
美 [ʃæft]英 [ʃɑːft]
  • n.竖井;井筒;(电梯的)升降机井;通风井
  • v.亏待;苛待;欺骗
  • 网络轴;杆状物;杆身

复数:shafts 现在分词:shafting 过去式:shafted



n. v.

1.(电梯的)升降机井;通风井;竖井;井筒a long, narrow, usually vertical passage in a building or underground, used especially for a lift/elevator or as a way of allowing air in or out

5.~ of light, sunlight, etc.一束,一道(光、阳光等)a narrow strip of light

6.~ of pain, fear, etc.一阵(疼痛、害怕等)a sudden strong feeling of pain, etc. that travels through your body

7.~ of sth讥讽;挖苦;尖酸的话a clever remark that is intended to upset or annoy sb


give sb the shaft

亏待,苛待(某人)to treat sb unfairly

wshishizhong的博客 - wshishizhong - 网易博客 ... 传动 drive/transmission shaft 弹性 elasticity ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... scripts n. 手稿, 手迹, 剧本, 考生的笔试卷, 原本 shaft n. 轴, 杆状物 approved adj. 经核准的, 被认可的 ...


打高尔夫球有哪些专业术语? - 高尔夫百科 ... Round 回合〔一回合18洞〕 SHAFT: 杆身 SINGLE PLAYER: 单差点球员 ...


杀戮战警(SHAFT)简介:纨裤子弟华特维德谋杀了年轻黑人学生遭到黑豹的逮捕,华特弃保潜逃国外轻过长达两年的等待,华特悄悄 …


岩土力学与工程 5 - 大观园的日志 - 网易博客 ... sextant 六分仪 shaft 竖井,桩身 shake table 振动台 ...

背单词软件_外贸词汇s_沪江英语 ... squirrel 松鼠 shaft ,竖井 shake 摇动,发抖,握手 ...


跟汽车有关的单词(下)_普特英语听力 ... fan belt 风扇皮带 shaft 传动轴 inner tube 内胎 ...

