
美 [skæn]英 [skæn]
  • v.扫描;审视;浏览;细看
  • n.浏览;扫描检查;胎儿扫描检查;快速查阅
  • 网络已扫描;扫视;扫描过

过去式:scanned 第三人称单数:scans 现在分词:scanning

scan document


v. n.

1.[t]细看;察看;审视;端详to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are looking for a particular thing or person

2.[t][i]粗略地读;浏览;翻阅to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc.

3.[t]~ sth(X 射线、超声波、电磁波等)扫描to get an image of an object, a part of sb's body, etc. on a computer by passing X-rays , ultrasound waves or electromagnetic waves over it in a special machine

4.[t]~ sth扫描;扫掠to pass across an area

5.[i][t]~ (sth)(为搜索病毒而)扫描(文件)to examine a computer program or document in order to look for a virus

6.[t]~ sth(用扫描设备)扫描(图像或文件 )to pass light over a picture or document using a scanner in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer

7.[i]符合韵律to have a regular rhythm according to fixed rules


扫描Scanned)或赋形(Shaped)的天线系统中,很难确定是否出现了对天线主波束的阻挡。一般来说,这时需要使用精 …


杀毒软件中的英文解释一下......_百度知道 ... 4 time elapsed 已用时间 5 scanned 已扫描 6 Detections 发现 ...


...表示:「质性研究必须要被阅读(read),而不是被扫视(scanned);质性研究的意义是在阅读中萌现的」(p. 517)。


杀毒软件中的英文解释一下......_百度知道 ... 4 time elapsed 用掉的时间 5 scanned 扫描过 6 Detections 发现,察觉 ...


高中20道英语选择题 50分求助 拜谢_百度知道 ... C. deliberately 故意地;蓄意地 C. scanned 浏览,扫视 ...

As he scanned the cavernous space, empty save for a few sleepy security guards, his gaze alighted on a row of automated teller machines. 他四下张望着空旷的大厅,那里除了几个昏昏欲睡的保安之外什么也没有,突然,他的目光落在一排自动取款机上。
When the handmade sketches on paper are ready to be scanned, take care of digitizing them in a proper way. 纸画好线稿就以扫描,这时候开始注意,确其数字化。
I remember a little incident at the custom, when a lady after me had her hand carry scanned and was asked for a 'chat'. 我想起在海关发生的一件小事,在我后面的一位女士接受安检,被要求‘聊一下’。
Using ground-penetrating radar, they scanned the likeliest areas, turning up what appeared to be a vaulted underground crypt. 他们利用能穿透地面的雷达扫描最有可能的几个地方,发现了一个怀疑地下密室。
The company said the payload included the PicoSAR active electronically scanned array radar and an electro optic sensor. 该公司表示,有效载荷包括PicoSAR有源电子扫描阵列雷达和电子光学传感器。
Mole, who with gentle strokes was just keeping the boat moving while he scanned the banks with care, looked at him with curiosity. 鼹鼠轻轻地划着桨,让船缓缓向前移动,一面仔细审视着两岸。看到河鼠的那副神情,他不由好奇地望着他。
King QingYue took the children to see Chen, notice he scanned the sky and the public telephone address, let heaven to find LiangGongYu Chen. 王清越带着孩子来看陈顶天,通知他查到了公用电话的地址,让陈顶天去找梁红玉。
A few weeks ago a friend asked me if I'd had my DNA scanned, and I told him I hadn't, but that I'd "love to find out what's in there. " 一两周前有一个朋友问我是否检测了自己的基因,我告诉他没有,但我也说自己“很想知道那里面有什么”。
So she can only every scanned the sky, watching Apollo drove resplendent and magnificent day car across the sky. 于是她只能每天注视着天空,看着阿波罗驾着金碧辉煌的日车划过天空。
She had not scanned the ranch to scope out a meal, but to look for her friend. 它审视牧场也不是为了寻找大餐,而是寻找它的朋友。
A week later they returned to the lab and were scanned again as they carried out a different set of internet searches. 一个星期后,他们回到实验室,在进行一组不同的网络搜索过程中,再次接受扫描。
She immediately came and stood in the front of her box, scanned the stalls, saw me and thanked me with a glance. 她马上走到包厢前面,往正厅前座里寻找,看到我以后,就用目光向我表示感谢。
Any attachment that you want to view should be saved first, and then scanned with an up-to-date antivirus program before you open it. 要想查看附件,应先将其保存,然后在打开前,先用最新的防病毒程序进行扫描。
Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my notebook, and scanned it. 躺在沙发上,我终于不得不勇敢面对这个不受欢迎的任务。从笔记本里拿出作业单,并浏览了一遍。
His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth. 他母亲察看他的面色看他是不是在讲真话。
What could have been a presentation simply listing safety rules in bullet points to be scanned now was something far more personal. 而如果仅仅以要点的形式把安全规则列出来,这样的展示效果会怎么样呢?像现在这样就明显更加个性化。
The holder undertakes not to supply copies of the Company's controlled documents, including faxed or scanned copies, to any third party. 持有者保证不提供公司受控制文件的拷贝,包括传真或扫描的副本文件,给任一第三方。
Then they scanned the sky for clouds and congratulated themselves on choosing such a fine day. 然后他们扫视了一眼天空和云,随即开始为他们自己挑选了如此晴朗的一天而庆祝。
Parts of me I feel to be unrelated to my area of pain are also x rayed and scanned. 有些我感觉与疼痛无关的部位也拍了X光片,做了扫描。
He scanned the screen curiously, wondering if ever before it had concealed the secret of a man's life. 他好奇地打量着屏风,心里捉摸它以前是否也隐藏过他人的生活秘密。
He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship. 他扫视了地平线一眼,可是没有看到船的影子。
In addition, the company scanned the brains of 76 younger people who would not be expected to have plaque in their brains. None did. 除此之外,该公司还对76名大脑内不存在空斑的青少年进行了扫描,结果确实没有发现。
Pachacutec scanned the enemy ranks in silence, preparing for the great battle ahead. 帕查促特默默审视了一下敌军,为前面的大战做好准备。
PS. Thank BBB, thank you for your message. I'm already satisfied with the scanned version. Sorry that I took so long to respond. 另外感谢BBB,谢谢你的短消息,我已经看到扫描的版本就已经很满足了,很抱歉这么长时间才回复你。
The mother scanned the son's face to see if he was telling the truth. 母亲扫视儿子的脸,想看看他是否说了真话。
Penfield mapped the brain location of each memory while he scanned the surface with his probe. 潘菲尔德在用探测器扫描小脑表面的同时,绘制出每个记忆在大脑中的对应位置。
My mother and I were standing at he check-out in the supermarket as the cashier scanned the things we bought. 我和妈妈站在收款台旁边等待收银员扫描我们要买的东西。
With state-of-art image technology and years of experience in imaging services, we are confident that your film is scanned in the best hand. 拥有先进的影像技术及多年的影像服务经验,我们有信心让您的缩微胶片获得最佳扫描。
When Obama's birth certificate in Hawaii was digitally scanned for all to see, it was denounced as a forgery. 当奥巴马在夏威夷出生证明书的数字扫描被所有人亲眼目睹,它被指责为是伪造的。
One of the mummies the team scanned was a princess in her 40s, who presumably ate fresh food and wasn't sedentary. 小组扫描的其中一具木乃伊生前是一位王妃,死亡时40岁左右。科学家推测她生前食用新鲜食物,也没有久坐的习惯。