
美 [skæn]英 [skæn]
  • v.扫描;审视;浏览;细看
  • n.浏览;扫描检查;胎儿扫描检查;快速查阅
  • 网络扫瞄;搜索;Single Client Access Name

过去式:scanned 第三人称单数:scans 现在分词:scanning

scan document


v. n.

1.[t]细看;察看;审视;端详to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are looking for a particular thing or person

2.[t][i]粗略地读;浏览;翻阅to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc.

3.[t]~ sth(X 射线、超声波、电磁波等)扫描to get an image of an object, a part of sb's body, etc. on a computer by passing X-rays , ultrasound waves or electromagnetic waves over it in a special machine

4.[t]~ sth扫描;扫掠to pass across an area

5.[i][t]~ (sth)(为搜索病毒而)扫描(文件)to examine a computer program or document in order to look for a virus

6.[t]~ sth(用扫描设备)扫描(图像或文件 )to pass light over a picture or document using a scanner in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer

7.[i]符合韵律to have a regular rhythm according to fixed rules


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... global a. 全球的;总的 194. scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览 195. scandal n. 丑事,丑闻 196. ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... revision n. 复习;修改 scan vt. 浏览;扫视 participation n. 参加,参与 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... global a. 全球的;总的 194. scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览 195. scandal n. 丑事,丑闻 196. ...


扫瞄SCAN)平心而论,我觉得大多数人对环境的观察力都不够敏锐。我有个朋友,她很会解读男女的情绪,却对人们基本的 …


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Scale unit 标度单位,分频器 Scan 搜索,记录,扫描 Scar 激光唱片上的缺陷 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... cheeky adj. 厚颜无耻的 scan v. 细看,审视,浏览,扫描n.扫描 peasant n. 农夫, 乡下人 ...

Single Client Access Name

Oracle RAC 11gR2 引入了 SCANSingle Client Access Name),并且客户端缺省是通过 SCAN 来连接整个 RAC 环境的, …


新编大学英语单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... salary n. 薪水 scan v. 细察 signature n. 签名 ...