When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from sliding along the shaft by means of a set screw. 当轴向负荷是偶然和小规模,成员不断从沿轴滑动螺杆的一套方法。
If they were singing, there was no methane about, but if they dropped over then the miners had their clue to leave the mine shaft quickly! 如果它们在鸣叫,周围就没有甲烷,但如果它们掉了下来,那矿工就知道端倪,赶紧离开了矿井!
It is the middle of a slender wooden shaft with a hollow circle at both ends of each round, round a few weeks to open mouth square posts. 它中间有一细腰木轴,两端各连一空心圆轮,轮周开几个方形哨口。
The end of the hollow shaft is provided with a head (6) to which the tablet (1) is articulated by means of a cam-shaped element (7). 中空轴的端部配备有一头(6),通过一凸轮状元件(7)将书写板(1)铰接到该头(6)。
Also, tucking the scrotum as well as the shaft inside a ring seems to relieve compression on the penis and reduce injuries. 将环和阴囊也套一部分在一起,这样做似乎也可以减小对阴茎的压力并减少伤害。
As he went even farther, suddenly a shaft of sunlight shone into the caves so strongly that he could not open his eyes for a moment. 再走一阵子,强烈的阳光,猛然照射进来,使他一时之间无法睁开眼睛。
The hair shaft and inner root sheath move together as the hair grows toward the surface: the outer root sheath remains fixed in position. 毛干和内根鞘当到达体表时融合在一起:外根鞘仍然保持在原来的位置。
A motor shaft gap used for a sealing plate for a seal air channel is left between the belt pulley and the end cover of the motor shell. 在皮带轮同电机机壳端盖之间保留供密封风道用的密封板穿过的电机轴空隙位。
But when divers moved into the mine early on Friday the body of the first miner was discovered at the bottom of the main shaft. 但是当潜水员在周五早些时候向矿井靠近的时候,第一具尸体是在坑道的底部发现的。
It worked like an elevator, traveling up and down on a cable through a shaft drilled six hundred twenty-two meters into the rocks. 它就像一部电梯,在深入地下622米深的竖井中通过缆绳牵引上下运动。
Tom's heart gave a great thump, and he ran like the wind to the shaft . 汤姆的心怦的一跳,像一阵风似地奔到矿井。
They made the lampstand of pure gold and hammered it out, base and shaft; its flower like cups, buds and blossoms were of one piece with it. 他用精金做一个灯台;这灯台的座和干,与杯、球、花,都是接连一块锤出来的。
I place the tip of the cane on the underside of your cock and slide it up and down the shaft. It gently taps on your balls. 我将藤条的末端放在你的阴茎上,然后轻轻的滑动一下,它便上下抖动起来。
She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was. 她很瘦弱,瘦弱得像东方森林隆冬时节的一缕阳光。她很高,几乎跟他一样高。
at the top of the shaft there is usually a structure called a headframe . It contains some of the machinery necessary for mining operation. 在井筒顶部通常都有一个叫作井架的建筑,其上装有一些采矿作业所需要的机械设备。
It was an old mine shaft. In a small clearing beyond I found the remains of a bucket and a rusting can. 这是一处旧时的矿井,在不远处的空地上我看到当时遗留下来的水桶和生锈的铁罐。
Make a lampstand of pure gold and hammer it out, base and shaft; its flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms shall be of one piece with it. 要用精金做一个灯台。灯台的座和干与杯、球、花,都要接连一块锤出来。
Preferably, the root of at least one movable shaft neck of the movable shaft is provided with a balance weight part. 优选的,在该动轴的至少一个动轴颈的根部设置有配重部。
"We drill holes, " said Zhao Zhaoguo, a migrant from Henan province on his way down the shaft. “我们要钻洞,”来自河南的务工人员赵照国(音)乘着升降机在通道里往下降时说。
Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. 突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。
His spear shaft was like a weaver's rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. His shield bearer went ahead of him. 7枪杆粗如织布的机轴、铁枪头重六百舍客勒.有一个拿盾牌的人在他前面走。
The wire ropes which support the car are fixed to a heavy counterweight which moves up and down the lift shaft on separate guide rails. 支撑电梯厢的钢丝绳另一端固定在一个平衡配重上。平衡配重在升降井里沿着单独的导轨上下移动。
Fluidized bed reduction can directly use fine ore but the coal consumption of smelting reduction process with it was more than with shaft. 虽然流化床具有直接使用粉矿的巨大优势,但流化床作为还原单元时流程的最佳煤耗要高于竖炉。
An enlarged part of a shaft to which another shaft is coupled or to which a wheel or gear is keyed. 一轴与另一轴耦合处或一轴与机轮或齿轮楔合处的增大部分
Each box had a round, four-gallon tank molded out of polypropylene, with an open-ended shaft in the middle where the seedlings grew. 每个盒子都配有一个容量4加仑的圆形聚丙烯水箱,中央有开口筒腔,作物就在里面生长。
In the same shaft there is often a hoist, a bucket like elevator used to raise mined ore from lower levels. 井筒里通常还安装有绞车,一种用来提升矿石的斗式升降机。
This caused poison gas to be discharged through an ventilator shaft which had been used to cool the panda house, causing the tragedy. 毒气经由用来为熊猫馆降温的排风口进入馆内,致使大熊猫“泉泉”中毒死亡。
The skin is very thin with a fine, silky hair coat, and a hair shaft that reflects light, producing a metallic golden sheen to the coat. 皮肤非常薄,罚款,如丝般的被毛,并反射光线,头发轴,生产金色金属光泽的外套。
Measurement of graphite sleeve bearings and the diameter of the shaft and see that they meet the surface finish. 测量石墨轴承的孔径和轴套的轴径,并察看它们配合面的光洁度。
It has two circular endplates with the shaft running through the middle of them and curved vanes strung longitudinally between them. 它有两个与贯穿轴圆终板在他们中间悬挂和纵向弯曲叶片之间。