sea level

  • n.海平面
  • 网络海面;海拔;平均海面

sea levelsea level

sea level


1.海平面the average height of the sea/ocean, used as the basis for measuring the height of all places on land


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 223 area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面 225 sea level 海平面 228 fortunately ad. 幸运地,幸亏 ...


study_新浪博客 ... ventilate 通风 sea level 海面 put forward (固定词组)提出 ...


跪求圣人,圣人,英语权威双解下列词汇_爱问知识人 ... 9. power station 发电站 10. sea level 海拔 13. police station 派出所 ...


英日词典5000词 4 ... sea 海 sea level 平均海面 seacoast 海岸 ...


sea中文 ... payable on demand 即付汇票,见票即付 ... 海平面; 潮位 sea level 海面图 sea levelchart... ...


2.海平线与冰川等的改变 过去100 年,全球海平线(sea level)上涨了17 厘米。IPCC 在2007 年的 报告中指出,从1961 年至200…


(2) 海平面上昇淹没地图 (Sea Level)(3) 碳排量 (CO2 Emission) (除了英国 UK, 其它国家有增无减 !)


...而在停车场后方的峭壁上则横立着一块牌子,上面标示着海平面的位置(SEA LEVEL).我们让小浪站在木牌下拍照留念.恶水盆地 …

If the goalkeeper reacts as he would at sea level, the ball would be in the back of the net before he gets to it. 如果守门员像他在海平面时那么反应,这个球就会在他拦到之前直射入网。
How much sea level could rise this century with increasing temperatures is an open question. 随着温度持续攀升,海平面将会上升多少是个公开的问题。
Over the last 30 years, the city began to suffer from dramatic rises in sea level of nearly an inch a year. 在过去30年,海平面每年上升近一英寸,休斯顿开始受到严重威胁。
Consequently, a sea level rise of up to 5 m is possible, and it would occur over a relatively short period. 因此,海平面上升5m是有可能的,并在一个相对较短的时间内发生。
Society is not set up to deal with rapid sea level rise. It would be a catastrophe of a magnitude we've never experienced. 社会并没有准备好应对急速的海平面上升,这将是一场我们从未经历过的劫难。
By tracking sea-level change over the entire period, the geologists were able to rule out shifting land levels as the cause of this finding. 通过跟踪观察各个时期以来海平面的变化,地质学家们能够排除这种情况:陆地高度的变化导致了上述发现。
The pressure at the top of the troposphere is only 10% of that at sea level and above this layer the pressure continues to drop. 在对流层的顶部压力,只有10%,在海平面以上这一层的压力继续下降。
The sea-level fluctuation was an important controlling factor for karst carbonate reservoir development in the Early Paleozoic Tarim Basin. 海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。
The sea level pressure will decrease over lands, but increase over the subtropical oceans and parts of the oceans around the Antarctic. 海平面气压场表现为陆地上一致性的降低以及副热带海洋和南极洲边缘部分海域的升高。
But his wife was at home, closer to sea level, as she usually was during the day. 但是,他的妻子像往常一样呆在地势更接近海平面的家中。
The hotel is located at the northern end of Patong beach up in a hill about 300-400ft above sea level and about a 25min walk to Bangla Rd. 酒店坐落于巴东海岸最北端,一座离海平面约300-400英尺高度的小山上。步行至孟加拉路约25分钟。
Some start from thousands of meters up a mountain. They can flow to areas just a few hundred meters above sea level. 有些冰河是从数千米的高山上流下来的,这些冰河流到距海平面只有几百米高的地方。
The Mon Calamari are able to descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without requiring breathing or pressure apparatus. 蒙卡拉马里人能够一口气潜入海面下最深30米处,不需要呼吸也不用相关的压力装置。
"Coastal areas, including the Yangtze river delta [around Shanghai] are greatly threatened by the rise in sea level, " he said. 他指出,沿海地区,“包括长江三角洲(上海周边)在内,受海平面上升的威胁极大。”
The state of the ice sheets during the Pliocene is not well known, but it is thought that sea level ranged up to 80 feet higher than today. 那时冰川的情况并不清楚,但据说那时的海平面要比现在高80英尺。
In the teeming sea-level cloud forest of the North Pacific coast every niche seems to support life [including this skunk cabbage]. 在北太平洋海岸低洼的茂密雾林里,每一个小生境似乎都能够供养生命[包括这种臭菘在内]。
Not so: Nairobi is at 1680m above sea level, yet until the mid-1950s, epidemic malaria was a serious problem at altitudes up to 2450m. 并非如此:内罗毕的高度是海拔1680米,然而直到20世纪50年代中期,疟疾流行在高至2450米的地方仍然是一个严重的问题。
If it were to melt completely, the sea level world-wide would rise by over 60 m. 一旦它被完全融化,全世界的海平面会上升60m。
The greatest danger, however, is in the rise in the sea level as it hits the land. 然而,飓风登陆后造成的最大的危害是引起海平面的上升。
Perched on top of a flattened mountain some 2600 metres above sea level, the VLT is the best place on Earth from which to see the universe. 甚大望远镜海拔高度为2600米左右的平坦山峰上,处于全世界观测宇宙的最佳位置。
Note that the reports of flooding are, however, almost always in the regions that would be affected by an 80 rise in sea level. 注意到洪水的报告,几乎全部来自那些会被海平面上升80英尺所影响的区域。
Clocks at the top of Mount Everest pull ahead of those at sea level by about30 microseconds a year. 位在圣母峰顶的时钟每年要比在海平面的钟快约30微秒。
Formation of glacier worldwide is all related with high sea level and high latitude. 全球所有冰川的形成均与高纬度和高海拔密切相关。
Sea level rise is expected to be one result of global warming as ice on land melts and flows toward the world's oceans. 海平面上升有望是全球变暖的一个结果,因为陆地上的冰融化,流向海洋的结果。
Although it is only840 meters above sea level, its steepness is comparable to that of the Huashan Mountain. 虽然它的海拔只有840米,但山势的险峻程度足以与华山相比。
The sea level was more than 30 feet lower due to trillions of tons of water having been trapped as ice in glaciers in the polar regions. 海平面超过30英尺降低由于万亿吨水已经被困在冰川冰在极地地区。
It does not mean that Greenland will not contribute to increased sea level rise if temperatures increase by a few degrees. 这并不意味着在温度上升几度的情况下,格陵兰岛不会引发海平面的上升。
Every year, climbers from around the globe start out here in an attempt to climb Everest, the highest mountain above sea level in the world. 每年来自世界各地的登山者从这里出发试图登上这座世界上海拔最高的珠穆朗玛峰。
There were three sea-level change cycles during Xishanbulake stage. The phosphorite was the result of the earlier sea-level change. 西山布拉克组沉积时期经历了三次海平面的升降变化,磷质岩是早期海平面变化的产物。
The level to which all subsurface depths in an area are referred, normally the mean sea level. 一个地区所有地面深度参考的深度面,通常指海平面。