For a larger group, you will probably scan the audience rather than trying to engage the eyes of each person individually. 对于很大一群人来说,你可能要扫视听众,而不是竭力与每个人都进行目光接触。
A quick scan of YouTube's terms of service reveals that the company sees most of its videos as intended solely for online streaming. 浏览YouTube的服务条款就会发现,该公司认为其绝大多数视频只用于在线播放。
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work. 典型的,这些当前的想象方法就像CAT扫描和PET扫描和fMRI这些,正如我以前所说,展示了你的大脑的工作的部分。
Scan the Internet and books for background information, and definitely talk to people you know in the field for a deeper understanding. 浏览网络和书籍,寻找背景信息,而且一定要和你知道的在该领域工作的人谈谈,从而获得更深层的理解。
Ultimately, the scan taken on the boy's brain may have exposed him to unsafe levels of radiation, which build up in the body with each scan. 结果,对孩子大脑的扫描可能已经把孩子置于非安全的辐射水平之中了。随着每次扫描的实施,这种辐射在体内积累起来。
Loop repeats the cycle with a newly generated random code until a scan of the rows does not produce a match. Loop使用一个新生成的随机码重复这个循环,直到行扫描不再生成匹配值。
The company said the ideal time for a scan is around eight or nine months into the pregnancy. 该公司表示,进行扫描的理想时间是怀孕八个月或九个月时。
The tumors are frequently multicentric, and a thyroid scan does not always reflect areas of involvement. 肿瘤呈多中心,甲状腺扫描并不总能显示病变部位。
Backup will then scan your whole backup set (or as much of it as you have ) , and build an on- disk catalog . 然后“备份”将扫描整个备份集(或者您所拥有的备份集),并建立磁盘上的编录。
Researchers took a look at the partial skull of the juvenile and made a detailed scan of the space where its brain would have been. 研究人员检查了青少年的局部头颅,并对它的大脑可能的所在位置做了细节的扫描。
The conversation pauses as we eat, and I scan the office, taking in a collection of Russian dolls and a row of ceramic Dutch houses. 我们吃东西时,谈话会暂停片刻。我环顾了一下这间办公室,看到一套俄罗斯娃娃,一排陶制荷兰小屋。
"We have to wait for the results of the scan, but it looks like he is out of the World Cup, " said the England coach. “我们在等待检查的结果,但是看上去他基本上已无缘世界杯,”英格兰主帅说道
Two common methods that are used for brain imaging are a computer tomography (CT) scan and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. 两个可用于脑成像常用的方法是计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描和磁共振成像(MRI)扫描。
CT scan is like an X-ray, but it uses multiple images to build up a more detailed, three-dimensional (3-D) picture of your brain. CT扫描是像X光,但它使用多张图片,建立一个更详细的,三维(3-丁)你的大脑的图片。
In the last few years, biologists have been able to scan the whole human genome for the signatures of genes undergoing selection. 在最近的几年,生物学家已经能够扫描整个人类基因组寻找正在进行选择的基因的识别特征。
The simplest form of a TCP port scan is to open a connection to all ports on a host. TCP端口扫描的最简单形式是打开一个到主机所有端口的连接。
An MRI and CT scan revealed no changes from previous studies, which had revealed tendinitis and a small ligament tear in the wrist. 经过核磁共振扫瞄检查后,没有改变先前的计画,他的手腕肌腱发炎,韧带也有点撕裂伤。
Please reply this email with the scan copy of the acceptance note, chopped, and sent it out for their retention. 请用所收票据的扫描复印件来回复这封电子邮件,然后切碎,并发送以备存档。
An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce a detailed picture of the inside of your body. MRI扫描采用了强大的磁场和无线电波,以产生一种对你的身体内部的详细照片。
could you re-scan the application form from the China Merchants Bank please since I cannot read the bank stamp? 如果您重新扫描申请表从中国招商银行请,因为我无法读取银行邮票?
A close up of the raw scan data. Its not great but easily cleaned up given a bit of time. 近距离拍摄的原始扫描数据。虽然并不是很棒,但是如果花费一点时间的话,可以完全清除。
It will scan your PC for music files (Mp3, OGG, WMA, WAV), and display them in an easy to use interface, like a modern jukebox. 它会扫描您的电脑音乐档案(MP3播放,ogg,的WMA,wav),并显示它们在一个易于使用的界面,就像一个现代点唱机。
Now, with new technology that made it cheap and easy to scan the entire length of a person's DNA, researchers tried a new approach. 如今,新技术使得扫描人DNA全长便宜且简便,研究者们尝试着新方法。
Best Registry Cleaner has easy-to-use wizard window to guide you to scan and clean your Windows Registry safely. 57下载最好的注册表清理具有易于使用的向导窗口,引导您扫描和清理Windows注册表安全。
Why limit yourself to just a face scan, the Love Scanner also works with other body parts, it's up to you to explore. 为什么要限制自己只是面临扫描,扫描仪的爱情还与其他身体部位,就看您的探索。
Kuyt said: "I had a second scan and the doctor has now told me that they do not need to operate on my ankle. That is such a relief. " 裤子说“我刚接手第二次的扫描,医生告诉我他们不用帮我动手术了,这真的让我松了一口气”
I knew nothing about stocks. But I read everything she wrote and would scan the Wall Street Journal for mentions of her name. 那时我对股票一无所知,但是我读了她写的所有文章,而且还会去流览《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)上面提到她的名字的那部分内容。
After a scan lasting a minute, Mr Blankfein said he found the reference on page five, which seemed to surprise Mr Dowd. 扫视了一分钟后,贝兰克梵说他在第五页上找了前述内容,这似乎让多德颇感吃惊。
Install an electronic drawbridge designed to lower only after it has performed a biometric scan and made a full set of DNA comparisons. 安装一座电子吊桥,只在完成生物测量扫描和全套DNA比对之后才会放下。
As you scan the horizon, the surrounding peaks stand out in sharp relief, clear as a picture postcard. 当你眺望地平线时,山顶周围都显得特别的起伏,清晰得如一张明信片。