
美 [skræp]英 [skræp]
  • n.小块(纸、布匹等);丝毫;一丁点;残羹剩饭
  • v.废弃;取消;抛弃;报废
  • 网络废料;碎片;小片

复数:scraps 过去式:scrapped 现在分词:scrapping

scrap plan,scrap project,decision scrap


n. v.

1.[c]碎片,小块(纸、布匹等)a small piece of sth, especially paper, cloth, etc.

2.[sing]丝毫;一丁点a small amount of sth

3.[pl]残羹剩饭food left after a meal

4.[u]废料;废品things that are not wanted or cannot be used for their original purpose, but which have some value for the material they are made of

5.[c](informal)打架;争吵a short fight or disagreement


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... SCR 系统概念评审 Scrap 废料 Screening 筛选法 ...


《电子行业英语词汇大全》 - 豆丁网 ... Scatter diagram 散布图分析 111 Scrap 报废 112 Simple random sampling 简单随机取 …


英语词汇逻辑记忆法_旺旺英语教学网 ... ape 类人猿 scrap 碎片 crap 掷骰子 ...


半导体常用英语_百度文库 ... Process--- 工艺 Scrap--- 废弃 Supervisor--- 领班 ...


黄颀课堂讲义单词 - 豆丁网 ... verdict 判决,决定 scrap 小片,碎屑; desuetude 废止,不用 ...


眼镜英文2 - 清澈爱之乱的日志 - 网易博客 ... 污渍 dirty 碎屑 scrap 杂质 impurity ...


模具日本语 - dwxydq的日志 - 网易博客 ... Punch 冲头、凸模、冲床 Scrap 废铁;废料、废渣 Punch Press 冲孔机 ...


ERP管理软件_百度百科 ... shop order 车间定单 scrap 废品率 scheduler 计划员 ...

