的意见)used to emphasize an opinion

I say

(表示惊奇、震惊等)used to express surprise, shock, etc.

it says a lot, very little, etc. for sb/sth

说明某人(或某事物)很好(或不怎么样等)it shows a good/bad quality that sb/sth has

I wouldnt say no (to sth)

(表示想要或愿意接受某物)used to say that you would like sth or to accept sth that is offered

least said soonest mended

只要没人再说,事情就会过去a bad situation will pass or be forgotten most quickly if nothing more is said about it

the less/least said the better

少说为妙the best thing to do is say as little as possible about sth

never say die

别泄气;别气馁;不言放弃do not stop hoping

not say boo to a goose

非常胆怯;十分温和to be very shy or gentle

not to say

(引出语气更重的描述)即使不是…,虽不能说…used to introduce a stronger way of describing sth

say cheese

(照相前请人微笑时)说“茄子”;笑一笑used to ask sb to smile before you take their photograph

say no (to sth)

拒绝;否定to refuse an offer, a suggestion, etc.

say no more

我早知道了;还用你说used to say that you understand exactly what sb means or is trying to say, so it is unnecessary to say anything more

say your piece

说出心里话to say exactly what you feel or think

say what?

(表示惊奇)你说什么used to express surprise at what sb has just said

say when

(给饮料或食物时说)够了请说一声used to ask sb to tell you when you should stop pouring a drink or serving food for them because they have enough

that is to say

换句话说;也就是说in other words

thats not saying much

也没什么了不起;这说明不了什么used to say that sth is not very unusual or special

that said

(用以缓和语气)话虽如此used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong

theres no saying

说不准;很难说used to say that it is impossible to predict what might happen

theres something, not much, etc. to be said for sth/doing sth

有(或没有太多等)理由去做(或相信、同意)某事there are/are not good reasons for doing sth, believing sth or agreeing with sth

to say the least

毫不夸张地说without exaggerating at all

to say nothing of sth

更不用说…;而且还used to introduce a further fact or thing in addition to those already mentioned

well said!

说得好;完全赞同I agree completely

what do/would you say (to sth/doing sth)

你同意…吗;你看…好不好would you like sth/to do sth?

what/whatever sb says, goes

凡是…说的,都得照办;无论…说什么,都能行得通a particular person must be obeyed

whatever you say

(因不想争论而同意)由你,随你used to agree to sb's suggestion because you do not want to argue

when all is said and done

说到底;毕竟;归根到底when everything is considered

who can say (…)?

谁知道(…)used to say that nobody knows the answer to a question

who says (…)?

(表示不同意)谁说(…)used to disagree with a statement or an opinion

whos to say (…)?

(表示说不定某事会发生或本来会发生)谁说得准(…)used to say that sth might happen or might have happened in a particular way, because nobody really knows

you can say that again

让你说对了;一点没错;正是这样I agree with you completely

you cant say fairer (than that)

(出价时说)再公道不过了used to say that you think the offer you are making is reasonable or generous

you dont say!

我就知道;不会吧;不至于吧used to express surprise

you said it!

(同意对方所作而碍于礼貌自己不便作出的评价)这话可是你说的used to agree with sb when they say sth about themselves that you would not have been rude enough to say yourself

摩尔电码 - 搜搜百科 ... SED - Said( 说) SEZ - Says) SIG - Signal( 讯号) ...

标榜英超 - 排行榜 ... 12. manager( 经理)(18) 13. says( )(17) 14. champions league( 冠军联赛)(17) ...


苏慧伦:X档案(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 02 雨幕 Rainy Memories 03 话说 Says 04 难以开口 Hard To Say Goodbye ...


高一英语期末词汇句子复习 ... (谚语) says, (失去) his teeth,but never his nature.9. His mother is a good ______________ ...

《Friend... ... )exits n. 出口, 太平门, 退场, 去世 )says v. 说, 讲, 背诵, , 表示, 比方说, 假定n.话语, 想说的意见, 发言权 ...


《Friend... ... )exits n. 出口, 太平门, 退场, 去世 )says v. 说, 讲, 背诵, 念, 表示, 比方说, 假定n.话语, 想说的意见, 发言权 ...


曹圭贤 / Weibo Life Search (GFW Certified?!) ... KEY 哟米 says 说到 SJ 就是曹圭贤金钟云,说到 ...

