
美 [spid]英 [spiːd]
  • n.速;速率;快;迅速
  • v.加速;促进;快速前行;快速运送
  • 网络速度;段速;转速

复数:speeds 过去式:sped 过去式:speeded 现在分词:speeding

high speed,low speed,full speed,top speed,maximum speed
control speed,increase speed,reduce speed,measure speed,maintain speed


n. v.

运动╱行动速率rate of movement/action

1.[c][u](运动的)速度,速率the rate at which sb/sth moves or travels

2.[c][u](发生或进行的)速度;进度the rate at which sth happens or is done

3.[u]快;迅速the quality of being quick or rapid

摄影in photography

5.[c]快门速度the time taken by a camera shutter to open and close

自行车;汽车on bicycle/car

6.[c]排挡;速a gear on a bicycle, in a car, etc.


full speed/steam ahead

全速(或全力)向前with as much speed or energy as possible

up to speed (on sth)

(在某事上)达到应有的速度,达标performing at an expected rate or level


阻燃ABS的料密度是多少_百度知道 ... Pressures 压力 Speeds 速度 Drying 烘乾条件 ...


极品单车网 ... 踏板 Pedals:Bear trap 段速 Speeds:27-spd 摺叠尺寸 Folded Size:36”x 28”x 12” ...


DL T 892 2004 站汽轮机技术条件1-标准吧 ... 排汽参数 exhaust conditions 3.4转速 speeds 额定转速 rated speed ...


机械密封件-供应进口UK系列机械密封... ... 压 力 Pressure:≤4Mpa 线速度 Speeds:≤23m/sec 介质 Medium ...


单选题常用词对 预测(七) -职称英语考试-考试吧 ... without 公正地,公平地 speeds—— 速度,迅速 shine—— 光泽 ...




4. 此外,我们还可以在 Network 中看到传输数据 (Data) 及传输速度 (Speeds)。Part 2: Compare Broadband Malaysia : TM Stre…

It speeds up any developer's work for years to come -- at the cost of just a couple of working days. 它可以使任何开发人员需要数年才能完成的工作可在几个工作日内完成。
Creating forms that are ready to be localized greatly speeds development for international markets. 创建适于本地化的窗体会大大加快国际市场的开拓。
However, we can use relativity as a model to see what happens at speeds close to that of light. 不过,我们可以用相对论这个模型来看看接近光速的情况下会发生什么。
This engine uses a gearbox to allow the fan at the front and the turbine at the back to run at different, but optimal speeds. 它利用一个变速箱使分别位于涡轮前部和后部的风扇以不同但却是最佳的转速工作。
It's very new technology -- it just came out about a year ago -- that allows you to film at extremely high speeds in low light. 它在一年以前才刚刚诞生。它可以使你在暗光下以极高的速度进行拍摄。
Many ordinary household devices that work using electromagnetic fields could be made more cheaply or to work at higher speeds. 很多普通的属于电磁领域的家用设备也可以实现更加便宜并更加高速的工作。
We would rather be seen to act in accordance with your protocol, but time speeds on and we are fully ready to go ahead with our plans. 我们宁愿被看见与你们的协议签订的那样行动,但是时间在加速,我们完全准备好了实行我们的计划。
Pryor and her colleagues found that in most of the U. S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year. 普莱尔和她的同事发现,每年在美国大部分地区,风速似乎在以大于原速1%的比例逐渐减小。
The deep thud of a 155-millimeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks like an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel . 155毫米榴弹炮低沉的炮声在山间迴荡,有个很像炮弹的东西从炮管中加速冲出。
With its passengers bundled against the arctic wind blowing off the Beaufort Sea, the small boat speeds smoothly across the lagoon. 迎着吹过北福海的北极寒风,随着匆忙前进的游客,小船快速平稳地穿过环礁湖。
That would be a bad day, you know, if that happened, so we have to test, because we are deploying this parachute at supersonic speeds. 那是糟糕的一天,如果发生了这个,我们就需要测试,因为我们要在超音速的情况下打开降落伞。
A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds. 水上滑行艇一种机动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面
By running his knee at the ball at different speeds, he was able to control the amount of force he expended through impact. 同时籍着变化右膝奔球而去的速度不同,他可以控制触球时的力量的大小。
Tea drinking might have had the opposite effect: There is some evidence in rats that tea actually speeds up gastric emptying. 喝茶可能起相反效果:一些在老鼠中的研究显示,茶确实可以加速肠胃消化的速度。
It has been used for the simulation of running processes of vehicles of different maximum speeds. 该模型被用于模拟具有不同最大速度的车辆行驶过程。
Moving to the other end of the scale, our ancestors never had to navigate through the cosmos at speeds close to the speed of light. 再谈一谈尺度的另一端,我们的祖先从来不需要在一个接近光速的宇宙中操纵自己的身体。
The system is currently able to show the surface of only half the apple as it speeds by. 系统目前只能在苹果快速通过时检测到苹果的半个表面。
This allows the professional to accelerate the racquet head to speeds twice that of the amateur while maintaining control and consistency. 当同样维持控制力和一致性时,让职业球手比业馀者更能加速网球拍头到二倍之快。
Electronic publication provides such a huge flow of information at rapid speeds, much to the satisfaction of modern man. 电子出版物能高速提供巨大的信息流,所以现代人对其十分满意。
The speeds of these birds can be tracked by orbiting satellites, by means of transmitters attached to the bird. 环绕轨道运行的卫星通过绑在鸟身上的发射机跟踪它们的飞行速度。
With the release of the Fire Speeds, Kratos was now in the hands of the beasts, but where they would take him, he did not know. 随着火焰骏马的释放,奎托斯的命运此刻已掌握在这些猛兽的手中,但它们将会把他带往何方,他并不知道。
They say that without that assistance it would be very hard to increase the train speeds so much without cutting corners on safety. 他们表示,如果没有这样的协助,中国将很难在不牺牲安全性的情况下,将列车速度提高如此之多。
Speeds have been increased through the introduction of a servo - driven in- feed conveyor and a tray positioning system. 速度已增加通过引进一个伺服驱动,在饲料输送和托盘定位系统。
Your heart beat speeds as you recall the Warlord's flaming axe, behind the dark sockets of his helm you sense darker intentions. 当你一边回忆战神燃烧之斧时,一边心跳加速,在战神头盔黑暗的凹槽里,你可以感觉到黑暗的意图。
The trend could simply be part of a natural and long-term cycle that pushes wind speeds both up and down over the course of many decades. 这种趋势可能仅仅是自然的一部分和长期的循环,这种循环是在每经过数十年时间,风速会快-慢的循环一次。
We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster. 我们可以测量这些星系的速率,它们的轨道速度,并算出星系团中有多少质量。
The result of calculations shows that this kind of rotor can satisfy the need of intensity and stiffness, and suit any rotate speeds. 结果表明:该结构转子的机械强度和刚度可满足电机最高转速时的机械性能要求,可以保证电机的安全运行。
Unfortunately, modern green speeds limit hole locations to just a few areas, but they are still areas on a hole of great challenge. 不幸的是,现代的果岭球速限制了打洞杯的位置,但是那些区域还是非常有挑战性的。
With a range of cruise speeds that extends up to 370 knots, or 425mph, a pilot needs to be thinking far ahead of the aircraft. 这种飞机的巡航速度可以达到每小时370海里,或者每小时425英里。飞行员的思维需要远远快于飞机。
The experiments were performed using the Large Hadron Collider, which smashes particles together at speeds approaching that of light. 这些实验使用大型强子对撞机,以近光速的速度将微粒粉碎。