
美 [strɪp]英 [strɪp]
  • n.带;(陆地、海域等)狭长地带;带状水域;队服
  • v.夺;脱掉大部分衣服;扒光…的衣服;进行脱衣表演
  • adj.脱衣舞的;被剥去外皮的
  • 网络条;条带;剥夺

复数:strips 现在分词:stripping 过去式:stripped

metal strip
strip paint


v. n.

脱衣take off clothes

1.[i][t]脱光衣服;脱掉大部分衣服;扒光…的衣服to take off all or most of your clothes or another person's clothes

除去一层remove layer

3.[t]除去,剥去(一层);(尤指)剥光to remove a layer from sth, especially so that it is completely exposed

拿走所有东西remove everything

4.[t]从(某处)拿走所有东西;使(某处)空无一物to remove all the things from a place and leave it empty


5.[t]~ sth (down)拆卸;拆开to separate a machine, etc. into parts so that they can be cleaned or repaired


6.[t]~ sb of sth剥夺;褫夺to take away property or honours from sb, as a punishment

新视野大学英语单词表_百度文库 ... pursue 从事,追求 strip ,带,剥去,除去 phenomenon 现象,奇才,奇迹 ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... ask vi. 询问, 问, 要求 strip vt. , 剥去n.条, 带 hormones n. 荷尔蒙, 激素 ...


新视野大学英语单词表_百度文库 ... pursue 从事,追求 strip 条,带,剥去,除去 phenomenon 现象,奇才,奇迹 ...


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... striking a. 显著的,惊人的 strip v. 脱衣,剥夺 n.条带 strive vi. 努力,奋斗,力求 ...


草莓网超低折扣女士香水 - 包邮 香港草莓网 ... 罗莉妲之丝 Si Lolita 剥夺 Strip 风格 Style ...


大学英语六级词汇真题练习题 ... ) rip 撕破 ) strip 脱衣 ) contrive 设计 ...


