
美 [skoʊp]英 [skəʊp]
  • n.能力;(题目、组织、活动等的)范围;…镜(观察仪器)
  • v.仔细看;彻底检查;查清
  • 网络作用域;适用范围;范畴

第三人称单数:scopes 现在分词:scoping 过去式:scoped

define scope,extend scope,expand scope,narrow scope,limit scope
broad scope


n. v.

1.(做或实现某事的)机会,能力the opportunity or ability to do or achieve sth

2.(题目、组织、活动等的)范围the range of things that a subject, an organization, an activity, etc. deals with

3.…镜(观察仪器)an instrument for looking through or watching sth with


范围和JSP 的Page 相同,也就是单单一页JSP Page 的范围(Scope)。● requestScope范围和JSP 的Request 相同,requestSc…




模具英语例句 - 漫步者的日志 - 网易博客 ... I. Purpose 目的 II. Scope 适用范围 III. Die classification 模具类型 ...


范畴(Scope)不仅是一个组织的产品线广度,还同时描绘出一个组织所从事的活动。组织要不停重划界限,以决定自己在整个价 …


选中示波器 (Scope),拖曳到文件 example1_1 中,重新排列各模块位置 并连接,新电路如图1-16 所示。 (2) 电路仿真。


申请表编号 - 免费文档下载 ... 8.项目情况 Project Conditions: a.经营范围 Scope: b.生产规模 Production Scale: ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... the light microscope 光学显微镜 → scope 范围,余地;机会 → microscope 显微镜 ...

The distributed Content Manager system backup strategies and considerations can be complex and therefore out of the scope of this article. 分布式ContentManager系统备份策略和考虑事项非常复杂,超出了本文的讨论范围。
In the age of information and network, the way of great scope ship smuggling is often used by smuggling element. 在信息化、网络化时代,利用船舶进行较大规模的走私是走私分子经常采用的。
New Application Setting dialog box, configure the setting by giving it a name and a default value (if applicable) and setting its scope. “新建应用程序设置”对话框中配置设置,包括给定其名称和默认值(如果适用)并设置其范围。
Know the fundamentals. Even if you don't think you know everything in terms of scope, taking care of the essentials is just as important. 掌握基本原理:即使你认为自己并不完全搞得懂复习的内容,然而这时关注要点是同样重要的。
Thus, there is, at least in a transition period, scope for the extension of monetary control to offshore deposits in these currencies. 因此,至少在过渡阶段,在这些货币中可以将货币监管延伸到境外存款。
Whenever Dispatchers look for an active instance of a particular service, the scope of that look-up will be the Server Group he is in. 只要Dispatchers查找具体服务的一个活动实例,则该查找的范围就是它所在的ServerGroup。
Even if the scope of a variable is limited to a block, its lifetime is still that of the entire procedure. 即使变量的范围被限制在某个块内,其生存期仍为整个过程的生存期。
The United States will not be able to dictate the pace and scope of this change. Only the people of the region can do that. 美国不可能决定这项变革的速度和范围,只有当地的人民才能做到。
As you may recall, objects stored in page scope can only be retrieved during the processing of that page for a specific request. 您可能还记得,只有在为特定请求处理页面期间才能检索存储在该页面作用域中的对象。
How much Tons of wire can be loaded inside a 20 " container, in the scope of pallets' loading capacity? " 在20尺柜的托盘负载能力内,能装多少吨的钢绳?
John: He wants to ask a question. If he set up a resident representative office in China, what are the regulations on its business scope? 约翰:他想问一问如果在华设立一个常驻代表机构,业务范围上有什么规定?
These handles' lifetime is determined by a handle scope, which is often created at the beginning of a function call. 这些句柄的生存时间由句柄范围决定,句柄范围经常在一个函数的开始的时候被创建。
Although it's outside of the scope of this article, it's possible to have multiple versions of a bundle in an OSGi system at once. 尽管这些内容超出了本文的范围,但是在一个OSGi系统中,一个bundle同时有两个版本也是可能的。
Even where it is available, mass transit is often limited in scope and does not provide a preferable alternative to automobiles. 即便有公共交通,也常常有范围限制并且不能象汽车那样提供灵活性的需要。
Assistant US attorney, Marc Litt, had been pressing for 150 years, due to the "scope, duration and nature" of the fraud. 美国助理司法部长马克·里特,因为该案的“范围、时间跨度和性质”一直在力促150年的刑期。
"Chinese people on both sides of the straits tend to see history from their own national scope, " she said. “两岸的中国人倾向于从各自的角度看待历史,”他说。
Up till now, the scope of area he photographs is no more than a few hundred meters from his home. 到目前为止,他拍摄的范围仅只距他家方圆几百米。
This was what he had hoped for: chaos. He'd happily exchange fire at this range when he had a scope, cover, and a superior angle. 这就是他所希望的:混乱。他很高兴跟这个队列交互射击,这样他就有了活动余地,掩护和更好的射击角度。
To understand intangible heritage from cultural capital scope is to be provided with important significance in theory and in reality. 从“文化资本”这个角度去考察非物质文化遗产具有重大的理论与现实意义。
So if we start with books, you know, sort of where are we? Well, first you have to, as an engineer, scope the problem. 假设我们从书籍开始,就从我们现有的资源着手首先,作为一个工程师,你必须要衡量一下问题的范围,有多少数量的图书?
For the factory, these descriptions are out of scope; it is only the responsibility of the factory to return and maintain this list. 对于我们创建的工厂,我们不关心这些描述,工厂将负责返回和维护此列表。
Providing the complete set of repositories that may possibly be used in an SOA is not in the scope of this article. 本文不会提供SOA中可能使用的所有存储库,因为这超出了本文的范围。
Channel scope: A program can only access channels it has created, or the current channel with which it was invoked. 管道作用域:程序只能访问它创建的管道或调用它的当前管道。
Stress and long hours are part of every project manager's life who battle to get the most out of the resources at hand to achieve the scope. 压力和长时间的工作已成为每个项目经理生活中的一部分,这些经理要尽力安排手头上的资源以完成某些宏图大略。
When used, it specifies that this is meant to be a unique savepoint within the scope of the current transaction. 在使用时,它表示该保存点是当前事务范围内惟一的保存点。
To avoid incorrectly typing the name of an existing variable or to avoid confusion in code where the scope of the variable is not clear. 可避免拼错现有变量的名称,或者避免在变量范围不清楚的代码中产生混淆。
He played down the scope of the uprising, adding that it was the work of a foreign conspiracy. 他淡化了起义的规模,并补充道,这是外国阴谋团伙所为。
A name "looked up in the context of an expression" is looked up as an unqualified name in the scope where the expression is found. 在“表达式的语境中查找”的名字是被出现该表达式的作用域中作为非限定名称查找的。
with a brief explanation of their scope and links to other parts of this encyclopedia, set out in a systematic way. 下面列出了现代数学的领域,并简要说明其范围和联系的其他部分百科全书,阐述系统的方式。
The scope and character of these papers have been hushed up, or at least minimized, by nearly all those who have inspected them. 这些文献的范围和特点一直被秘而不宣,或被几乎所有那些察看过它们的人降至最低限度。