Owner Kelly Acree says the recession forced her to scrap some of the services she had envisioned, including a restaurant. 该室内公园的所有者阿克里(KellyAcree)表示,经济危机迫使她取消了原先设想的一些服务,包括开设餐馆。
I felt like a scrap collector trying to beg for a few bucks. 我觉得自己就像收集废品的人,想方设法乞讨钱。
Cutting the deficit would force her to scrap some of the social promises she had made to voters. 削减赤字将迫使她放弃对选民做出的部分承诺。
"Here is someone worse off than myself, " said the soldier, and he gave the old man his last scrap of bread. “这个人的处境比我还要悲惨”士兵说,于是将他最后的一片面包给予了这个老人。
Mary Ann stayed behind the counter helping customers, and finally I left her a note that was just a big question mark on a folded scrap. 玛丽安一直在柜台里帮助顾客,最后我找了张纸片给她留了个条儿。那上面只有一个大大的问号。
With a localized problem like this, the logical course of action is not to scrap your entire car and try to rebuild it from scratch. 对于这样的局部问题,合理的做法不是拆除整个汽车并从头开始重新构建它。
Such was the effect of this simple piece of scrap, that more than one woman of delicate nerves was forced to leave the meeting-house. 小小一块黑纱,震动如此之大,不止一个神经脆弱的妇女承受不住,提前离开会场。
She was finally dragged out of harm's way after seven minutes by an elderly scrap peddler who went searching for her parents. 七分钟过后,终于有一位拾垃圾的老者将她带离危险地带,并寻找她的父母。
He fumbled in one of his pockets, and pulled from it a scrap of paper and a bit of red pencil filched from some carpenter. 他从衣袋里掏出一张破纸和一小段从一个木工那里摸来的红铅笔。
Every word uttered by her, every scrap of knowledge she imparted, I lapped up as if it was mother's milk. 她所说的每一个字、所讲的每一个知识点,我都好似吸吮母亲乳汁般地舔舐着。
All the same, one of the simplest steps to help ensure that the world has enough to eat in 2050 would be to scrap every biofuel target. 尽管如此,确保世界2050年有足够的吃的最简单的办法之一就是,取消所有生物燃料的指标。
Thieves had noticed how much Chinese steel demand had bid up the price of scrap metal. 盗贼们注意到,中国的钢铁需求极大地推高了废金属价格。
For his hair was completely shaved except for in the center. This small scrap of long hair was twisted into a knot on top of his head. 因为他的头发除了中间那一块,其他部位几乎全剃光了,而那一小片长头发在他的头顶上也被编成一个结。
As he wrestled with the decision over whether to leave NASA, the Obama administration made the decision to scrap Constellation and Ares I. 正当他犹豫是否要离开NASA的时候,奥巴马政府作出决议,取消“星座计划”和“战神一号”的航天计划。
Japan was in the midst of a war against China and without that scrap steel and oil, Japan would be unable to continue that war. 日本处于一场针对中国的战争当中,没有那一废钢铁和石油,日本就不能继续那场战争。
He re-adjusted his spectacles on his nose, sighed, and drew the next batch of work towards him, with the scrap of paper on top of it. 他正了正鼻梁上的眼镜,叹一口气,把下面的一批工作拉到了近前——那张纸条便在最上边。
At the end of that period the turbine can be replaced with the old turbine being sold for scrap to recuperate some value. 在这一时期结束之前涡轮可以取代旧的涡轮被出售的废料,以休养生息,一些价值。
Councils are trying to stem the problem by using ductile steel for replacements, which has no scrap value. 市政部门试图通过更换韧钢井盖的办法来解决问题,因为韧钢井盖没有废品价值。
Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written here-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory. 由于找不到当时用来记录邮件地址的那张小破纸,他只能尽力凭借记忆写出了那个地址。
So, from the age of just 40 days, Jinghong was taken to the shopping centre while her mother collected scrap there to sell to recyclers. 所以才出生40天,Jinghong就被带到商业中心了,而她母亲则出去捡垃圾然后卖给废品回收站。
He also noted that if it was on the finished product as printed on the inside of the disc, the disc will try printing directly scrap. 此外,何师长教师还提到,如果是试印光盘纯在不败品里背,不即不兵试印光盘间接报废。
I started doodling randomly on scrap sheets of papers, trying to draw something surprising or something that made me laugh. 我开始在纸上乱画,想要画出一些与众不同的或者能令人开怀的东西来。
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 5 : scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloys of the same series. 铝和铝合金.废料.第5部分:同系列两种或多种可锻合金组成的废料
But she used the appearance to respond to criticism of President Obama's decision announced Thursday to scrap plans to put a U. 她这次机会回应了对奥巴马总统星期四宣布的一项决定的批评意见。
"Right now there is an insatiable demand for scrap metal due to globalization and worldwide industrialization, " she said. 现在由于全球化和世界范围的工业化,对废金属的需求永不满足。
A more important one is that Somalia's people do not enjoy a scrap of security, let alone any of the material benefits of a modern state. 更重要的一点是索马里的人们也无法享受到一丝的安全,更不用说现代国家可以提供的任何物质利益。
But the decision to scrap Nasa's plans for a permanent return has left the door open for other countries. 但是,在美国政府决定永久放弃NASA计划的同时,也已经向其他国家敞开了登月的大门。
The state governor, David Paterson, seems to take hedge funds' threats to pack their bags seriously, and now wants to scrap the tax. 纽约州州长DavidPaterson似乎也开始认真考虑对冲基金准备收拾铺盖走人的威胁,并希望废弃该议案。
Do not be put off by this scrap of jargon; an ion cannon is a fictional weapon used in fictional space epics. 不要被这种类似黑道术语的名词吓倒,所谓的等离子大炮,只不过是科幻史诗小说想象中的一种武器。
there was no money, no money, my mother said it, said it until I felt as if every scrap of food I ate was wrenched off my father's body. 家里没钱,根本没钱,母亲说的,整天这么说,让我觉得自己吃的每一小口东西仿佛都是从父亲身上撕下来的。