"We have to do these investigations all over again for different ethnicities and maybe different environments as well, " says Perls. “我们也要为不同种族和不同的环境的人做这些调查”帕尔说。
What Merck is trying to do is put a different model together that says we are going to do research differently. 他表示:“默克正努力将各种不同的模式整合到一起,就是说我们要以不同的方式来进行研发工作。”
Dr. Andrew Groves of the Baylor School of Medicine says scientists are trying to apply that capacity to more complicated sensory cells. 贝勒学院的安德鲁博士格罗夫斯说,科学家们正在尝试申请的能力,更复杂的感觉细胞。
His mother, Anne Polce, says she called officers hoping they would take him to a mental evaluation center for medication. 他的母亲,AnnePolce,说她打电话给军官是希望他们能把他送入一个精神评价中心进行药物治疗。
The report says that often the children are beaten or forced to have sex. Most of the victims are girls, some of them as young as ten. 报告表示这些儿童总是会受到殴打或被迫进行性活动,大部分受害者是女孩,一些女孩的年龄只有10岁。
Just take a look at the figures. But in the early stages of a rising equity cycle, no one says it's a bull market. 但是,在上升周期的初期阶段,没有人会说我们处在牛市。
Mr Harper says it will take up to five years of "big, comprehensive" government stimulus to dig it out of the deep, black hole it is in. Harper先生说这将要政府花上五年时间,使用“大的、全面的”刺激手段来帮助其走出这个深不见底的黑洞。
Despite reporting its first net loss for seven quarters, LG Electronics says it has no plans to reduce pay, reshuffle managers or cut jobs. 尽管是七个季度以来首次报告净亏损,LG电子仍无意减薪,调整管理层或是裁员。
B. J. Fogg, editor of a book called "The Psychology of Facebook, " says that you get out of these sites what you're looking for in them. 在B.J.Fogg主编的新书《Facebook的心理学》中,他说到,你从那些网站里你会得到你要找的东西。
"I don't believe the prime minister will call a referendum; the risk of a no is too high, " says Steen Bocian, the bank's chief economist. 塔斯科银行首席经济师斯蒂恩波斯亚表示:“我相信首相不会召开公开表决的,因为反对呼声的风险太高。”
That's the only thing they have, now all that you would possess in the heavens, this author says, you already possess. 那是他们唯一没有经历过的,他们将在天国拥有的,这位作者认为,他们已经拥有。
How much the scam brought in isn't known, but Mr. Lei says they could earn $1, 200 some days. 这种伎俩赚了多少无法确知,不过雷磊说有时他们一天可以赚1,200美元。
Mattel says ninety percent of girls in the United States between the ages of three and ten own at least one Barbie doll. 公司说在美国,年龄在三到十岁间的女孩,百分之九十拥有至少一个芭比娃娃。
In January, the vote in favour of trying the field method was "as enthusiastic as you could get from a faculty, " says Mr Nohria, wryly. 一月份,投票支持实地教学方法是“你能从教员里能得到的热情”,Nohria讽刺的说。
Mr. Worley says he's heard from many that they're ready to shave off the facial hair. 沃利说,许多人都已经告诉他,说自己打算刮掉脸上的毛发。
Dogging the G-20, he says, is the question of 'how much meat there is on the bones? ' 他说,困扰20国集团的问题是“骨头上还有多少肉?”
Commissioner Hall says the slowdown in layoffs could be, as he put it, "a glimmer of hope" that the economy could be improving. 霍尔说,失去就业机会的速度放缓,显示出了经济可能正在改善的“一丝希望的曙光”。
Instead, he says, the company gave away one of its own Ipaq mobile devices (although it did leave HP chocolates on delegates' pillows). 他表示,取而代之,惠普送出了一款自己的Ipaq移动设备(不过,该公司也在参会人员的枕边放置了印有惠普标识的巧克力)。
"Trendy looks or fashion statements that can be seen as offensive are not always the best investment for a store to make, " she says. “可能被视为具有攻击性的时髦外观或时尚宣言并不总是一家商店的最佳投资选择,”她说道。
"Some of the startup ETFs would give one of their appendages for the sort of response we have had, " Thomas says. 托马斯还说,“一些刚上市的ETF基金因为我们这种良好的反馈情况会给予投资者一些好处”。
"If the effect really does exist, it would appear to me that it would not be difficult to use it in a clinical setting, " he says. 他还说:“若是该效应真正存在,那么对于我而言,这将不难将其应用在临床环境之中。”
But Ayers says it has all been worthwhile and adds that it is a tremendous feeling of pride when sees one of her own trucks on the highway. 但艾尔斯表示一切都是值得的,并补充说当看到她自己的一辆卡车行驶在高速公路上是一种极为自豪的感觉。
'We all pondered in the absence of any action why the heck this person drawing a decent salary was allowed to do this stuff, ' he says. 他说,主管并没有就此采取任何行动,所有人都在想,为什么这个家伙整天无所事事还能拿不错的薪水。
What you see playing out in the marketplace today is the result of turning the wheel many years ago, says an ebullient Mr Otellini. 对此,奥特里尼热情洋溢的说:“今天我们在市场上取得的成绩,源于许多年前就开始进行的公司调整转向。”
"I feel more worried because, you know, the expectations are so high, " she says, brushing out her blond-white hair into a mane. “我感到更担心了。因为,你知道的,人们的期望太高了。”她说,拨了下她浅色的金发。
When a person says a child "needs to be disciplined" they are referring to the fact that the child appears to lack that inner discipline. 有人说一个孩子“需要学会纪律”时,其所指的意思是这个孩子似乎缺乏内在的纪律。
McNeill says that at her library they have to ask someone "to please 'not look at questionable material' at least once a month. " 麦克尼尔说在她的图书馆里她们每月至少有一次需要要求某些人“请不要看有问题的资料”。
Mr Campanale says current moves in Asia do not add up to a managed fund explosion, but something is afoot. Campanale表示,眼下亚洲的这些举措还不至于导致管理基金的爆炸式增长,但一些事情已在酝酿之中。
West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, a key national Communist leader, says the American president "has gone out of his mind. " 印度西孟加拉邦首席部长布达戴布.巴塔恰吉是印度共产党的一位全国性领袖,他说,布什总统简直“不知所云”。
"They'd say what sound they wanted, and I'd do it, " says Mr. Richardson, who today works out of a van parked near an Australia beach. 理查德森说:“他们告诉我需要什么样的声音,我就把它弄出来。”他现在是在自己卡车里工作,卡车就停在澳大利亚海滩边上。