
美 [səbˈmɪt]英 [səb'mɪt]
  • v.提交;提供;服从;投降

过去式:submitted 第三人称单数:submits 现在分词:submitting

submit application,submit report,submit request,submit proposal,submit resignation


The Delegation added that it had positively reacted to all the proposals submitted and knew that more discussions were required. 代表团补充说,它对所有提案都做出了积极的回应,亦了解需要就此进行更多的讨论。
Quimby announced it had identified one of these and has submitted a paper for publication. Quimby领导的团队声称其已经识别出这样一个过程,并且提交发表了一篇论文。
The book's authors are innocent victims of this, and I have submitted an erratum on this point to the publisher. 该书作者就成了这种变化的无辜的牺牲品,我已经就此向出版商提供了一份刊误表。
The quiz must be able to be graded once submitted and the user info along with quiz scores must be stored in a database. 测验必须能够提出并进行分级一次测验成绩的同时,必须的用户信息存储在数据库中。
It had submitted these ideas in the spirit of cooperation and looked forward to hearing the views of other Member States. 它是本着合作的精神提出这些想法的,同时也希望听取其他成员国的意见。
Each appointment or removal of a director shall be submitted to the Board for ratification at the next regular or interim Board meeting. 每位董事的委派或撤换应在下一次董事会定期会议或临时会议举行之时,提交董事会核准。
And China has submitted a map that seems to assert ownership of a vast part of the South China sea. 中国提交的地图显示了该国对中国南海的一大片海域的主权的坚持。
On his way to the office, his thoughts were on the submitted proposal. 在去往办公室的路上,他满脑子想着那份提交的方案。
He created an early variant of a "viral" social network, rewarding captains who submitted their logbooks with a copy of his maps. 他创造了一个“病毒”的早期变异体的社交网络,对于那些愿意交出他们航海日志的船长一张地图副本作为奖励。
We hope that this dispute can be settle through friendly negotiation without its being submitted for arbitration . 我希望争方可以通过友好谈判加以解决,而不要仲裁。
Nevertheless, only the first would be, according to the logicians, able to be submitted to what can be called criticism. 可是,依照逻辑专家,首先它要能够做到的是,承受所谓的「批评」。
Chongqing city spokesman, Wen Tianping, confirmed the details of the plan and said it had been submitted to the State Council for approval. 重庆市政府发言人文天平证实了该方案的细节,并表示方案已报国务院批准。
It then parses the content submitted by the user, extracting all the URLs found within the body by means of a simple regular expression. 它然后解析用户提交的内容,通过一个简单的正则表达式抽取出主体中找到的所有URL。
The information contained in this presentation has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed "AS IS. " 本说明中所包含的信息没有提交给任何正式的IBM测试,而只是“按原样”发布。
We don't oppose the matter be submitted to arbitration. Then in which country? 我们不反对将此问题交仲裁解决,那么在哪个国家仲裁呢?
Those proposals had been submitted the day before, in the general statement read out by the Coordinator of the Group. 这些计划已经在前天由集团协调人以一般性发言的形式递交。
The last time I misunderstood you, as a result I did not submit the document that was meant to be submitted to you. 上次是我误解了您的意思,导致了我没有提交该提交给你的文件!
You can start by searching for your suggestion in the appropriate discussion group to see if it has already been submitted. 您可以首先在适当的讨论组中搜索您的建议,看看是否已有人提交了此建议。
Unclassified Records library to store records submitted to the Records Center that do not match any other Record Routing entry. 未分类记录库,用于存储提交到记录中心但与任何其他记录传送条目均不匹配的记录。
The bank is awaiting the final draft of the Cleary report on the matter, which should be submitted in the next two weeks. 德意志银行正在等待佳利律师事务所有关此事的调查报告最终稿,这份报告可能会在今后两周里提交。
The accounting system and procedures to be adopted by the Company shall be submitted to the Board for approval. 合营公司采用的会计制度和相关程序应报经董事会批准。
No material in this thesis has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university. 论文内容并未有呈交本大学或其他大学作为获取学位之用。
"We sat down and worked out a proposal in a couple of days and submitted it to DARPA, and they funded it in one day, " Rueckes says. 鲁可斯说:「我们坐下来,花了几天拟定计画书,呈递给DARPA,他们在一天内便核准此项经费。」
That's why I've submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I'm prepared to offer additional savings. 这正是我向国会提交一个冻结三年预算计划的原因,而且我还有进一步类似的计划。
Applications for contract renewal with the same employer may also be submitted to any one of the Immigration branch offices as listed above. 如欲申请与同一雇主续约,亦可到上文所述的任何一间分区入境事务办事处递交申请书。
After having submitted to humiliation for many years, Tom finally had it out with his boss. 忍气吞声了多年后,汤姆最终和他的老板摊牌了。
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed AS IS. 免责声明:本文中所包含的信息未经任何正式的IBM测试,而是以ASIS的形式发布的。
The general Ho Ying-Chin submitted army reports and battle reports to Chiang Kai-shek. The Nanjing massacre did not appear in those reports. 何应钦将军向蒋介石提交了军队报告和战斗报告,而南京大屠杀并没有出现在这些报告中。
We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without its being submitted for arbitration. 我们希望争议可以通过友好谈判来加以解决,而不要提交仲裁。
He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the Party Presidium. 他事先没有征求党的主席团同志的意见,并取得他们的同意。