都在拉斯维加斯大道Strip)上繁华地段,随时可以出来逛街。如果住的房间位于酒店高层,又是正对大道的话,晚上更是能 …

As you strip away the trappings of your old life, you come to realize that all you really need are the bare essentials. 当你扔掉旧生活的积蓄,你就开始意识到原来自己真正需要的只是一些必需用品。
This aspect between Venus and Neptune requires of you to strip yourselves of any form of impatience this year. 这一年金星与海王星之间的结合会体现出你比较缺乏耐心。
The party has also urged that the city's legislature vote to strip him from his mayoral post. 中共山西省委还督促市人大投票解除他的市长职务。
At last they agreed to try their powers upon a traveler, to see which could soonest strip him of his cloak. 最后他们同意在一位路人的身上试试自己的力量,看谁能最快让路人脱下身上的披风。
canadian man has sued a vancouver - area strip club , claiming he was injured by a " reckless " exotic dancer who kicked him in the head. 一名加拿大男子日前把一家温哥华市内的脱衣舞俱乐部告上了法庭。他声称被该俱乐部的一名“鲁莽的”脱衣舞女郎踢伤了头部。
For photographic measurement purposes, a strip of material having a transparency which varies in steps along its length is often used. 在摄影测量中,经常用到一种测试条,它的透明度沿长度方向逐级变化。
In the evening, the maidservant came out to empty the garbage bin. She took the strip and went in looking horrified. 到了傍晚,那家女佣人出来倒垃圾,把那纸条揭下来,神色惶恐地拿了进去。
Many are shoddily built and poorly insulated, with a tiny strip of dirt for a backyard and the side of a neighbour's house for a view. 许多别墅建筑质量低劣,密度很高,屋后只有一小片黄土地作为院子,唯一的风景就是邻居家房子的侧面。
A year-and-a-half later, after a short-lived spell in coalition with Fatah, Hamas violently took over the Gaza Strip. 一年半后,哈马斯暴力接管了加沙地带,打破了与法塔赫的短暂联盟。
Left unsettled was an issue at the heart of the conflict -- Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip. 遗留的问题是此次冲突的核心——以色列对加沙地带的封锁。
In a time of war, this strip of land could be cut-off by Chinesetroops in no time especially since the vulnerable corridor is downhill. 一旦发生战争,这个地带很快就会被中国军队切断,特别是因为这个脆弱的走廊是下坡的。
NCR officials at Camp McCarran were relieved when technical difficulties with its monorail line to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix. NCR的官员们可以松口气了,因为检查证明麦卡伦营地——新维加斯的单线列车的技术问题很容易被解决。
Strip out any commands that you think might be harmful and disallow things, such as sudo (running with superuser privileges) or rm (delete). 删除您认为有害的命令和不允许的内容,比如sudo(作为超级用户运行)或rm(删除)。
Once the strip was under Hamas's total control, Israel declared it a hostile entity, and prevented movement to and from the territory. 哈马斯刚刚完全掌控了加沙地带,以色列立即将加沙宣布为敌对实体,并制止一切进出该领土的相关活动。
The Mohawk gets its name from a Native American tribe that used to put their hair into a strip during battle. 这个名称源自美国原住民摩霍克族,该族在作战时习惯将头发削成一条。
At least five Palestinians have been killed and several wounded in an Israeli air attack on Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. 以色列对加沙地带南部的拉法发起空袭,至少5名巴基斯坦人死亡,数人受伤。
The most practical home scanners used to be hand-held devices that the user could slowly track across the desired image, strip by strip. 最实际的家庭扫描仪使用的是手持设备,用户可以慢慢的轨道所需的图像上,由条带。
Sure, you could just reach down and turn off the little switch located on any power strip, but that takes too much effort. 当然,你可以用手来关掉任何一个放在排插上的开关,他、但那比较费力。
Syme had produced a strip of paper on which there was a long column of words, and was studying it with an ink-pencil between his fingers. 赛麦拿出一张纸来,上面有一长列的字,他拿着一支墨水铅笔在看着。
It consists of a narrow strip along the coast at the bottom of the foothills of the Alps and its highest point is "Le Rocher" at 140m. 摩纳哥由阿尔卑斯山脚下狭长的丘陵状海岸线组成,其最高点是“LeRocher”,海拔140米。
And I felt like, since my main character was a shark, the comic strip was a perfect vehicle for telling the public about this. 而且我感觉,因为我的主要人物是只鲨鱼,这个漫画是告诉公众完美的途径。
In London CBD which is under police control, a woman is ordered to strip herself naked before being allowed to enter the area. 在伦敦的市中心的警察管制地区,这名妇女被警察要求脱光全身的衣服才被允许进入。
Calculated result shows that the length of rolled strip was an important issue, which affects middle wear of roll. 计算结果表明,轧制带钢长度是影响轧辊中心磨损量的一个重要因素;
The strip seems to have settled into pretty regular updates, and I hope Ellie lasts at least as long as the Mars Exploration rovers. 这部作品的更新相当规律,我希望Ellie的故事能和火星探测车之旅一样长久。
It has even been used as a target landing strip by a parachute club and as the scene for a rave party. 它甚至被一个降落伞俱乐部当作着陆点,变成自己狂欢的舞台。
The sensor is just a little strip of metal in that headband there. The rest of it is the bedside console. 这个传感器不过是束发带上那个小小的金属条。剩下的是床边的显示器。
"I saw it turn and start heading down like it was diving to come in for a landing, but there's no landing [strip], " he said. “我看它转圈并且开始头朝下像跳水着陆一样的冲进去,但是没有着陆点[连简易机场也没有],”他说。
He first had to shower, scrub his boots and strip off his silks for laundering before being allowed to come into contact with his wife. 丹尼首先须要洗澡,清洗他的靴子,脱掉他的丝绸进行洗烫,之后他才能与他的妻子接触。
He tore a long strip from one of his blankets and bound the ankle tightly. He tore other strips and bound them about his feet for footwear. 他从毯子上撕下一块布条,紧紧地绑住脚踝,又撕下几条缠在脚上做靴衬。
The outcome eliminated the need to declare a person incompetent or to strip him or her of any legal capacities. 这一结果消除了对一个无能力实施监护的人的声明或者剥夺他或她的任何合法权利。