
美 [sɪs]英 [sɪs]
  • n.(用于直接称呼)姐姐
  • 网络矽统(Silicon Integrated Systems);安全仪表系统(Safety Instrument System);矽统科技




矽统(Silicon Integrated Systems)

矽统671DX主板芯片组评测页面是IT168网站对矽统(SIS)671DX主板芯片组的评测信息的汇总,IT168手机评测页面为您了解矽 …

安全仪表系统(Safety Instrument System)

安全仪表系统(sis) 专案经理project manager for safety instrumented system


矽统科技(SIS)率先发表全球首款可支持AMD K7系列处理器的SiS730S整合型单片后,另一款由威盛(VIA)所推出的,同样已 …

厂级监控信息系统(Supervisory Information System)

厂级监控信息系统SIS)针对下级的辅网和DCS系统利用MACH3005的多个交换引擎设计为冗余双星的拓扑结构,通过lion …


采用厂级监控系统SIS), 机组DCS系统、辅助系统(PLC)工业计算机网络、汽机振动监测和故障诊断系统及 锅炉炉管泄漏监 …

战略信息系统(Strategic Information System)

企业战略信息系统(SIS)及其合理运..川北小哥 国际连锁.. 杨一鸣 管理鸡汤 shirlyyi 富友软件-.. 培训师李参 吾心独语 云深不知处

英国秘密情报局(Secret Intelligence Service)

  英国秘密情报局SIS)   也许没有比SIS大楼更容易辨认的间谍总部了,这里是英国秘密情报局的总部,也称军情六处(MI6) …

Shimano Index System

...要微调整(现在也有一部分的变速车需要微调)、但随着SISSHIMANO INDEX SYSTEM)机能的开发成功,使得很多的自 …

WG says that's enough, but Big Sis tells her to shut up before going back to making out with Ai. WG的说,够了,但是大姐姐告诉她闭嘴然后返回正与艾了起来。
Chuck: Well, if I lit up in mine, In the folks would know it was me, sis. 如果我在我自己的浴室里抽,大家就会知道是我了,我亲爱的妹妹。
The simple and easy-to-achieve method can also be added into SIS as the optimization module to guide actual engineering operation. 该方法原理简单易实现,可以加入到SIS系统优化模块中指导实际运行,具有工程实用价值。
I was very happy to hear from brother that you gave money to younger sis for her driving license. 有一天我听哥哥说你出钱给妹妹考车牌,我听到很开心。
The scene then cuts to Big Sis's house, where Ai and Sayaka are tied up, with Ai's bonds spreading her out on a table. 然后切到现场大姐姐的房子,在那里与SAYAKA是爱与爱联系在一起的债券,传播她的桌子上了。
Results The physically and chemically treated SIS was pure with more hollows on the surface and undamaged collagen fibers. 结果经物理和化学处理的SIS纯度高、孔隙多,胶原纤维未受损;
Now, following in her big sis' footsteps, the striking Charlotte has a glamorous photo shoot of her own. 现在,追随着姐姐的脚步,惊艳的夏洛特也拥有了一组自己的迷人大片。
Understand and follow up the plans by the department stores in terms of promotion, SIS relocation, and etc. 对商场近期促销计划、专柜位置调整计划作及时了解、跟进。
Clearly, there's going to be a need for customer-specific development, too; but we see this as the SIs' business, not ours. 当然,同样也有针对消费者特定的开发,但是我们认为这是SI们的事情,不是我们的。
Thank you 98168! Sorry, till now I still do not know to address you as Bro or Sis? 谢谢98168!不好意思,到现在我还不知道应该称呼你大哥呢还是大姐?
She actually throws down the tazer, and says they can leave, as the police will be coming for her as soon as they find Big Sis. 实际上引发了她的tazer,并说他们可以离开,因为警方将她,尽快为他们找到大姐姐的到来。
His friends believed, no matter what the actual cause of death, that between them, the KGB and the SIS had sapped his will to live. 他的朋友认为,无论真正的死因如何,是克格勃和秘密情报局联手抹尽了沃尔芬登对生的渴望。
abstract: Objective: To investigate the feasibility of the small intestinal submucosa(SIS) as a scaffold for tissue engineering tendon. 目的:探讨猪小肠黏膜下层(SIS)作为组织工程肌腱支架的可行性。
For a good many months we (mom, stepdad, sis, myself, and our Doberman pup) lived in a tent out in the alien desert north of Phoenix. 有好几个月我们(妈妈,继父,姐姐,我以及我们的杜宾小狗)在凤凰城北的外来人杂居区(原文:thealiendesert,求解)搭个帐篷度日。
Reflects the stability of a responsible national famous stanDardization research and service body and customer oriented working method. 反映了SIS作为一个负责任的国内著名标准化研究和服务机构的稳健、以及一切为用户着想的作风。
Sis, don't feel bad for me now, and don't think that you did not take care of me. 姐,妳在那边不要为我难过,不要自作乱想,认为没照顾自己的弟弟。
If you attempt to sign the same SIS file in rapid succession, the service you receive will proportionally slow down. 如果您试图登录,同时矽统科技档案在快速演替,您接受服务的比例将缓慢下降。
Sayaka is forced to watch too, and at one point Big Sis forces her to help with the rape. 早矢香是被迫观看过,并在大姐姐一点力量来帮助她强奸。
Sis, why did you ask me to come to this bargain market? It's so crowded, and you can't find anything that you really want. 姐姐,你为什么带我来这个廉价市场啊?这里这么拥挤,而且你也买不到什么你真正想要的东西。
After the completion of a partial stroke test, the DVC6000 SIS instrument will provide a pass or fail status along with a signature curve. 在完成部分冲击测试之后,DVC6000SIS仪器将提供一个带有签名曲线的状态图。
He and his old sis- ter lived exactly opposite the Orange leader for whom he had a great respect. 他和年迈的妹妹住在一起,正对面则住着他景仰有加的橙带党领袖。
Big Sis triumphantly exclaims that this is why Sayaka wasn't receptive to WG, she's been harboring feelings for Ai the whole time. 大姐姐胜利感叹,这就是为什么早矢香是不能接受工作组,她的感情一直窝藏艾整个时间。
Please notice: The size of the SIS file means ONLY the size of new binaries installed into your device. 请注意:大小的SIS文件意味着只有规模的新的二进制文件安装到您的设备。
Dependencies added to the Genesis project are embedded in the SIS file generated and are installed to device along with it. 属地添加到项目的成因中嵌入SIS的文件生成和安装设备连同它。
Big Sis offers to give Ai a bite of her food, but it's too hot and burns her tongue. 大姐姐提供给她的爱一咬食物,但它太炎热和烧伤她的舌头。
Methods: Use peripheral blood to culture and to any sis the G-banded chromosomes structure. 方法采取外周血进行细胞培养,染色体G带分析。
Or Junior is playing a let's-blow-up-Saturn video game while Sis wants to see The Simpsons. 而在女儿想看《辛普森一家》时,儿子却在玩《让我们炸毁土星》的电子游戏。
If the component_name is SIS, then this is the name of the Notifier, gateway, or carrier that you are setting a property for. 如果component_name是SIS,则这是您为其设置属性的通告程序、网关或电信公司的名称。
Gordon: You can say that again. You are much better than me at acting stupid. Just kidding, Sis, I love you. 戈登:你说的没错。你比我愚蠢多了。开玩笑,妹妹。我爱你。
With Big Sis hovering over them with the tazer, WG orders Ai and Sayaka to kiss each other, to see if they have feelings for each other. 盘旋在他们与tazer,工作组订单爱与SAYAKA亲吻对方,看他们是否有相互的感情。